chemgal's picture



A different type of link between vaccines and autism

I am loving the irony in this one!


Is anyone else?

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chansen's picture




chemgal's picture



lol Thanks Chansen.  Silly minimum OP word count made me alter my short comment.

Alex's picture



The thing with Autism and Vaccines, is that there is likely a connection, but not the connection the anti-vaccine people believe. Vaccines do not cause autism, but vaccines, or infections that produce antibodies do aggravate symptoms to varying dgrees. Which explain why many people notice the system of Autism after a vaccine is given. . However many common infections do the same, and the actually illness the vaccines prevent would aggravate symptom just as much or more, as well as killing or disabling the person.


So until long term clinical studies are done, it is purely speculative if it will be able to help or hinder those with autism for symptoms that are not caused by Clostridium bolteae


As a person with High functioning autism (PDD-NOS) and having lived with Aids for over 25 years, I follow the research more closely than most on the links between Autism and the immune system.


The latest research indicates that there are likely different sets of conditions that are found in people with Autism.  The most common condition associated with Autism have  immune irregularities, larger numbers of.glial cells in the brain, and a lack of some healthy microbes in the stomach and an excess of other microbes (fungi, viruses, bacteria plus others )not considered healthy, or that may be. Our bodies are make up of a micro environment of hundreds of different types of these microbes, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and others. This environment also reacts with our external environment


It has been recently been proven that some of these microbes(and perhaps most) work in a symbiotic system.  In particular one study showed how a retrovirus, uses stomach bacteria, to   evade the immune system. Those without this bacteria are unable to be infected with this retrovirus. The authors are also claiming that further studies will prove this is true for most retrovirus.


The glial cells that people with the autism associated with immune irregularities also are thought by smaller studies to have twice the glial cells that other do. The glial cells were largely just thought- to be the cells that glued the neurons together in our brains and nervous system, but in the last ten years it has been discovered that they are a kind of super immune cell for the brain acting in different ways to protect the neurons, and also interacting with the bodies immune system.


The brain blood barrier separates the brain and neural system from the body, preventing all sorts of things from entering the neural system and brain.  However it has been shown that some peoples brain blood barrier lets in things that most peoples would keep out.  People with Autism for example, who stim, or have the stereotypical obsessive compulsive behaviours found in 1/3 of those with Autism, actually suffer from Panada,  An auto immune disorder caused by strep antibodies and some other infections attacking the brain and causing inflammation


Speculation which is supported by deduction, is that many brain conditions, may in some part be caused by auto immune disorders caused by antibodies that are suppose to be kept out of the brain by the brain blood barrier, but manage to pass through, and in some cases attacks certain regions of the brain. 



So when we play with the immune system, it is like adding or subtracting something from an environment, that is complex and interdependent. It may take some time, for certain changes to be noticed, bioth good and bad. 


But when a vaccine is proven to prevent an infection that causes much death and disability it is worth taking it.



I am trying to write something about what I have notice in how HIV infection and Autism, affect each other in positive and negative ways. 

chemgal's picture



Alex, I was just posting this for fun and it's an interesting article.  I agree though, time will tell if this vaccine is beneficial and who for.


Thanks for posting the other info!

Alex's picture



I new it was in fun, but I have been feeling the need to write about the latest in Autism developments and this gave me the chance.  Thanks



kaythecurler's picture



The theory of this reminds me of all the people who were told to 'control' their stress so they wouldn't suffer with gastric ulcers.  I actually laughed out loud when the connection was finally made and ulcers were cured with antibiotics.


I'd find it very satisfying if some help came from this theory and all those mothers could be realeased from silly comments about how they 'caused' their kid's autism by being too controlling, too permissive, too uncaring etc etc etc.


There is much hope to be found outside the box of conventional thinking.


Tabitha's picture



This is actually quite exciting-thanks somegal

Alex's picture



I should write  an article on sexism in science (religion is not the only field infected by sexism) just based on studies of how mother are somehow responsible for autism. Last year there was a study that linked overwieght mothers to autism in their kids. It was total bull, and the media made it even worse. 


The study  only showed that people are getting fatter, during the same time, that autism was increasing. It was more likely not increasing, just that docotrs were better able to identify, through a better understanding.


People want top blame the individual for suffering illnesses, and if it is a child they are unable to, so they blame the mother.  Doctors also use to say mothers who were not strict enough and too loving caused there sons to become gay. I guess as a gay man with autism, I must have had two mothers. 


I find the idea that antibodies attacking the brain, and causing inflammation, contributing to   many cases of migraines, major depressive disorders,ADHD and schizophrenia helps explain many things that other theories that blame totally on "chemical imbalance, a person thoughts(ie refusing to face reality)is still promoted by some Drs. or genetics  (which means nothing since every illness we have including Aids severity is affect by the way the body reacts, meanwhile they do not blame AIds and most illness on genetics) 


Ironically the drug companies after pushing  the current drugs used to  mask treat many diseases based in the brain work, are now developing drugs and steroids to fight inflammation in the brain. I know this because I started looking at what was available currently based on positive results they have on kids with  forms of PANDA.  I also noticed that there are many antinflamitories for the brain in development.  If we can develop some with less serious side effects than current drugs, it will improve the lives of countless people

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