Rowan's picture



FAlling up the escalator

So the lesson for today is if one finds oneself going down the wrong escalator, ride to the bottom and then go back up. Do not try to run back up the down escalator.


This being said I have one very scraped and cut knee that I expect will be various fascinating shades of black and blue by morning and a variety of other interesting bruises from trying to do just that.  Thankfully I did not need stitches. I also am pretty sure the slacks I was wearing got off a lot more lightly than the knee did. Which is just as well since they are less that 3 months old.

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Rowan's picture



I meant to say 'less than 3 months old'

chansen's picture



Running up the down escalators (or down the up escalators) was my favourite thing to do while my mom was shopping. It's great for coordination and to teach your brain to adjust to a moving frame of reference. Better and cheaper than any game in the arcade.


It also gets you yelled at by mall security, but that was half the fun.


stardust's picture




What a dreadful thing to happen. You panicked. Its very lucky you didn't get hurt more badly. The most common accident I've heard of is a lady with a baby  stroller on the escalator who is slow getting off ( sort of stuck) and the people behind her all pile on top of her    pushing each other. I'm always cautious if I see a stroller.


My thoughts and prayers are with you that it won't hurt too badly when you walk and that it will heal speedily. It sounds really  nasty. Try to keep it clean. Some drs. say to use a bandage and others say it heals better in the air  without covering it. I don't know. My sister also had a knee accident recently. Her dr. told her to keep it covered and to not  wash it or remove the scab.


Good Luck Rowan...

Get better soon ....

Life is chock  full of silly old surprises, eh?

stardust's picture



You like Kenny....I do too. We gotta learn to play our cards right.


Better luck next time.....



chemgal's picture



As a kid, it was always something I wanted to try.  My parents wouldn't ever let me get close enough to one to do it.


Hopefully you heal quickly!

carolla's picture



Ouch Ouch Ouch Rowan!!  That must have been so painful - but not til you got over the suprise and probably some embarassment!   Escalators have such sharp edges ... makes me shiver just thinking about it.  Hope you heal well & quickly ... keep moving as much as you can. 

Beloved's picture



I have a hard enough time going down the down, and up the up LOL!  I would never have attempted what you did Rowan smiley.  Hope your injuries heal well.



chansen's picture



Excellent music video shot on, well, not an escalator, but a moving sidewalk. Close enough.

See video

Rowan's picture



Stardust: Kenny Rogers "The Gambler" is actually one of my all time favourite songs. It's on my I-pod. I most assuredly did panic, if I'd been thinking straight I'd not have tried to run back up the thing.  Lesson learned. 


No broken bones. Didn't need stitches.   I came down on my right knee precisely on the edge of one of the 'steps' and 3 of the ridge thingers dug in pretty deeply, that shin got bruised fairly deeply and extensively too.  I have some bruising on the left knee as well but no cuts. Had to use my cane today though and will need it for the next few days for certain.  I think my bruises have bruises. I am quite stiff too, my knee really didn't like having to climb the stairs at the LRT station this morning.


I am very very lucky.  I could easily have been hurt a lot worse.  I wasn't exactly embarrassed but I was quite shaken. Didn't even realize the cuts were bleeding until I was on the train and half way home. I probably should have gone to the security desk for first aid as soon as it happened.


The embarrassing part was getting to explain to all my co-workers just why I was limping about with a cane today. The wages of stupidity and all.

stardust's picture



 Hi Rowan


Glad you liked Kenny.


You and I really are the brightest ....ahem........wink.....but an awful thing happened to me once too. I went to visit my elderly  uncle who was very ill in critical care at the hosp. His blue eyes had turned black and his long  tongue was hanging  out of his mouth rolling around like all the demons in hell. I almost collapsed....I grabbed on to the bed....I said....."Jesus....Jesus......."...then I pretended I was praying. I didn't stay long, I was too shook up.



I got on the bus to go home and noticed that my hand was full of blood. He had  jumped up when I was swearing . I didn't notice that he had  pulled the intravenous needle out of his hand and the blood had gotten on me.  So...there I was on the bus...freakin' out. (The nurse was in his room  24/7 so she would have caught the mishap.)



Off topic...?...sorry, that's me.



Oh like Enya? I was out walking in the woods last night and I found Enya singing to these enchanting. I'm sure they are very good for healing, good for what ails us...? ..if we can stay awake....:) I hadn't heard this one before. I'm Irish but I don't know Gaelic. It seems so hard.



"Smaointe" - sp-   sung in Gaelic by Enya


Rowan's picture



My knee finally healed up.  I only had to use the cane for the first week and a half or so. The last of the scabs went away just after Christmas.  I have a fascinating set of scars on my knee now.

crazyheart's picture



Rowan, maybe you should have called a knee truck instead of a toe truck. a groaner to start the morn!!!!!!!

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