MistsOfSpring's picture



Feb 14th Update on Jim

We all went to Jim's appointment today, and some of it went well and some of it didn't.  There was no more anger or attacking, at least.  I was reassured to find out that the interpretation that I had of Jim's prognosis was correct and that he wasn't at less than a 10% chance for survival.  Jim had become dehydrated again, though, and he's feeling weak, dizzy and nauseous all the time.  His oncologists decided that he'd be better off stopping the interferon treatments because it's so hard on him physically.  He will probably take a week or two to recover from the two weeks of treatment that he has already had.


At the end of what had actually been a very positive appointment, however, Jim mentioned another lump that he had found near his collar bone, and the oncologist was concerned.  They are setting him up for a number of other scans to "restage" his cancer, which basically means they are going to determine if he's still stage 3 or if there has been a distant spread which will put him in stage 4.  Survival rates for stage 4 are quite a bit lower than stage 3...around 15-20% for 5 years.  I am really, really hoping that this is nothing.


As for me, I've decided that trying to push through to stay at work, knowing that Jim is in one city and Rachel is in another, while I try to get through my days filled with stress and worry, just isn't working.  I need to do what I can to keep my family together, regardless of how much it costs financially, and I need to take this time to try to heal myself if I'm going to be any use to them, too.  I don't know how much time I'll be taking off work, but this week I'll be trying to start breathing again.

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Pinga's picture



Sounds like you are making some important decisions, Mists.  What a road you are travelling  I I am sure other people more wise than me will be here, but just wanted to say that I do hope that the lump is not related to the cancers, and that things look up.  I was going to say "do take care", but you know, it sounds like you aredoing just that.  good for you

chemgal's picture



Mists, you've finally gotten some well deserved good news.  Hoping the lump is just a lump and not anything more.

somegalfromcan's picture



Mists - I am glad to hear that you are able to take time to take care of yourself. This is one way that you will be able to be there for Rachel and Jim when they truly need you the most.


Hopefully the lump will be some non-cancerous mass that is nothing serious.

Tabitha's picture



Glad all of you could attend the meeting today. That helps.

Making a decison to have time off helps too.

I expect Jim will come home since he is on a break from treatment.

Hoping the lump is insignificant.

Seeing your wisdom in taking some time off.

lastpointe's picture



I too hope for the best for you and your family.


i think taking the time off work, while a financial worry is a good idea.  I visit to your bank manager to discuss issues would be a good idea.  So she/he understands the issues and can perhaps help with some short term planning or a line of credit.


Always better to be upfront with them if finances are going to be an issue for a while.


Get Jim home to your couch.


Push things like popcycles, gingerale, jello, sherbet.  often frozen liquid things are better tolerated. 


Survival rates are just statistics.  Everyone is different.


Prayers with you

seeler's picture



((((((((Mists)))))))   I hold you in my prayers.   


sighsnootles's picture



you have made a very huge decision, and imho it is one that you will be thankful for in the years to come.


wishing you peace in this stressful time....

kaythecurler's picture



(((((Mists and family)))))


It seems to be a very positve move to have everyone hearing the medical information at the same time.  Hopefully you will all be able to communicate more constructively when you all have the same info to work from.  Divide and conquer, blame and shame,  isn't useful for any of you at this stage.


Taking time off work also sounds very positive as it will give you some space to process the situation you find yourself in.  I have heard lots of people say "God doesn't give you more than you can handle" but there are times when I think it is either plain wrong or I don't know what it means!


I'll continue to hold you in my heart.



BetteTheRed's picture



Praying for continuing wisdom and healing for your whole family, Mists. Sounds like taking some time off work is a really good thing right now. 

Beloved's picture



MistsOfSpring . . . caring thoughts continue to be with you and your family at this difficult and challenging time.


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