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Musings from the Good News Network

"Go to the edge of the cliff and jump off. Build your wings on the way down".

Ray Bradbury


greetings again genties, ladlemen & space 'others; it has been quite a while since the Dream Camel has regaled you with the various wonders, prizes and amazements that are waiting everywhere to be found and cherished and spread. i see that you all got your invitations and i trust your journey here was pleasant


  all is at your convenience here, the staff is at your every whim and desire if you look over there by revjohn's beard, you'll see some dolphins blowing 'smoke rings' in the water

quite smart conscious beings, aren't they? they must have quite the culture and civilization



did any of you hear that Xena, warrior princess, has been arrested for standing up for what she believes in? Truly an awesome person



go ahead and order from the touch screen menus and 3-d printers will print out the food for you.

oh, this technology is going to change society -- look at what the alphabet and the phone did and they are so cheap now, in such a short time i predict that these will become as ubiquitous as cell phones and tv



have you heard that a private company has successfully launched their own spaceship, had it dock with the american space station and then come back down? that is more true awesomeness


and a famous Canadian director has joined forces to mine asteroids so that humanity can create resource stations (essentially gas stations) to make things like scientific exploration easier. there are finite but boundless resources in space -- the main reason why spaceships are so friggin expensive here is because we have to fight against the Earth's gravity, so most of the weight and space of our spaceships are wasted on fuel. With this, we'll be more efficient, more room for scientific instruments, living space, life support, entertainment, etc etc


this is another cool example of people doing something for not short-term gain and for capitalism for making it possible


have you ever thought 'hey, I've got a great idea for a science experiment in space'? well now you can help with that. a company has started a kickstarter project to fund a really small satelite (some 10 cm^3) that will be able to do public experiments.


now we flatlanders (that's a term for those still living on Earth -- get used to it before it becomes commonplace), can tour the remnants of the big bang, that huge explosion where everything came from. yes, now the public can look on the face of Deity and live :3



if you are confused aboot the One True Deity, that of maths and physics, just go here for some really easy to understand quick videos on physics


these codes are also I suspect what is behind the really bizarre aspects of 'Life" in fact, since it looks like photosynthesis works this way, in that the process smultaneously looks for the best path that the random photon hitting the photosynthetic cell will take, we will probably find that evolution works this way as well, with our genes simulatenously looking through all possible paths for the best one...


and that, by ninjafaerie's flaming sambuca is a blue whale. did you know that they're people too? and elephants are too. they gave a funeral procession and mourned the death of famous elephant whisperer Lawrence Anthony


the King never dies; some schmart beach apes are figuring how to virtually resurrect Him



oh, and we've found out that microbes are pretty good electrical engineers -- I wonder how much they'd ask for help with our electrical grid?


now i know that protestantism is all aboot work, but nature is all aboot laziness; it takes the least energy-using way. and apparently that is how birds came from dinosaurs, by staying immature



and the next time i look at a danilion, i will look at them with more respect after i read this article. plants are just as predatory and hunters like we are, they just move slower. thank goodness



ever wonder why you like music so much? well, music ain't just a random, meaningless thing poverty, that global harshness.



here is a brave way of trying to deal with poverty


In Holland, a wonderful experiment in hope


LGBTRSTLNEMP3 is a big market


Coke continues to be the Real Thing


Back yearwhen, the Scotts asked youtubers around the world for a day in the life and they actually got it sent to Sundance. Here's a taste of the agape event

Remember those old radio kits? remember desktop publishing? remember religion? well we're able to do similar things with biology now. there are people, just like you and me, who are able to do now what someone a few years ago got a Nobel Prize for

Here's an example of an online genome database where one can buy some building materials for their experiments


What is me? Some 90% of the cells in my body are microorganisms. 99% of the functional genes in my body are in bacteria. Of the matter, matter 'is' mostly 'empty space', consisting of energy fields (and the stuff that isn't empty space is just manifestations of various energy fields). I don't have free will, my decisions made up before I even become conscious of them and I'm not responsible for my unconscious acts (eg. blood cells are produced automatically and if they stop being produce, I'm a victim and not responsible).  So next time when something happens to you, think aboot it...



And with that, genties & ladlemen, I bid you adieu until next time. Your rooms are paid in full. Enjoy the services (and being serviced however you like)

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(it's like going to  a movie, but much cheaper)

John Wilson's picture

John Wilson


Great stuff! As usual. It doesent matter that you are Kurtzweiler's first truth-providing robot movie substitutional activest...

InannaWhimsey's picture



Here are some more

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and another...scientists use SUGAR to print out blood vessels



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