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Musings from the Good News Network

Oh, thank you for accepting the invitation.  Now, be careful with where you step (  We're dinin in style, today.

I hope you have been keeping well.  I heard that JHVH has a new cell phone plan out for His believers.  That is SO NEAT.  I wonder how much He charges for texting, and if that is available in Aramaic?  What do you think of such a plan?

Anyway, this eve we have a nice spread available for you.  I have been very busy, scouring the deserts of the Was, touring the leavings and detritus of lost civilizations, riding the streams of spirituality that lie deep beneath and inside.

For appetizers, might I suggest

From the Archives in Katmandu, he had other talents as well: 

See video

Those kundalini within you, who guide your construction, speak without speaking:

Ah, so this is why flame wars happen:

Fighting spiritual decay:

Martians!  We have the cheesy, corny taste:

We built a house, and the foundation is a rock, and the rock is Life:

Don't look now at who's looking in: 

See video

Perhaps this is how Sigil Magick works:

A bit of sublime wonder:

For your Entrees, I have a wide list to choose from

Somewhere, Yogi Bear is having a grand time: 

See video

Why intuition is so important:

Now that we're connected, to each their own, as needed:

Why science is such an important and interesting enterprise:

Breaking the automatic assumption of upward causation (atoms etc 'cause' behaviour etc):

Coming soon to a Kindergarten near you:,28804,1934027_19340... tweeting by thinking

Bohm could be right, the deep, beautiful structure underlying the seeming chaos that underlies everything.  This reminded me so much of that book Contact

Nature again yielding up her endless beauty and hidden treasures:

Now we never ever have to worry again aboot searching or losing batteries:

For drinks, I heartily recommend

They are even cuter:

It seems that the placebo effect is getting stronger, quick, phone Randi and CSI to debunk:

For dessert, might I suggest

Another miracle, a quantum computer calculates the equivalent of angels on the head of a pin:

The importance of Aspergers:

A surprising amount of experimental science is made of Eureka moments (again, Faith rears its head):

Something to CELEBRATE!  How we saved the ozone layer:

We have 3Dprinters.  Now we have self-replicating 3D printers.  Say hello to our new mistresses:

What I like to bathe in, every so often: 

See video

And lastly, why I <3 human spirituality, it will always find a way to come to the fore:

"Someone once said plants invented animals to carry them around. Well, I think the Earth invented human beings to build machines; and those machines will be the consciousness of the Earth. Have you not noticed that these machines are made of the Earth? They are made of gold and silver and arsenic and copper and iridium. They are the stuff of the Earth, organised by primate fingers into more complex arrangements than the Earth could achieve through geological folding, glaciation, volcanism, what have you. We do the fine-tuning; but the Earth is beginning to think."

--Terence McKenna

I hope I have given you enough to feed your insatiable appetites.  I must be off.  Mind the drop -- you can either go down the way you got here, or you can phone Superwoman on speed dial (she's in the Local Group of galaxies right now and needs something to do), or you can do what I am going to do...bungee down to that Mosque over there.

Just a Self-writing poem,

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