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One Little Word

Without intending it I appear to have become a devotee of Dr. Renee Brown.  In reading her blog I came across this and I liked the idea...


one little word for 2012


The background is from here

Big Picture Classes


Sometimes it is the little things that can propel us to move forward.


And if we do act, in however small a way, we don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.
       Howard Zinn

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LBmuskoka's picture



My one little word....







Listen to Mustn'ts, child, listen to the Don'ts.
Listen to the Shouldn'ts, the Impossibles, the Won'ts.
Listen to the Never Haves, then listen close to me.
      Anything can happen, child, Anything can be.

                      Shel Silverstein

Beloved's picture



My one little word . . .




On a recent Dr. Phil show where Donny Osmond and Stevie Wonder were guests Donny asked Stevie if he had pressures to perform perfectly.  Stevie said that before his first tour, he prayed and he cried.  "But I learned at a very young age that I could never let my fear be bigger than my faith."
Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


My one little word.........




That's because I'm feeling it again.


When I'm depressed I'm disconnected from others, God,  and the world around me.

At it's worst I can be disconnected from me.

Mythical Hell becomes a real place.


Connection is Heaven. Connection is experiencing relationship to others, God, the world around me - and myself.



carolla's picture



a 2012 word for me ...   Inspire


I've just started reading Lance Secretan's most recent book - The Spark, The Flame, and the Torch ... "inspire" is key ... and I've been short on it lately, so I'm making it my word for this year ... :)   


I also checked out Brene Brown's website - some good stuff there!


Thanks for this LB, and Beloved, and Pilgrims - you've inspired me ... as you often do. 

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress



If this is Brene Brown poker - I'll raise you one.


(I received two of her books from Amazon yesterday - and already I go around mumbling to myself, "I am enough!")


Next step, to really believe it!

carolla's picture



As the saying goes Pilgrims ... "fake it 'til you make it" - you'll get there!  I have those moments too ...

LBmuskoka's picture



As the founding member of the WC Brene fan club '-)


Here is an article with some good advice ...


Go Easy on Yourself, a New Wave of Research Urges

By Tara Parker-Pope, NY Times


And a little video that I hope inspires the possible....


Ira Glass on Storytelling from David Shiyang Liu on Vimeo.

carolla's picture



LOVE that LB!  I certainly had that sense when I started trying to do watercolour painting a few years ago ... oh man, I sucked ... and I really wanted to be good at it!  "I'm good at most stuff so why not that?" I would say to myself. "How hard can it be?  What's wrong with me?  Why can't I get it to look like I want?"  Oh right - I'm just learning ... not a master artist!!  I'm a BEGINNER!!!   It was humbling, and a very good reminder to me.  


We are generous with little kids when they are learning something - we don't go around saying "What's wrong with you, how come you can't walk?  It's easy, everybody can walk - just get on with it!!"    Somehow we lose that kindness and generosity when it comes to our own learning ... 

LBmuskoka's picture



I see that all the time ... people don't want to try new things because they think their initial stumbles are total failures.


Everything has a learning curve, some are higher than others but if you don't even start going up hill you won't know how high or low it is.


Channelling Brene, I say embrace the vulnerability to fail and the courage to try ... chase the dream because total failure is doing nothing.




If you wake up tired, you’ve been chasing dreams. If you go to bed tired, your making your dreams happen.
       Benny Bellamacina, The King of Rhyme

MistsOfSpring's picture



I've used this one word idea before with my computer passwords.  Not only does it mean that I remind myself of my word every time I type my password, but it also makes it a bit harder for someone to guess my password since it isn't my daughter's name or something easy to try like that. 

LBmuskoka's picture



@ Cara 123

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


Digesting spam might give indigestion - but it gets worse for me.


I checked the profile - and (gulp) Caro is Australian..............crying

SG's picture



This has been a time of waiting and my word found me... or rather my wife sent it to me....




She had been reading a humourist named Arnold Glasow. So I opened an email with a subject that asked, "are holding the egg?" The body of the email was just a quote.


"The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg not smashing it."


LBmuskoka's picture



Pilgrims Progress wrote:

Digesting spam might give indigestion - but it gets worse for me.


I checked the profile - and (gulp) Caro is Australian..............crying



It would appear our little words are effective, Cara's spam post has disappeared ...


See, everything is "possible" with a little "patience", "connection", "inspiration", "faith"  and Monty Python  ;-)

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