InannaWhimsey's picture



operation: mind blow

so, here is a place that i am offering up for those who want to put down their ideas, their moments of when you've had your mind blown...even if only a bit


(reality IS a relentless flirt)


the one i'll start out with is my most recent one


now, matter is that which takes up space.  us, my toe, ice cream, stars, your mother, all made up of matter.  matter is made up of littler bits called atoms and atoms are made up of even littler bits like protons, neutrons, electrons.  and on down to smaller and smaller (quarks, the force carriers like photons, gluons...).  and then what all these particles are are just fluctuations in various fields that are everywhere.  but we can never, ever 'see' them.  and everything in universe is governed by just one equation; the wave function.


there are some other things, like energy.  scientists still really don't know what energy really 'is', but they know how it works, they have equations that can predict its moods and activities.  energy is work.


got that?


ok, now electrons, etc are very different from what we're used to.  they have no identities like we do.  each electron is exactly alike.  each proton is exactly alike. we can't tell the difference between them because there isn't any.  this is a fundamental law of reality.


Feynman also came up with the idea that there is really only 1 electron in universe that travels through all time and space to be 'all electrons'


ok, now we have various traditions that has special preparations of food.  like halal.  kosher.


so these preparations, prayers, happen over matter, which is made up of bits that don't have any individual identity, which are really just fields THAT ARE EVERYWHERE and which are just part of ONE UNIVERSAL WAVE FUNCTION.


here is the minor mind blow for me (i can already tell there have been some for you)


there is never ever any need to do a halal or a kosher because ALL MATTER IS KOSHER, HALAL, etc as soon as it happened for the first time...


let that sink in...


(inspired by a case in Dearborn where a McDonalds settled out of court for serving some nonhalal food when they said they serve halal food...that court should have hired a physicist...)


go ahead, folks, what's blown your mind?

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Arminius's picture



Everything is energy: one energy—energy can't be pluralized! We are an indivisible universe! Universal unity is the name of the cosmic game!


Go, play!



The lamps are different,

But the light is the same:

One matter, one energy, one light, one light-mind,

Endlessly emanating all things.



iwonder's picture



Continuing on the subject of energy, a few years ago I was at a lecture by Nobel prize winning physicist Frank Wilczek and he was talking about the origin of mass.    Something he said really blew my mind.


As most people learned in school, ordinary matter is made out of atoms.  And 99.9% of the mass of an atom is concentrated in its nucleus. The nucleus is made of protons and neutrons which are in turn made out of quarks.  So one would assume that the mass of an atom could be determined by knowing the mass of the quarks


The problem is that the rest mass of all the quarks inside an atom contribute only about 1% of the mass of the atom.  So where does the remaining 99% of the mass of an atom come from?  Well it turns out that it comes from the ENERGY of the quarks as they buzz around at high speed within the nucleus and from the ENERGY of the MASSLESS gluons that bind the quarks together.   As Einstein showed us, ENERGY and MASS are equivalent.  (E=MC2).  So the mass (and hence the weight) of all ordinary matter is composed 99% of pure energy!


That really blew my mind.  Yes, I always knew that mass could be converted to energy, as we have seen in atomic bombs and nuclear reactors.  But the operative word here is “converted”.  I realized that Einstein’s equation said that mass could be converted to energy, but what I didn’t realize that mass actually is 99% energy in concentrated form.  So when we weigh a pound of butter, we are really weighing 0.99 pounds of pure energy.


If we could harness 100% of the energy from a mere teaspoon of sugar, it would be several times the amount of energy generated by the atomic bombs that destroyed Hiroshima or Nagasaki!

Neo's picture



From the book “The Ageless Wisdom Teaching - An introduction to humanity’s spiritual legacy” by Benjamin Creme, some thoughts on this subject:

Ageless Wisdom wrote:
There is nothing but energy in all of the manifested universe. The difference between that totally scientific view and that which an esotericist would hold is that the esotericist goes further and says, indeed, all is energy, but energy follows thought, is acted upon by thought. Thought is the agency by which creation takes place.

The Great Pyramid at Giza was created by thought. The blocks of stone were actually moved by thought. It is very simple when you understand how to do it. You create a formula, like E=mc2, the great formula of Einstein which has transformed our whole concept of both energy and matter: energy equals mass times the speed of light squared, the speed of light being 186,000 miles a second. That formula has transformed our physics, and so we see matter and energy as interchangeable. When you recognize this, you can create a mantram. That formula, E=mc2, can be changed into a mantram. When you enunciate the mantram in the correct way, you can move objects to wherever you want. You bring the energy of mind to bear on what is simply free etheric energy, surrounding every block of stone and every human being, every fish, and so on. All of that is a precipitation of etheric energy. The stones likewise can be made to have no weight, because the weight is to do with the inert mass and gravity. But when you create the mantram out of the formula and enunciate it, then you can move the stone from here to there. We shall do this in the very near future.

This kind of stuff blows my mind.

Arminius's picture



Hi Neo:


Good to see you back at it!


Yes, thought can move energy, simply by using the omnipresent creative, transformative or transcendental power or force that is the prime mover of energy. All we have to do is learn to use this omnipresent power.


I think we have to attain a higher level of consciosuness in order to access that power. At our present level, we might (ab)use it and do great harm.





Neo's picture



Maitreya’s Teachings wrote:

Thoughts are energies — Examine the case of a person who picks up a knife and stabs another. Was he aware before he became a partner in this process? What made him pick it up?

The moment he becomes identified with a loose yet powerful thought whose energy compels him to commit such an act, he is lost. These thoughts are energies akin to ships without rudders, because the thoughts are not tied to awareness.

The Self, through awareness, can control these energies. If it abandons awareness, it becomes prey to these energies.

Awareness is the light of life. Anything done outside awareness leads to destruction.

All thoughts which lead you to selfishness lead you away from awareness. Yet in awareness there is no burden. You remain meticulous, immaculate, pure. There is gracefulness, peace and happiness. These are the blessings of the Lord.

Arminius's picture



Yes, Neo, thoughts are energies. This is often overlooked by people who assume that thinking is just something passive. Thinking is action, perhaps the most powerful action because it precedes other actions. And, although we are not aware of this, our individual thoughts influence the collective mind, in subtle and not so subtle ways, both positively and negatively.



Neo's picture



Exactly Arm, which is why this subject is very much at home in the "Health and Aging" forum. Some people say "we are what we eat", but before we put that chocolate eclair into our mouths we have to "think" about doing it first. We are, in fact, what we think.

Even in the myth of creation, before God said "Let there be light", it could be safely assumed that that God was brooding, pondering, meditating, planning and thinking about that light before he 'let it be'.

InannaWhimsey's picture



Here's another one for me:


there is a number, Graham's Number, that is so big, that if someone were able to actually think of it, their head would become a black hole



empirical reality is so awesome

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