jlin's picture



Perimenopause/ menopause

So, with all the diagnosis coming in from my doctor ( maybe it's ridiculous and not helpful, maybe it's a game - but they are my observations and his so we tried several tests)


anyway, diffiicult to treat AD/HD when bipolar is in the wings so the doc decided to work with what he has noticed in the last year and treat for perimenopause.  He put me on a natural progesterone which has really calmed my moods ( still feel depression and hate/love but not rage) and my brain fog has lifted so my memory is working  - I can remember sequence of events again. 


Only side effects thus far are waking up with bags under my eyes and not being able to sleep as well as I did before taking the progesterone.  I am not taking any estrogen.


What are your experiences with menopause and HRT, if any?

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carolla's picture



Glad to hear you're feelinga little  better jlin.  I didn't use HRT through menopause, so can't offer too much ... except as my mom reninded me re many things in life ... "this too shall pass" ... hang in there girl!

waterfall's picture



I never used HRT during perimenopause or menopause, BUT I wasn't too familiar with the term perimenopause at the time either. I thought I was just "bitchy" one week before my period because my period was coming. Never mind that I never had that "bitchiness" before with my periods. I have to say once I discovered there was a name and a reason for it the best remedy was to make an announcement to those close to me that it was starting again that month so they could run for the hills or make attempts to engage with caution from a knowing understanding. It would last about a week, until my period started, then all would be well.....until next month.


The funny thing was, I could feel it coming on. I could feel myself getting snarly and often couldn't even stop myself. Little things set me off. It was wierd!


Menopause happened suddenly. My periods were always right on time. Never had any problems with them except towards the end they would be extra heavy. Then one month they came to a dead stop. I thought, well maybe I'm just skipping a month as things wind down, but no, that was it. The last period was at age 53. Some go longer, some shorter. I pictured myself slowly growing hairy, my voice lowering, my ankles growing thicker and turning into a bag of wrinkles. Fortunately all I've noticed is the occasional chin hair that needs plucking, a few wrinkles and the return of feeling more like myself.....only better.


Things don't bother me now that would have before. I feel more calm and together and less rattled over the small stuff.....dare I say, content?


I'm sure it's different for everyone. I never had hot flashes but I do notice that I prefer sleeping in a cooler room than before.


I think the HRT's are now prescribed for a more limited time now aren't they? D/T the fact that prolonged use increases the risk of cancer.

ninjafaery's picture



Waterfall - your experience was pretty much identical to mine. Only difference is that I was done by 50.
Your description was like a flashback (not a hot flash). I agree that it's great not to sweat the small stuff - life's just too short & sweet.

mrs.anteater's picture




My breasts started to be sensitive, especially one side, radiating into my abdomen, that I was getting worried I had  cancer. Still can't wear wire supported bras.

Moods- I would recommend that women have their kids so early  that perimenopause and puberty don't fall together, ot it can be insane..

carolla's picture



mrs.anteater wrote:

Moods- I would recommend that women have their kids so early  that perimenopause and puberty don't fall together, ot it can be insane..

True words mrs.anteater!!  Either one is tough enough, but both together !   Pity any poor partners, when this is going on in a household! 

Tabitha's picture



Or some of us without partners. Tough for single moms.

I'm 53. I get night sweats-and sometimes break out in sweat in the day-have skipped the odd month or two of my cylce but then it is back. Long, and large flow with cramps.

Haven't used any hormone therapy.

mrs.anteater's picture



I  haven't used any hormons, either.

I find that exercise, enough sleep and healthy eating seems to become more crucial.

And taking supplements. Like the "kids" in puberty, it's time to make choices and re-orientate.

I am not sure if I would want a partner at this point of time- I doubt her could handle it...

somegalfromcan's picture



mrs.anteater wrote:


My breasts started to be sensitive, especially one side, radiating into my abdomen, that I was getting worried I had  cancer. Still can't wear wire supported bras.

Moods- I would recommend that women have their kids so early  that perimenopause and puberty don't fall together, ot it can be insane..


I turned 13 and hit puberty the year my Mom hit menopause. I don't know how my Dad survived, poor guy!

jlin's picture



Yes, I DO have kids just entering puberty.  One is 14 this fall and the other is just 11.  Ahhhhhhh, so the bioidentical progesterone that I am taking is quite good.  My moods are better than they were ( depression, rage, frustration etc) and my memory is much better.  It is not completely back to snap, but I have a lot of other things on my plate right now. 


the progesterone replacement is cumulative, and I think responds well to exercise.  I do quite a bit of that, only am taking a break this week.  What I have found is that it has disturbed my sleeping patterns and that is making me more tired in the day.  But, I am hoping my body will adapt to it.  I am impressed with various improvements after only one month and so am signed up for three more. At that time I'll re-evaluate the thing and go on. 


I haven't had hot flashes, nor sleep disturbances as menopausal symptoms.  I am experiencing slowed down menstrual cycles, and the brain fog and the mood issues - but I'd say that what that is is that my ADHD and bipolar stuff is regulated by hormones - stuff we already know. 


Also, I was getting some discoloration on my face - growing brown spots which seem to be clearing up.  I have hope that it will cure the white blonde mustache that began - I hate waxing. 



Kimmio's picture



I think it's time I talk to my doctor about perimenopause. I'm not sure what he'll suggest. One put me on mild anti-depressants for both |PMS and depression becaause the two seem to be  linked, another  that I saw in the past told me just to exercise more. They didn't seem to have a whole lot to say about it, or seem too concerned...which kind of bugged me. Male doctors, both of them. Maybe I should ask to be refered to an OB/GYN. I want to ask about  prescription progesterone cream. My mom hit menopause in her mid 40's. I think 44, so a bit early. I'm 40 now and some months the PMS is hardly bearable....bloated, moody, anxious,crampy...and almost like fibro-myalgia symptoms (that I've read about...tender all over..gone once my period starts though)...worse than ever--with all that going on, do I ever get crabby soetimes--symptoms started increasing in the latter part of my thirties. Peroid's still right on time though....but the PMS symptoms start earlier and are worse.

carolla's picture



Some communities - usually ones with big teaching hospitals, but not necessarily - have "women's health clinics" where one can arrange a full physical that addresses all our common issues from a point of knowlege and interest - can be very helpful as we go through 'mid-life'. 


Sounds miserable kimmio!  So glad I'm on the other side of all that.  Kind thoughts to you.


Glad to hear you're feeling better jlin - may it continue!

jlin's picture





Definitely, your symptoms are in line with perimenopause and I would research the bioidentical progesterone (tablet form) and get a prescription. 


Also, reducing sugar, caffeine and wheat will help the fibromyalgia-type symptoms.



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