Beloved's picture



So Many Are Experiencing Health Problems

Greetings All!


It seems as though there are so many (Wondecafe and others) who are struggling with health issues.  My heart goes out to all who are not feeling well.


Hopefully the arrival of summer, flowers, gardens, fresh air, time outside, shorts, sandals (and for the brave - bikinis) will  be a boon to everyone's spriits.


And for many, health with improve.


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Beloved's picture



I just wanted to share with those that have been wondering . . . I am okay.  I do fall into those with health issues.  I am hoping and confident that mine are not serious and will soon be resolved . . . and soon.  But it has been a long couple of months, with uncertainty, unknowing, and filled with challenges.  As many others are, I am awaiting appointments and tests and results.  And everything takes so long when you are not near a large center with specialists and testing facilities.


For those who have expressed concern - thank you.  I have been popping in to check out a few threads to follow how others are doing, but that is about it.


I am so much  more fortunate than others who have very serious illness.  But, along with them, I welcome good vibes or prayers.


Hope, peace, joy, love . . .


Beloved's picture



(Was going to post in "Room For All - Part 11", but looks like it might be closed because of size smiley).



gecko46's picture



Wishing you good health, Beloved.   I have flare-ups with COPD, but consider myself fortunate when I see others with major problems.  Being outside helps, even with some of the spring pollens aggravating allergies.

Neo's picture



Hope everything is ok with you Beloved.

chemgal's picture



Beloved, are you stil seeing a naturopath?  Have they helped you out at all?


I'm feeling better, although bad allergies have made my symptoms worse again.  At least I don't have the horrible all over aches.  Whatever pollen is out there has to go down eventually too.  Maybe with the first good rainfall, we haven't had much.


I'll raise a glass of wine to summer and better health for all!  If I have enough glasses I just might forget how itchy my eyes are :)

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


Beloved, so good to "see" you - I've missed your gentle sweetness. smiley

I hope that your tests bring good news, awaiting results can be stressful.


But, hey, keep in mind that Canada's approaching Summer is Oz's approaching Winter - which me and my present virus are very aware of!  wink

crazyheart's picture



Going for a bbq but it still in the approaching area PP.

Tabitha's picture



trying to copy photo

Tabitha's picture


 Mom and granny ❤❤
Arminius's picture



I am chronically ill, but I feel well.smiley

Neo's picture



I am chronically well, but I feel ill.smiley

crazyheart's picture



Thank you Tabitha. Look a lot different than year and half ago. Sept 2011 - surgery. This is my eldest daughter.

crazyheart's picture



crazyheart's picture



I think I look better. Although I sure hate to look at these pics/


This is your thread Beloved and I am busy reminiscing. 


Have a good night.heart

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


Crazyheart, I see you weren't taking any chances wearing your God tee-shirt!  wink

Arminius's picture



Neo wrote:
I am chronically well, but I feel ill.smiley



Same thing, eh, Neo?smiley

Arminius's picture



Googling God, eh? Never have, but I'm gonna try it now and see what comes up.

Neo's picture



Arminius wrote:

Neo wrote:
I am chronically well, but I feel ill.smiley



Same thing, eh, Neo?smiley

Humour is one of the best medicines known to man.

Arminius's picture



Arminius wrote:

Googling God, eh? Never have, but I'm gonna try it now and see what comes up.


Googled God last night and spent an hour reading wikipedia on God. Fascinating! Lots of stuff I didn't know!



Sorry, I didn't mean to derail this thread by talking about God. But, maybe, talking and thinking about and contemplating God, and maybe, in the process, even becoming at-one with God will ease some of these old age health problems, eh? smiley





chemgal's picture



Crazyheart, you are looking great!

crazyheart's picture



Good Morning Beloved. I hope you had a good night.

Beloved's picture



Hello everyone!


Two gorgeous gals, crazyheart :) . . .


chemgal . . . I am awaiting my appointment with a doctor at a Natural Healing Center in Winnipeg . . . I've never been before . . . but because I want to deal with my gastro/thyroid problems in a more "natural" way, I'm really hoping they will be able to help me.  Right now I am "conventional" and my health continues to plague me.


"Googled God", Arminius - I didn't know God was "on-line" (well, God has always been "on-line" for me - didn't even need internet or a computer :) . . . that's a new concept.


I know we all know and understand God (or not) in our own ways and through our own faiths.  Because I consider myself to be a christian, I look to the Bible for help and wisdom and direction.  One of my most memorized and favorite verses has become "I put my trust in you, O Lord, you are my God.  My times are in your hands."  from the Psalms.  Each moment of each day I find myself needing to put "my times" and my life into God's hands.  Yes there are things I do (and need to do) but I also cling to the fact that God loves and cares for me in a way I cannot fathom or imagine - and that God is always there guiding and aiding me in some way.


Neo - you are never far from my thoughts . . . I find myself to be a wimp when I fuss over my issues when I think of what you have been through and still are going through.  You are amazing.

Beloved's picture



gecko (and anyone else who might be interested) have you ever "googled" (Just like Arminius googled God) "oil pulling" - some of the sites I went on suggested it might help with allergies . . . might be worth a look.


Beloved's picture



Ah, Pilgrims Progress . . . as we approach these beautiful days of summer - birds singing, sun shining, leaves budding and sprouting on the trees, grass greening up (Yeah this is Manitoba - no early summers like Ontario, BC and a few other warmer places in Canada :) - I think of you in "winter".  Just what exactly does "winter" mean for you where you are - like as in "snow" or just cooler temperatures wink?


Sorry to hear you are battling a virus - take very good care (hope it isn't computer transferrable blush).  Get well soon.



Beloved's picture



Hey crazyheart and Arminius - anything goes (well almost anything cheeky) on this thread of emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental illness and healing.


crazyheart . . . you photos, of treatment and where you are today are a good reminder for us that our bodies heal - thank you for sharing this part of yourself with all of us.


Arminius . . . (and Neo) . . . I'm awaiting more "humor".  Humor, laughter, smilling is healing . . . and we all need more of that.


stardust's picture



Hi Beloved


I'm sorry you're feeling under the weather. You're usually the one who is cheering everyone else on  and praying for them. I do hope your problems aren't serious and that you'll be out  chasing butterflies  very soon. I shall certainly send positive thoughts and prayers your way.


Last night I was feeling  kinda down with my own health problems. I was surfing on the TV and came across Joel Osteen. I know he's not very popular on the WC  ( his theology etc.) but I quite like the guy....:).  He says :...." Git up.....git goin'...." ..... I like that. We all fall down into mud puddles. We gotta get up, get washed off and go back out to play, eh?


God bless, get better soon  and may the angels  protect you always.


Here's Joel with a happy word for us...yes... altho' its not really about healing.



See video


stardust's picture




You're sure lookin' good and healthy , pretty daughter too like her momma.

gecko46's picture



Hi Beloved:

Never heard of "oil pulling" but just looked it up on google.  Very interesting.  I consume light olive oil daily on salads but guess that doesn't count.  It might be worth a try.

I started taking a B-complex vitamin in liquid form about a week ago.  Only take a quarter of a teaspoon each morning, and think I have more energy and stamina.

Apparently it helps fight inflammation and metabolize foods.

Also taking Lysine with Vit C for heart health.  With COPD, also important.

Hope you find out what is causing your digestive upset.



Neo's picture



Arminius wrote:

Googling God, eh? Never have, but I'm gonna try it now and see what comes up.

Good does have a Facebook page and a Twitter account if you want message or tweet Her directly. Maybe just write something on her wall for all to see.

carolla's picture



Hugs and gentle thoughts to all - and Beloved, I think you are right about the rejuvenating effects of sunshine, nature, connectedness as we come out of our winter hibernation.  


I think may have been John Cleese who famously said - Life is a terminal condition ... and it's sexually transmitted!   

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


Beloved, here in Sydney Winter usually means a high of +15C - and a low of+3C at night.........

The nearest snow is in the Blue Mountains - about an hour and a half drive from here.


Needless to say, I can't even imagine a Winter of -30C - like I understand it gets to in Toronto.

crazyheart's picture



The coldest I have ever exerienced PP, is -50C. Very cold, crisp and it wasn't windy.

Arminius's picture



crazyheart wrote:

The coldest I have ever exerienced PP, is -50C. Very cold, crisp and it wasn't windy.


PP probbaly experienced +50C. I did, in the interior of South Australia. Very hot, very dry, not even the wind felt cool. +50 in the largely non-existent shade. The shade felt very hot, in the sun it was impossibly hot.


chemgal's picture



What's worse?  The 40 to 50 range, or the -40 to -50 range?  I'm not sure, even thought I've experienced both.

Beloved's picture



Pilgrims Progress wrote:

Needless to say, I can't even imagine a Winter of -30C - like I understand it gets to in Toronto.


Try -40 in Manitoba :)  Well ok . . . maybe -39.9


crazyheart's picture



ditto for Saskatchewan

Pinga's picture



Pilgrims Progress wrote:

Beloved, so good to "see" you - I've missed your gentle sweetness. smiley



me too

Beloved's picture



Thanks Pinga (and Pilgrims Progress).

Arminius's picture



chemgal wrote:

What's worse?  The 40 to 50 range, or the -40 to -50 range?  I'm not sure, even thought I've experienced both.


Yes, I too have experienced both. I'd say excessive heat is worse.


When it is very cold, you can always put on additional layers. But when it is very hot, and you are down to your skin, there is no layer left to remove. What's worse, when it is +50, you have to wear a loose layer of clothing because the sun is too hot for your bare skin.


Arminius's picture



Neo wrote:
Arminius wrote:

Googling God, eh? Never have, but I'm gonna try it now and see what comes up.

God does have a Facebook page and a Twitter account if you want message or tweet Her directly. Maybe just write something on her wall for all to see.


I've been getting this facebook message: "God wants to talk to you," but I thought it was a hoax.


Maybe I should  reply. 



Arminius's picture



Beloved wrote:

Hey crazyheart and Arminius - anything goes (well almost anything cheeky) on this thread of emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental illness and healing.


crazyheart . . . you photos, of treatment and where you are today are a good reminder for us that our bodies heal - thank you for sharing this part of yourself with all of us.


Arminius . . . (and Neo) . . . I'm awaiting more "humor".  Humor, laughter, smilling is healing . . . and we all need more of that.



Hi Beloved:


Humour or lofty spiritual talk or thought is easy when one feels fairly well, but when one is in severe discomfort, distress or pain, then it is more difficult. Then I think of Jesus' words on the cross: "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?"


The German poet Friedrich Rückert consoled himself with the following words, after both of his daughters had died of meningitis in the same night:


Must not think myself into the abyss;

Must immerse myself in the eternal light!


Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


crazyheart wrote:

The coldest I have ever exerienced PP, is -50C. Very cold, crisp and it wasn't windy.

So, you're saying Canada isn't so much a country as a refrigerator?  wink


Here in Oz, even in Winter, we wear these cool...........

seeler's picture



Not a refrigerator, Pilgrim, but a freezer.  Once upon a time before refrigeration was common in homes, animals were slaughtered in the fall so that the meat could be frozen and packed away to keep people through the winter.  I remember one fall Dad had gutted and skinned a deer.  He hung it in the shed, and it froze solid before he got it butchered.  Whenever we needed a roast or steak we would cut off a chunk and bring it into the house to thaw. 


In the summer we seldom had beef or pork - too hard to keep, even in the cool of the cellar.  We relied on fresh fish, chicken, and smoked (weiners, balona) or canned (Kam) to keep us going.


I remember fall and winter as good times.  Gathering round the stove for stories, games and family life - bundling up to go outside.  Crisp cold days when the snow sparkled to hurt your eyes.  Blizzards with blowing wind and drifting snow.  Stimulating.   Spring was slush and flooding.  Summer hot, humid, and lots of flies and misquitos.  We didn't live near the ocean (even in NB many people live 100 miles or more from the ocean).  The nearest lake for swimming was over two miles up the railway tracks. 


Now-a-days airconditioning has made summers bearable for me.  But I still wait for the crisp cool days of autumn.

Pinga's picture



as do i await the wonderful days of autumn, seeler.

Beloved's picture



Abeautiful picture of your childhood home-life, seeler.  I think of you (and others of your time and place) in the winter inside beside a fire, perhaps listening to a radio.  And the summer treks 2 miles up the railroad to cool off.


I agree gals . . . I too prefer the cooler temperatures at this stage of my life.  I love summer, but can't take the heat as well - and so this time of year - May and June, and late August and September are nice :)

Beloved's picture



Arminius wrote:


The German poet Friedrich Rückert consoled himself with the following words, after both of his daughters had died of meningitis in the same night:


Must not think myself into the abyss;

Must immerse myself in the eternal light!



I must write that out, Arminius and post it on my walls with my other quotes of encouragement and sustenance . . . when one is going through a long, difficult time it can be hard in moments not to go in the direction of the abyss (mentally, emotionally), but rather fight to immerse oneself in the eternal light.  I need to immerse myself.


Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress



As I read of your childhood memories I reflected on sharing a meal with you in Halifax.......


Then I had no concept of how different were our childhood experiences - which indeed they were.


Summer for me was a time of intolerable heat - flies were everywhere, even in the house. If Mum had visitors for afternoon tea I remember she would cover the food with this cloth called a "throwover" to keep the flies off the cakes and sandwiches - and everyone ate quickly!

The school holidays went for six weeks in Summer - but that still left a lot of time in then non-air-conditioned classrooms. On the really hot days my schoolteacher Dad would give up trying to teach listless kids - and give us half an hour to run home and get our swimming costumes and take us all down to the river.smiley


Winter in the bush, unlike on the coast, was often cold - and I remember getting chillblains on my ears. Nobody seemed to understand cold weather - and we were often not dressed appropriately.


Since travelling to Canada I've become familiar with a new expression - dressing "in layers"......enlightened

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