Neo's picture



For Stardust..

On Pain
Kahlil Gibran

Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.
Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.
And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy;
And you would accept the seasons of your heart, even as you have always accepted the seasons that pass over your fields.
And you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief.

Much of your pain is self-chosen.
It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self.
Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy in silence and tranquillity:
For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by the tender hand of the Unseen,
And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has been fashioned of the clay which the Potter has moistened with His own sacred tears.

Hang in there Stardust, may your season of recovery come with this year's Spring.

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stardust's picture




AW.....thanks...that's beautiful.


I love Gibran so much he once gave me a heart attack almost as I was reading.  He's as close to being God as they come.


Sorry I'm so moany groany Neo. I must pull up my britches and get over myself... me and my silly old ego. We have grand illusions of ourselves perhaps as being long suffering  and loving in illness. When the real thing comes along it ain't always so........back to the drawing board....ahem.



Spring and the glad singing of birds ....yes....thanks...I'll take it!

Neo's picture



On Prayer
Kahlil Gibran

You pray in your distress and in your need; would that you might pray also in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance.

For what is prayer but the expansion of yourself into the living ether?
And if it is for your comfort to pour your darkness into space, it is also for your delight to pour forth the dawning of your heart.
And if you cannot but weep when your soul summons you to prayer, she should spur you again and yet again, though weeping, until you shall come laughing.

When you pray you rise to meet in the air those who are praying at that very hour, and whom save in prayer you may not meet.
Therefore let your visit to that temple invisible be for naught but ecstasy and sweet communion.
For if you should enter the temple for no other purpose than asking you shall not receive:
And if you should enter into it to humble yourself you shall not be lifted:
Or even if you should enter into it to beg for the good of others you shall not be heard.
It is enough that you enter the temple invisible.

I cannot teach you how to pray in words. God listens not to your words save when He Himself utters them through your lips.
And I cannot teach you the prayer of the seas and the forests and the mountains.
But you who are born of the mountains and the forests and the seas can find their prayer in your heart,
And if you but listen in the stillness of the night you shall hear them saying in silence,

"Our God, who art our winged self, it is thy will in us that willeth.
It is thy desire in us that desireth.
It is thy urge in us that would turn our nights, which are thine, into days which are thine also.
We cannot ask thee for aught, for thou knowest our needs before they are born in us:
Thou art our need; and in giving us more of thyself thou givest us all."

Neo's picture



"For what is prayer but the expansion of yourself into the living ether?
And if it is for your comfort to pour your darkness into space, it is also for your delight to pour forth the dawning of your heart.
And if you cannot but weep when your soul summons you to prayer, she should spur you again and yet again, though weeping, until you shall come laughing."

Wow, I must be feeling better, this makes so much sense.

As we project ourselves into the unknown, the darkness of living ether, we suffer in time until the awaking of the soul.
All of life is suffering, until we give that life up for the greater Life, our Father, our Source, our greater Being.

stardust's picture





stardust's picture




Here's one for you, that you might like.

Soul Travel

See video
Neo's picture



How are you doing Stardust? We haven't heard an update from you for a while, do you have it all under control now? Hope so.

stardust's picture



Hi Neo

 I have a nurse coming in daily to change a dressing and tomorrow I'm going to a wound healing clinic at the hosp. I know I'm a slow healer which I believe has to do with age. I haven't been out on a fox hunt  lately smiley but all in all I'm pretty much O.K.  I love feeling normal again meaning I'm  minus my big watermelon  stomach ........:).

paradox3's picture



That must be a great feeling, Stardust. Hope you can get out in the sunshine (when we have some here in Toronto again.)

carolla's picture



Good to hear your wound care routine has been ramped up - you deserve the best!  And I agree with P3 - that weather forecast for the coming weekend & next week looks very restorative!! 

stardust's picture



Thanks for the well wishes P3 and Carolla. I was taking tylenol ES and I just read in the Tor. Star that its a happy pill......did anyone know that....? makes people more gentle the article said, better than the other meds....what a strange study and conclusion!


I have  carpet with lawn chairs and a table on my balcony so I often have my breakfast feast out there if its sunny. I usually grow a mighty fine garden out there too except I won't lift very much this year. I'll settle for some  hanging plants.


Wishing everyone a happy day....chirp...chirp...chirp....lots of blackbirds here!

stardust's picture



Here's the tylenol advertisement. I don't think the company should be promoting it in this particular way because we have teens already addicted to various substances. The company should also include the serious  side effects like liver damage. I will say it helps "to take the edge off" anxiety situations,  it dulls the brain a bit,  but I'm not taking it...bye bye tylenol. says it makes people less anxious talking  about death, its a silly promotion if you ask me!

"Pain extends beyond tissue damage and hurt feelings, and includes the distress and existential angst we feel when we're uncertain or have just experienced something surreal. Regardless of the kind of pain, taking Tylenol seems to inhibit the brain signal that says something is wrong," lead researcher Daniel Randles, a graduate student at the University of British Columbia in Canada, said in a statement.


The study might boost sales of Tylenol if down-in-the-dumps people look for cheap and quick ways to boost their spirits. That could turn the medication into one that's bought by consumers for a secondary reason, such as the way some people pop an aspirin as a heart attack and stroke prevention aid


Tylenol fixes your headache, but it may also reduce the pain of existential angst, according to a study from the University of British Columbia.

The research, led by PhD student Daniel Randles, is published in the journal Psychological Science. It found people who took the pill seemed less upset after discussing death.

They were then asked to hypothetically determine the amount of bail to set for a prostitute. Those who had taken Tylenol were less harsh in their judgment than those who performed the same tasks in the placebo group, suggesting they had less anxiety.

Among the tasks set for a second study group of 207 participants was to watch a “surreal (and) confusing” four-minute film by director David Lynch and then to determine punishment for a participant in the Vancouver Stanley Cup riots of 2011. Again, Tylenol users choose less harsh punishments.

“The new finding is that, if participants had taken Tylenol, this effect (of people who are unsettled or uneasy making harsher judgments) disappeared entirely and they looked just like the control group that hadn’t talked about their death or watched the unpleasant (film) clip,” he added.

Previous research has shown that acetaminophen, the drug in Tylenol, impacts on the dorsal anterior cingulated cortex, a part of the brain that deals with both physical pain and social anxiety or distress.

Randles noted that his study is “behavourial” and that further research to look at neurological effects is needed.

Scary stories about tylenol addiction:


waterfall's picture



Stardust, did you know that the leading cause of death in the United States for liver failure is not hepatitis, or alcoholism but overdoses of acetaminophen (Tylenol)? And it doesn't take much to overdose either!


You should always eat and drink fluids(non alcoholic) when on tylenol but avoid alcohol.

Neo's picture



Stardust, try to get a hold of some THC oil, it's a natural pain reliever and safer than Tylenol. It doesn't mess with your head, like smoking does, but it does put your body into a type of a 'buzz' where the pain is regulated to the background. I haven't been taking much of lately but in the last few weeks I found it to be very helpful.

I won't go into the details of it's benefits here but it does seem to be a kind of a modern day "panacea", a cure all for a lot things, including cancer and chronic pain.

It's been approved in Canada for medical purposes, see, but unfortunately it's currently in a kind of twilight zone where it's legal but very difficult to find. A quick search for "pot store" plus your city should reveal some results of where you may be able to purchase it from.

stardust's picture



Neo and Waterfall

Thanks so much for all the info. Its very informative. I haven't taken any over the counter meds since many years. In 2011 I was sent home from hosp. with oxycodene which I never took. I watched my husband pass away on oxy. and morphine in 2009. I haven't had any alcohol since xmas 2010 when I got sick, I quit smoking in 2011. I am trying to eat healthy and take care of myself. There is a store on  downtown Yonge St. that may sell the  THC oil that Neo mentions.

For now it seems my pain has subsided...praise be. I was at the hosp. wound healing clinic  where I was  hooked up to a little battery operated  pump that I carry on my person (in my slacks  up top)   for 3-4 days attached to a bandage. It vacuums out the "slough"  or yukky skin fragments that interfere with healing in the wounds. It replaces the big  old drainage containers which I had in hosp. A home care nurse will come in and change it. Its called Pico. What a revolution.....amazing.....and they say it works well, cost $200.00.


Praise and thanks to the drs., surgeons, and  nurses who have helped me so much  and the WC  (and Carolla's special  advice!).  I can wear a bikini by August they tell me. That's O.K.


Smith & Nephew has received CE Mark approval for PICO, a portable single-use negative pressure wound therapy system. The pocket-sized device can be used for acute and chronic wounds, high-risk surgical incisions and skin grafts. It consists of a disposable, one-button pump, attached to a dressing which allows for fluid to be absorbed through the dressing. Cannisters are not needed and the dressing can be worn up to seven days.



chemgal's picture



Ah, go try on a bikini in the privacy of a change room just for yourself in Aug.  smiley

stardust's picture



LOL @chemgal ...I don't think so....!!!

I quit smoking ( plus the hernia)  and I ate up all the oats in all the barns in Ontario.....I went from my  average 125 lbs. or so to 160 at the present time. I have hardly a stick of clothes to wear, one pr. of black  slacks that fit and I wore a black poncho all winter to hide my magnificent belly. I'll be so happy just to get out and buy a pair of nice stretch  black jeans. I've been sitting in pj's around the house for so long.....getting stir crazy.

chemgal's picture



Stardust, maybe I missed it, but do you have a binder that fits you better yet?

stardust's picture




Yes, I bought a properly fitting  binder from Amazon.


Its not comfy to wear it over this special Pico  wound healing contraption at the moment. The Pico is a special kind of big  bandage that serves as drainage and contains drainage from my wound.  I have to wear a pump ( on my person)  attached  to  a cord or a tube about 3 ft. long  that is plugged into the pico becoming a  part of it. The pump  vacuums or suctions out the "slough" or dead skin bits ...? my wound.  The pump is about the size of an iphone except its quite a bit thicker containing 2 AA batteries.


I tuck it and the cord  under my slacks or pj's at the top depending on the elastic to contain or hold it there. I've used 2 picos at a cost of $200. each I'm told provided by the hospital  Wound Care Clinic.


Community  Care Access is supposed to provide 2-3  more Picos to me   but I feel they are reluctant to do it. They haven't been shipped to me and my inquiries and phone calls haven't been  answered so far.  I go back to the hosp. Wound Clinic on May 9 which isn't  allowed to provide more Picos to me . I'm supposed to bring a new one with me from Comm. Care Access  when I go back.


The intent of the Pico treatments is to speed up the healing process because I'm a very slow healer some of which is due to my age. I feel really privileged to be a recepient -sp- of such modern technology. There is a large more difficult   VAC I'm told. The Pico is new and revolutionary only in use over the past 2 years.


Is this more than you wanted to know.......:)....I've no clue when to stop.....

stardust's picture




P.S. The Pico requires changing or should be changed every 3 days. This makes it quite expensive with the home care nurse  visit costing $60. on top. It has to be positioned just so-so on the body .    It can be left longer I believe....depending on the amount of drainage.

chemgal's picture



Hopefully you're able to get them soon!

Neo's picture



Wow stardust, I do hope you get all this worked out and your healing stage is put behind you soon. Life is meant for living, not simply for surviving.

stardust's picture



Thanks.....its all too boring to write about. Nothing to do but wait. The Wound Clinic joked saying I may wear a bikini by August. I can go out and do whatever...except lifting.


The incision itself is healed except for what I call " a fishing hole" which is one  wound a bit bigger than the size of  a penny in diameter extending  an inch "deep" going down  into my stomach and also a smaller one. I have to guard against infection. I had bigger holes  in 2011 ( like a looney)  made by the surgeon to drain infection after a perforated ulcer operation . Very weird.....I had never seen or heard of any such thing before!  The things your mother never told you.... huh?


Nice sunny day...I'm waltzing around the balcony......nurse phoned....we're waiting for my Pico...I told her to wake somebody up at the Comm. Care Access.

Neo's picture



Good for you stardust, and keep thinking about that bikini. I have new hole in my abdomen too but mine is supposed to be there now.

Nice sunny day here in Gibsons BC too. I've done my walk for today and I'm now cleaning out the fridge. I'd really like to get at that lawn, but pull starting a lawn mower is definitely out of my "things I'm allowed to do" range. I'll have to wait for my son to do it.

Too bad you couldn't order it from Amazon. My wife ordered some books online on Sunday and they were delivered by courier the very next day.

stardust's picture




Glad you are out and about chasin' the rabbits. I ordered an abdominal  binder from Amazon, reg. shipping I thought but it cost me $27.40 in postage USP $62.28. Last year I also ordered two that didn't fit. It cost me the same money to return them so I lost out big time. (Pico costs $200.) We have a Can. Amazon....??? its not very good...?

carolla's picture



Good to hear about all the healing going on around here!

yes - we do have a canadian Amazon - I've used it a few times - very quick if you live in the GTA!  And prices were good too!


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