Happy Retiree's picture

Happy Retiree


Children with Guns

Just heard on the news that the legislature in Texas is considering allowing students to carry concealed weapons to school!  Are they really that crazy?

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Rowan's picture



This is the US we are talking about afterall. I suppose the idea would be that the children would then be equipped to deal with a gun-toting threat by shooting him/her  in self-defense.

MistsOfSpring's picture



As insane as this is, I really hope they are talking about college/university aged students and not any younger than that.

Rev. Steven Davis's picture

Rev. Steven Davis


Apparently it applies to college students and professors being given the legal right to carry guns on to campus. I found this artice from February 20:




Apparently, yes, they really are that crazy!

MikePaterson's picture



If the kids have them, the teachers should probably carry automatic weapons and tear gas grenades... can you imagine a teacher calling in an airstrike on an out-of-control grade 8 class.... Hollywood will have a ball with this!


Why didn't you do your homework? 


Eat lead, teach!

waterfall's picture



How are you supposed to figure out who is the actual "shooter" if everyone pulls their gun out during a crisis?

jon71's picture



Yes they're crazy. It takes a special kind of idiot to think that the answer to gun crime is more guns.

Mommy 007's picture

Mommy 007


Sad isn't it?  So much info for growing brains to have to process, one would think that on an issue like this the Gov't would have made a better decision and left guns out of educational institutions.  Go figure!!  Praying for their safety and security!! 

MikePaterson's picture




Utah has become the first US state to designate an official state firearm.

The Browning M1911 joins the state fossil (allosaurus), fruit (cherry), gem (topaz), bird (sea gull) and other symbols with official designation.

The gun was designed by Utah native John Browning. The law's sponsor said it symbolised "freedom and empowerment".

Opponents said it was inappropriate to glorify a firearm, citing the January mass shooting at a congresswoman's constituent event in nearby Arizona.

The .45-calibre semi-automatic pistol was designed by Browning, who was born in Utah in 1855, to fill the US military's need for a pistol with stopping power - the ability to fell an enemy with a single shot.

It was adopted by the US Army in 1911, and first saw action in combat with Mexican rebel leader Pancho Villa in 1916, according to the Browning Arms Company. It was later used in World War I and beyond.



it's nice to have some nostalgia in the equation.

InannaWhimsey's picture



After reading the "Texas poised to pass bill allowing guns on campus" article, I'm chuckling at the Protestantism (what is true must have a use and a purpose) and politicalization of the simple pleasure of being able to own, care for, and carry around a gun.


I guess it is similar to the "Homosexuality isn't a choice" narrative -- making gun ownership legal in Texas universities and colleges is "better" if it is to "make people safer", when they really know that just ain't so :3


(the liberal fascists will adapt and, I predict, just like the same-sex marriage politics going on in the USA, they will try to fight the law in any way they can...)


So many BUTS domesticated primates make up for themselves.  It's no wonder why only sombunall Christians are truly happy; they are saved and universe is full of grace...BUT :3

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