bert's picture



Do kids get loopy when there''s a full moon?

Is it just me or does anyone else think their kids get a little crazier when there''s a full moon? Our two seem to be more hyper than usual tonight.

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Belle's picture



I didn''t even notice the full moon last night but in hindsight my kids were crazy too and wouldn''t go to bed. Could be the moon or leftover Halloween candy. The moon controls the tides and women''s cycles why wouldn''t they play havoc on our little beings, too.

Stargazer's picture



I work with public school kids and I can tell you that the level of hyperactivity in the schoolyard at lunchtime is greatly accentuated during full moon phases.

gabriel's picture



I recommend watching

It might give you some insight into the situation! :)

gabriel's picture



I've heard that God made the moon, so I guess I'm okay with its' strange and mysterious powers!

JJScottishGirl's picture



As a teacher of young children I am always aware of the moon cycles because some (but not all) of the students regularly act strangely when their is a full moon. Two years ago I had one little boy in my class who was as sweet and nice as could be most of the time but every full moon he could barely contain himself - he was constantly wiggling, fidgeting, talking uncontrollably and even acting out agressively. Two days later, back to normal. And the next month it would start all over again! I have to believe there is something to be said about the connection, at least of some people, to the moon's cycles.

bsanfree's picture



How long have you been married? I figured your beloved would have answered that question for you already! Just kiddin'...but, true none the less---now that you're thinking about it, right? LOL:)

bsanfree's picture



Sorry Bert, I feel "bad' now that I read my last answer...I realized I don't know you well enough yet to use that type of antequated response. So, I'll try the scientific approach for all those "non-believers" out there. It's the gravitation pull effect of the moon being full that draws our molecular energies as water based, carbon units closer to its core as it passes by and makes 3/4 of the planet act "funny"...another way of phrasing it, is the Moon has "powers" over women and children more than us men is usually because we have too much alcohol in our bloodstream while in full moon ststus, that numbs its affects over us. That's why "we" think everyone around "us" is acting funny when the Moon is in full bloom yet, "they" think we act funny all the time! LOL:)...think about it. Just a thought.

chickamour's picture



heck, i don't know about kids, but i certainly become even more loopy than i usually am during a full moon...look out if i happen to be pmsing at the time too!

howlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ; )

Birthstone's picture



Everyone I know is loopy in the few days before a full moon - apparently the stats don't support tons of women giving birth at a full moon either, but just ask a labour & delivery nurse!

sighsnootles's picture



my kids are always loopy. i think there must be a full moon mounted on the roof of my house somewhere.

but i used to work as a nurse, and i can tell you that when there was a full moon, the real weird stuff came into the ER. so i believe there must be something to that.

maryb86's picture



My mother in law is constantly complaining about the behaviour of the people at the nursing home that she visits, during a full moon. I never knew that other people felt the same way. I've always just deemed her crazy!

Dandarii's picture



So THAT's what it was! I never connected the two but now it all makes sense. I'm going to have to keep watching for this, thanks bert.

Atheisto's picture



we have a high crazyness factor here captain!

The only thing you get on a full moon is high tides and more light if there's no clouds.

killer_rabbit79's picture



Amen to that Aetheisto. How much of the moon is visible at night due to reflections from the sun has nothing to do with energy levels of children or menstration cycles. Get a grip on life people!

Maybe your kid's got into the cookie jar or snuck out some Halloween candy or drank some caffinated beverage.

As for the menstration cycle theory... WTF?!?!?!?

Hudson's picture



hi :)

Scottie's picture



Truthfully I dunno anything seems to set mine off into a night of the "crazy's". I've heard lots of explanations or check lists..Processed foods, too much sugar. T.V. ,boredom, lack of sleep. bad parenting, no disicipline. lack of routine, ADD,.. So why not the moon? I'm just hoping someone comes up with the list of things that makes them behave more normal (read sedated LOL) I just don't seem to hear much about those lists these days..:)

KathyT's picture



I can't speak for others but my toddler Kevin goes squirrelly whenever there's a full moon. He becomes more rambunctious, but hey, we all need a day to just let loose and have fun.

daisy13's picture



at a restaurant that I used to work at one other waitress and I always seemed to be scheduled on full moons together so I don't know if it was our combination or the moon but definitely there were more crazie's than usual!!!!

I have actually heard that there is a lot of info on moon cycles and the mentrual maybe look it up before you discount it.

daisy13's picture



Just something I found on the internet.....didn't take a lot of time to look into it though ......I think that there is more info about the gravitational pull more than the light but I'm going to bed......

Have you ever wondered about the connection between your body's 28 day cycle and the cycle of the moon? Here's the theory. In the days before electricity, women's bodies were influenced by the amount of moonlight we saw. Just as sunlight and moonlight affect plants and animals, our hormones were triggered by levels of moonlight. And, all women cycled together. Today, with artificial light everywhere, day and night, our cycles no longer correspond to the moon.

preecy's picture



Hey just thought I might add that at nursing homes and centres that care for children with mental health problems there is a great deal more 'wanderers' in the night and the kids really go beserk. I ahve a relative who is a nurse. Also I had a teacher who thought that the pressure effected the students. thought I'd throw that out there.

SewingMom's picture



The full moon affects not only kids but the elderly and even the family pet. My grandfather had alzhiemers ( I think I spelt that wrong) and he would go a wall during a full moon. We had the go looking for him may times during a full moon. Our dog barks alot more during the full moon. It may be that he can see more at night during those time but boy does he go crazy. And yes, our lovely children go alittle nuts during the full moon. I look at it and think well it's only a few days that we have a full moon and kids are only kids once in their life. Let them go crazy, they are not hurting any one.

YOUCANDOIT's picture



I worked at a treatment Centre for youth and children. The senior management all swore that a full moon definately influenced behaviour.

crazyheart's picture



hey bert, everyone gets loopy when there is a full moon.

newmum's picture



I work in a daycare and find that the weather and the moon phases play a lot on how they act . Most seem to be flying high near the full moon as well as with a change in the weather such as a winter storm, rain or thunder storms. I think that children seem to be more aware of small changes in their environment that what we adults are.

Birthstone's picture



Hi newmum! Welcome!! Nice to see this fun story raised again, and yep, I still see it.

Indira's picture



Wondercafe got really wild on the last one - which was a blue moon...

Threat's picture



Kids are people too.

Not a different species. o.O

FierceGrace's picture



Just something for you all to think about.
We all know that the moon creates the tides in the oceans.
What is the ocean...water!
Our bodies contain around 70-75% water.
So are people in general controlled by the moon? Yes!
But for some reason when it's full, it does it's magic! (even when working on any hospital floor you will see a difference in the patients too!)
So I do believe that kids may go a little loopy when there is a full moon!

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