Alex's picture



A Drama of Love

Here is a good story from Christian Educator's Guide to Creating Classes Where Everyone Belongs.


"A courageous young couple had adopted a badly abused child. Tommy was 5 but could say only two words, “car” and “bye-bye.” Easter Sunday dawned with all the Sunday school gathered for the annual pageant. Every child would have a line to say.

The young couple sat stiffly, aching for Tommy to have a part but only too aware of that impossibility. Maybe they should have stayed home. They'd already omdiscussed that idea but Tommy was so excited about coming to Sunday school.

The 5-year-olds meandered to the front of the church. Tommy's teacher knelt in front of her squirming pupils and began to describe the Palm Sunday triumphal procession. "All the people lined the streets,” she said. "They waved palm branches in the air and shouted.... " The children responded, "Hosanna! Hosanna!" Their enthusiasm more than matched that of bygone eras.

Then gently looking at little Tommy, she continued. "And Jesus rode through the gate on a white donkey because be had no...” "Car!" shouted Tommy, with a grin that dimmed the Easter sunrise. His class marched off at the end of the story waving and shouting, "Bye-bye!"
-- by Lauraine Snelling


Is this not a good story?


The link for this document and other acessibility resources for churches can be found on



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seeler's picture



Alex - I'm sorry I missed this until now - what a great story!!!   It certainly does show how we can include those who are different and make them a part of us.  Yes, all are welcome.  All belong and all have a part to play.

carolla's picture



Makes me smile ... thanks!

Charles T's picture

Charles T


That is just super-cute - I would have loved to see it.

crazyheart's picture



Thanks Alex

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