GeoFee's picture



Getting Past a Yes No World

EZ has lots of simple answers for simple questions. EZ is trained to respond for reward. The question "Which gospel is most relevant to the modern world" means nothing to EZ. EZ hears the question and goes for the reward.

But it is a darn good question. I have been asking it for most of my life. Each of the gospels says something unique for us to consider. This is avoided by the EZ school of thought. No grey areas. The gospels are about this and nothing else. This being what the person confronting you in the name of Jesus happens to believe in that moment. Jesus was a rabbi by the will of God. Where does he ever give his followers any dead certainty. It is always the quick and lively images. These tease the imagination into thought. That thinking is considered seeking. Seeking is rewarded with finding. Never for the sake of or in the interest of possession. Always deployed freely to further the common good.

Some will not be comfortable in the Wondercafe. These have lost the capacity for wonder. Some of them are shouters of slogans. Others press forward radical condemnation in order to self justify. The old we are the good they are the bad scenario. As though not enough damage had come from that bitter root.

Here we may meet each other. Here we may find the opportunity for insight adequate to the need of the hour.

Many started following the way of Jesus. Few gathered round the cross.

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GeoFee's picture



Say a little more.

MadMonk's picture



Mark is where it's at for me. It's such a politcal Gospel

I follow the work of Ched Myers.

lainey's picture



My mother interpreted EZ's "Yes" response to the in-depth question of the gospels as a "YES!", affirming the value of the question. Interesting, as I first interpreted it as a confused squirrel randomly choosing a nut. But I do like my mom's interpretation better than my own. Food for thought.

As for which gospel resonates best, I too like Mark. I can relate to the writer's urgency, and also trust it more from an historical perspective. Mark's gospel seems to be rushed, just trying to get the stories on paper so they're not forgotten. I love the stories in John - Mary at the tomb is my favourite - but I do get caught up on the fact that John's gospel evolved as an oral tradition long before it was actually written down - a few hundred years, I believe? Please correct me if I'm wrong. Matthew and Luke seem to me to be trying to prove something with their writings - modifying stories found in Mark to fit their own hypotheses. But they all have their place, and work together as a whole. Sorry - just trying to cram opinions in here without much background!

The gospels are much like our discussions here. Different perspectives and interpretations on the same topics. And I find it fascinating that the writers were struggling with the importance of one person, and trying to convey what Jesus meant, just as we are still doing today, and they couldn't agree even when they (some of them) walked with Jesus. No wonder we have such a diverse understanding 2000 years later!

GeoFee's picture



"Sorry - just trying to cram opinions in here without much background!"

No need to apologize. We are all just learning how to meet and greet.

Suspect brevity will serve us well.

GeoFee's picture



Wondering about the picture function?

Can we edit?

RevMatt's picture



Nope, Geo. No edit function at this time. There is a promise of new functions to come, however.

EZed's picture



GeoFee wrote: "EZ has lots of simple answers for simple questions. EZ is trained to respond for reward."

EZ Answer: In a Yes No world, easy is lumped in with simple. Not here. Easy and Simple are not etymological cousins, costly George. Easy is about making elbow room at the table. That's what we do in The United Church of Canada, at our common table.

Anyone can provide a simple answer. Making it easy to discuss a God question--complex or mundane--is a calling and covenant. The Simple Answer Squirrel does not live here.

And these are not simple questions flying about.

EZed's picture



GeoFee asked: "Wondering about the picture function? Can we edit?"

EZ Answer: Yes.

GeoFee's picture



Thanks EZ.

Think I understand picture feature. Little icon appears in post and links to image.

I have two answers on the edit (text) question. One no the other yes. Which is the case? If yes.... how?

EZed's picture



GeoFee asked: "I have two answers on the edit (text) question. One no the other yes. Which is the case? If yes.... how?"

EZ Answer:
To Change Profile Picture
1) Click "my profile" at top
2) On My Profile page click "My Profile Picture"
3) Click "Remove Picture"
4) Click "Browse..." button and find picture on your computer
5) Click "Add Picture"
If does not work, picture may be too big.

To Edit Post
1) Highlight and copy what you have posted
2) Click the garbage can icon in your post...this will completely delete it.
3) Start again with "Post A Reply"
4) Paste your old post into "Discussion Message" box, and then make the editorial changes you need.

Hopefully the next upgrades will allow better editing

GeoFee's picture



Thanks EZ!

StephenGordon's picture



I think that like any trip, it is not the destination. It is the getting there.
I can answer black or I can answer white. I have to really look to see flecks of each. I would be beginning to know. I have to study light and colour to really make headway in knowing. I have to learn science to think about refracting and such. I have to learn a little anatomy to learn about my eye.

Coming to any subject thinking you already know leaves no room to learn.

I think the saying is "When the student is ready, the teacher appears."

I think the Bible is more than answers. It is a book of questions to make us look for the answers.

My favourite is all of them. ;) Each has an individual account, their own viewpoint and perspective. The "message" or theme of them differs, because they were different seeing. They each have their own individual faith. It teaches there are many ways to see.

stardust's picture



I'm nor sure dat ole squirrel is verkin' right on my computer. He's a mighty cute little guy! I did see some Q and A. I suppose his answers are basic guidelines for the beliefs of the UCC ? They can't just say 'DUH.....I dunno' like we can.

Touching on what Stephen just said I guess along with the N.T. writers of that time we also come to this forum with our own perceptions.

We perceive everybody's messages, questions etc. according to what is inside of us, our experiences and beliefs. If I have had a bad experience in the church I may come to the forum in this frame of mind. Possibly I will pick out all of the written messages that are unfavorable to the church and those of disagreeable people. This backs up my claim that the church isn't a nice place and it satisfys my ego. On the other hand if I approach the forum believing the people are good or well meaning this is what I will find. Its all in the eye of the beholder or in my own perception. As a man thinketh so is he. Whatever I am seeking here be it good or be it evil will surely come to me.....LOL.

Oh Man ! Proverbs says something about a man who is unstable will be unstable in all his ways. I confess to feeling unstable on the forum. One minute I'm thinking its wonderful and the people are wonderful. I mean it sincerely at the time. The next minute I'm thinking its an absolutely horrid place. That only lasts for a short time too. This however is my problem and only reflects and tells a lot about what is within my own heart. Am I sometimes lacking in wisdom, love,compassion, and understanding? YES.....definitely!

I think the forums are wonderful places to discover and learn about ourselves !!!!!!
We see our words in black and white and think : 'OMG.....Did I really say that? Is this who I am?' It can be a revelation.

I've just had a wonderful revelation ! I'm way off topic! Sorry about that!

stardust's picture



Sorry I just tried editing and lost my new message so I can't add to the old one. I'm not sure I understood your message. As I read it again I see you are speaking about which gospel is more revelent which I guess squirrel answered. I took it as meaning there are no EZ answers so squirrel shouldn't be saying there are ! Sorry about that. I'll read more carefully next time. Its a promise......

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