gratefulone's picture




 The church my mom went to when I was a child. is having some huge problems. It seems the Minister has soem severe problems. I guess thye've tried to remove the minister before..but the law is being drawn into it now. Seems he has some severe mental/spiritual problems and was violent towards a employee.

 He's been there 28 years. It's a huge church and was recently left a couple million dollars.  Unfortunately there are very few people left. All seniors or those with similar issues as his own.

Maybe God sent the money to help rebuild and heal. I know his presence has greatly damaged my family.. including sexual abuse of myself and several cousins.. sad sad sad.

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sighsnootles's picture



sad to hear, gratefulone...


when a minister becomes the problem, it seems like things need to explode utterly before they get better.  especially one who has been there so long.


prepare for a difficult time ahead, unfortunately.  thats all i can say.


somegalfromcan's picture



That is a very sad situation gratefulone. I hope that you and your cousins have been able to get the help that you need - and I hope that the minister will get help too. I hope that the next minister to serve there will be one that has experience in bringing healing to broken congregations and to broken congregants. I don't know what denomination this church is, but I hope that the members will seek out help from other levels of the church.

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