Sophie's picture



School questionaire re: sex

I saw on the news abuot a school questionaire - it's just in Ontario, I think - that delves deeper than apst ones, into sexual activity and sexual orientation.

The part that got my eyes opened a little wider was that it's being filled out be Grade 7 and up.

Man, when I was in Grade 7, I didn't know i had a sexual orientation. I know things have changed, but...

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ABC's picture



Its disgusting and its another way of the homosexual lobbyists to encourage children to explore homosexuality. Parents should be up in arms at this and stamp this right away, the school has no right to be doing this.

noname's picture



I was on the verge of being sexually active when i was in grade 7 back in thee late 80's, i understand the demand to address 'hot topics', however, 'sexual orientation' is creating the illusion as if the child has a "choice". you should not put these ideas into young impressionable minds.

although it may be 'legal' in Canada to marry a person of the same sex does not mean it is right. let's get to the point; and that is ~ why are we here?? we are here primarily to continue life, to have babies, this is the most important pillar of any civilization. so, a gay couple can adopt children you say? well, although this is true, they are in this case 'having their cake and eating it too". if we do not contribute to society by fulfilling our basic primary function as human beings; reproduction, then what are we doing? To be gay is to ultimately be behaving in a self destructive manor. ok, put it this way, IF we could have actually gone to the moon, and we sent several thousand gay men there to live there, they would be rendered extinct as soon as the last man died. behaving gay is unnatural according to the 'laws of nature' and therefor it is a SIN. To be gay is a physiological condition or state of mind that can be reversed.


dianadot's picture



I am a Mother of three (16,14,10) and working in the school environment on an everyday basis. Asking Grade 7 and up to fill out a questionnaire about sex is not what I consider a way for "˜homosexual lobbyists' to encourage children to explore homosexuality. Your children are not as innocent as you believe they are unless you are the type to lock them up at home without any contact with the outside world"¦and even then, you will not prevent the thoughts.
How did this thread within two entries focus on homosexuality and that is it? I am sorry but if you are going to talk about sex, orientation is going to be the next logical step. The questionnaire might actually have you learn something about your children"¦and likely not at the stage, you wished to"¦but it is reality. We can guide our children and pray they listen, and if they do not be there for whatever choices, they make. Is not that your role as a parent is, as a guide, teacher?
The definition of sex to one child/parent may be greatly differing to another. One child may be more mature and understand a lot more than their friend. I am very open to a questionnaire about sex to 13+ years old.
I will always encourage my children (and that would include the ones I see everyday at school) to wait until you find a partner that you know you will be with and marry before having sex. I wished I were more educated in the ways of the world as a teen because at the age of 17, I was pregnant. I went to church (RC) every Sunday"¦and it was such a taboo subject. I do not want them to fee shame on the subject but I do want them to realize there are better choices.
Sorry that I may have gone off subject and perhaps a tad lengthy, but I could not believe this is still the dark ages when it comes to sex in general.

ABC's picture



Excuse me? This is the problem here, people want to sexualize our children and that is what they are children. You don't need to learn about how to screw around at an early age. Sex before marriage is always considered taboo within the Roman Catholic Church. There is a reason for this as it is not something to be promoted. Stop normalizing teenage sex, make it a shameful act, decry it for what it is, sin.

dianadot's picture



Yes, but remember that NOT everyone is a Christian and/or have the same views as yourself. I am NOT normalizing teenagehood. I do though live in reality. I do promote NO sex before marriage. I may not have done it but I did regret that I didn't wait. I stress did. Otherwise I wouldn't have the three intelligent children I have now that have the tools to deal with their world.

You also don't need to believe in a G/god to believe to wait. I will NOT preach to my children, I guide them. The children that went to "Church" were not all perfect. We all make mistakes and we hopefully learn from them...and teach others the lesson we went thru.

The Bible is like a Lesson Book...A guide...Not everyone is going to pass the test. Not everyone studies as much as they should.

ABC's picture



Everything that you said is true. We however, must strive to be good and must state the Word as fact. We cannot deny God otherwise He will deny that He knows us.

Sue_UC's picture



Greetings folks,
As a mom of two teenagers, this has a bit of resonnance. I struggle to help them come to terms with this aspect of their personalities and to pass onto them the information that will minimize their chances for making hormone or peer pressure induced potentially life marring errors in judgements....

I had read lots of things by the time I was 12 or 13....and more than once I was glad I knew the facts about sex and relationship dynamics before I was right in the middle of having to make a decison about my behaviour.

I believe that young people always are better off if we give them the truth, facts and information. That includes discussing the reality that human sexuality has many experssions, historically and currently. For myself, I feel the truly important aspects of any meaninful healthy relationship (sexual and non sexual) is real caring, commitment and mutual respect for each other. Really good life sustaining relationships are a gift to the soul. In my opinion, a relationship is good for people and good for society regardless of the genders involved if it the people involved are mature, committed, in for the longterm and supportive of each other.

We humans are sexual beings,,,and intellectual beings and spiritual beings. Our personalities and personal identity are composed of many parts, sexuality is only one. There are aspects of todays society, i.e. those who would sell us something, that attempt to reduce us to only appetites that they have a product to satisfy.

chickenplusdog's picture



I highly doubt a simple piece of paper with a few questions is going to make a person in grade 7 go out and have sex.

I think this is a great idea because maybe it will allow us to understand teenagers more then just assuming what they know. Maybe this will also allow us to better represent them and communicate with them.

dianadot's picture



exactly :)

ABC's picture



Sue, so you feel comfortable about schools taking the lead on this? Wouldn't you as a parent, want to do that yourself? Wouldn't you want your school to teach about morals instead? If not, why would you want them to be taught about abnormal sex?

Its clear that they're targetting children to normalize these behaviours.

As putting condoms in schools have done, so this tries to normalize teenage sex when teenagers are nowhere near responsible or mature to marry, which is where the concept of sex belongs, marriage, between a man and a woman.

Sue_UC's picture



We do try to take the lead on issues of morality and want ot be actively involved in making sure our kids and others have access to a variety of good quality information and discussion. Often the questions at home are generated in response to things happening at school, on TV with their friends....we are there to listen and give thoughtful context and guidance.

chickenplusdog's picture



Yea thats a great idea.

Lock "children" up until they are 25, then marry them off...

I'm sure they won't have ANY social issues because HECK we'll just ignore our problems and they'll go away.

chickenplusdog's picture



that was a response to ABC, not sue... (just to clarify... hehe)

anti_theist's picture



I see a lot of misinformation and scriptural abuse being bandied about in this thread. For one thing, sexual orientation is not chosen, nor is there any moral implication to it (any more than there is to being left handed.) Of course acts themselves can be immoral or wrong, but in that case we would be discussing non-consensual sexuality or coersion. The notion that homosexuality is "worng" or "immoral" or "trying to bring down civilization" is just superstitious nonsense.

Also, to use the bible as a means to oppress, marginalize and attack gays is no more "moral" than it was to use it to attack people of colour decades ago. It is alarming to me that a United Church forum is packed with such hate.

Loulou's picture



One of the biggest problems for young people experiencing same gender attraction is that they are made to feel BAD and WRONG and they don't have control over what is happening to them - they don't choose it. If we can help all young people to have a better understanding of homosexuality, then those who are homosexual won't have to go through the hell they do, and they won't have all the related social ills that they get pounced upon for.

ABC, please try to engage in dialogue in a more respectful manner.

mammas's picture



I don't have any first hand experience with this questionaire you are dealing with however I wish my schools had cared more about what I knew before they tried to teach us... :) We used to have those "health" classes where the boys and girls had different rooms and teachers. I can't say I learned anything new back then that I didn't learn from my peers.

I feel it is much better for knowledge to be out in the open. Our schools can't do their job unless they know what informations is needed. And schools only teach facts not opinions or religion. Then it's up to the parents answer questions and help guide the children just like in any other field of study.

raspberry_swirl's picture



Newsflash: 7th graders know what being gay is. They know what sex is, and they know what 'sexual orientation' means.

Also, it should be normalized. Not only is it very normal to be queer, but being "normal" isn't something that I think should be valued as highly as it is. Rather, we should focus on eliminating things that are NEGATIVE, rather than things that are harmless (and in the case of being queer, beautiful).
Whether or not one fits into socially-defined-box-a or not should be irrelevant.

Loulou's picture



Perhaps I could add to that that NORMAL is a slippery word. Even among heterosexuals, there is a broad spectrum of how strongly people feel attracted to the opposite sex, and how they experience sexual pleasure. So, really, what is NORMAL? What I think is important is that we promote healthy attitudes about self and others in all aspects of life, including sexuality. And having good information early is certainly valuable, because the information "out on the street" is not what we want our kids to learn. The parents' roles in this are vital.

RevMatt's picture



Count me in as a parent who doesn't object. I was certainly aware of (and thinking of O.O) sex at that age. Besides, kids are always more interested in the forbidden. I would MUCH rather teach my daughter how to make intelligent choices about when and where to have sex then to stick my fingers in my ears and shout to try and drown out the topic.

dalaimama's picture



"Excuse me? This is the problem here, people want to sexualize our children and that is what they are children. "

Too late. Way too late. When I was in grade 7, some 25 years ago, two of my classmates got pregnant. Abstinance has been the message for decades and, guess what? The kids aren't listening.

For a group who seem to have such a problem with abortion, I find it's stunning that you would have an objection to teaching these kids how to prevent pregnancy in the first place.

Talk about having your cake.

Taurwen's picture



I never took the questionaire, but it doesn't seem like a bad thing to me, like was mentioned before, how can a school help educated if they have no idea what the kids know already?
And besides, it may help us to understand orientation more.

Another thing, I feel rather insulted that people (Certain people) keep calling homosexuality 'unnatural', and sinful, when in fact, homosexuality is very natural, (in fact animals are much more often Bisexual than hetero sexual), and it's the act of same-sex sex is what they should be calling a sin (I don't think it is, but merely pointing out the difference between what they are saying and what I believe they mean).

Taurwen's picture



Oh and there's a big difference between explaining why it's good to wait before having sex and saying "Premarital sex is a SIN! God doesn't want you to so DON'T!"

The biggest difference between the two is that teenagers (for the most part) won't pay attention to the second.

Coolishmomma's picture



It's broader than sexual orientation. According to the Toronto District School Board's website, they are doing this survey to identify factors within the school system that may inhibit student achievement -- such as differences in gender, race, ethnicity, mother tongue, income and place of residence.

If we knew the full extent of kids who are ridiculed, shamed, bullied, ostracized, beaten and worse because one group feels they have the right to impose their views of "right" and "wrong" on others, we might understand better why it is a good idea to ask kids these questions. And Grade 7 is not that young.

In Jesus' time it seems it was the Samaritans and the Tax Collectors who were reviled. I recall Jesus converted at least one tax collector and used a Samaritan as his main character in a parable he told.

This emphasizes for me the importance of understanding what is at the heart of Jesus' teachings. Love one another as we love ourselves. I think that includes those we may find hard to understand, because if we can't understand then we certainly cannot love our neighbour as Jesus implores us to do.

I can't think of any description of Jesus' acts or speeches where he suggested we do anything less than that.

RevMatt's picture



"For a group who seem to have such a problem with abortion, I find it's stunning that you would have an objection to teaching these kids how to prevent pregnancy in the first place.

Talk about having your cake."

Dalailama (love the nick, btw :)) -

Just to do the official denominational thing (not that I am an official on this site in any capacity) the UCC has a long standing policy of support for women who chose abortion. That is, we recognise that it is a choice with enormous emotional implications, and we recognise that, ultimately, it is a choice that only the woman can make. As for sex ed, I remember two decades ago being 13 at the national conference of the church (called General Council) and attending the children's program. We were taught the basics of condom use during that event. Don't see how the denominations position on that could be any clearer. :)

I already posted my personal point of view up above.

RevMatt's picture



heh. Typo. DalaiMama, it should have been. Wish we had an edit feature. Off to the feedback link I go!

PaganMom's picture



Someone said "Its disgusting and its another way of the homosexual lobbyists to encourage children to explore homosexuality."

How can filling out a piece of paper encourage a child to be homosexual? People don't 'choose' to be gay.

Case in point. I have a couple of friends that have been together 30 years. They are a lesbian couple with 3 kids (awesome kids, by the way!). Two boys and a girl. The children are biological -- one of the women had a boy and then the other had a set of twins. None of the kids are gay -- I can say this without doubt, since the kids are 21 and 18 and are all dating other kids of the opposite sex.

Now if two lesbians raising their kids in a gay household, reading gay rights literature (they are very active), promoting gay rights and raising their kids around other homosexuals end up with ALL heterosexual kids ... I think that proves that homosexuality is a brain-chemistry thing and is a good case for 'nature' rather than 'nurture'.


PaganMom's picture



Oh ... one more point ... parents have every right to withdraw their children from answering such a questionnaire, just like they have the right to withdraw their kids from having to do regional testing.


dalaimama's picture



RevMatt said:

"Just to do the official denominational thing (not that I am an official on this site in any capacity) the UCC has a long standing policy of support for women who chose abortion. "

I wasn't entirely sure about the UCC's stance, but I'm not surprised. I don't think that the person that I quoted is a member of the UCC, though. Just a hunch. ;o)

stardust's picture



God loves homosexuals and so do I !!!!!!

killer_rabbit79's picture



I heard that statistics Canada did a study of why men are gay and they found out that the more older brothers you have (if your male), the higher the chance of you being homosexual. So it technically is nurture. They didn't do a study on lesbians but I think it would be a little different because my neighbors have 3 daughters, all of which are heterosexual. It's not something your born with (sexual preference can't be imprinted on your neurons when you don't even have genetalia yourself!) but it's not their fault.

Oh, by the way, being gay isn't a sin. Nothing can be a sin because everything we say is a sin is natural to want to do. Anger is one of the seven mortal sins but everyone gets angry. According to the bible (which isn't a very reliable source but I digress), Moses got angry at the golden cow idle and smashed the ten commandments. Jesus got mad in the garden where he asked why God forseked him (can't remember the garden's name).

dalaimama's picture



killer_rabbit79 said:

"I heard that statistics Canada did a study of why men are gay and they found out that the more older brothers you have (if your male), the higher the chance of you being homosexual. So it technically is nurture. "

First of all, my brother is the eldest, and most certainly gay.

Second of all StatsCan is not equipt to do a study on why men are gay. They are a body that gathers stats, nothing else. Thirdly, they've also found that the majority of gays in Canada have Christian parents. Does that mean that Christianity causes homosexuality? No. Correlation does not mean causation.

Blah's picture



Everything has to come back to homosexuality and how you hate it with you people. What the hell?

Panda88's picture



OK, so back to the original topic posted by Sophie:

Given the increased publicity surrounding young teenagers readily performing sexual acts with numerous peers, and the increase in transmission of sexually transmitted diseases amongst young people (last stat I looked at, HIV transmission has vastly increased in females aged 15-24), I think now more than ever it is crucial to start figuring out what kids know about sex and then doing something to get them up to snuff on knowledge. Unbelievably, many teenagers (don't ask me exact numbers, I'd have to look) think AIDS is a curable disease... We definitely lost communication somewhere along the lines with these kids, and we need to get it back.

Soupie's picture




I am an EXTREMELY proud mother of 15 year old triplets. I love them and want the best for them.

I talk to my children all the time on this subject. Most of the time they say "Ya, ya mom, we know." or, "Mom, can we talk about something else?"

But believe it or not, they do listen! Open communication is the best thing for our children. A table talk discussion at dinner time is an amazing thing that lets you find out what is going on in your child's life.

One thing that I mentioned to my children was this. "If you feel that you cannot talk to me, or you think I will be upset, you feel you cannot talk to father, uncles or aunts or grandparents, there is one person you can always count on. That person in your Doctor."

"Everything you say to your Doctor is in confidence." "So please remember, there is always someone you can count on." :>)

I have talked to my Doctor about his subject and he thanked me and is prepared should my children need anything.

Have a great day everyone! :>)

Taurwen's picture



I was always told that if I didn't want to talk to my mom or dad I could go to neighbors, or friends' parents (And I ~have~ called a friend's parent when I was in 'trouble' before, but that was because my parents were unavailible not because I wouldn't go to them), I'm not sure how comfotrable I would be going to my doctor (Ironically), basically anyone who would listen to me professionally... I don't know, it just seems ~weird~.

Anyway, whether or not it seems weird, it's important that kids understand they can go talk to someone, and that the choice isn't always "Mom" "Dad" "Teacher" "Minister", and part of that is making kids not feel guilty about how they want to behave, which this study can help with (Along with the bullying thing, which is just an extension of feeling safe)

bolo's picture



I'm a mother of two young boys age 3 & 5. Gr. 7's know all about sex from their friends - lots of misinformation there! I definitely believe frank and honest sex education is an important part of a full education. That being said, I'm certainly not depending on the school to educate my boys for me. Healthy understanding of sexuality can be introduced at a young age (appropriate to the age of course). I really wish my parents had, so I didn't get a massive shock at age 11 when my best friend told me what her mother had told her!
As for the original discussion of the questionnaire, I do not think it promotes sex. However, asking kids their sexual orientation at 12 is a tad early, no? Would they really know for sure at that age? I've got no problem with homosexuality but I think preteens are just walking around trying to figure out who they are in so many ways, sexuality included. Which is of course is another great reason to give them the information they need to stay healthy (physically, mentally, emotionally!).

dianadot's picture



And to think this is ALL from a school questionnaire about sex that your child may or may not take....this is a scary thought indeed....

ABC's picture



LouLou, have I been disrespectful by saying that homosexuality is a sin? If so, I have the Word of God to back me up. Perhaps you would be better off praying to God and reading the Bible. Remember, this is supposed to be a Christian website.

dianadot's picture



And here I thought being condescending wasn't that Christian either?

I respect everyone's views...even if they do not agree with my values. A person should be able to have an opinion without feeling like they are a child being scolded.

It is one thing to have your beliefs and another to ram it down their throats.

Forum [fawr-uhm, fohr-uhm] : an assembly, meeting place, television program, etc., for the discussion of questions of public interest.

The key word here is discussion, not preach.

There...done all the scolding I am going to do today...the teenagers in this high school are better behaved and have more respect for others :|

The_EnigManiac's picture



No ABC, this is NOTa Christian website. It is an open, public forum hosted by a Christian organization. That means ALL views are accepted and supported, not just bigoted, prejudiced, homophobic, narrow-minded, militant fundamentalist and remarkably short-sighted arrogant opinions.

Christians of all denominations should be ashamed of your hysterical rantings.

chickenplusdog's picture



Bolo- "However, asking kids their sexual orientation at 12 is a tad early, no? Would they really know for sure at that age?"

Yer probably right about that. I didn't really think about that, but then again I have a problem with people defining sexuality because it is so fluid, or can be if we stop defining who we love, and just love.

You sound like a cool Mom...

ABC's picture



Maniac, you're right, I shouldn't expect Christianity to come from the UC. That's a sad state of this church. From your hateful rant, I see that you don't believe in God, which I find to be sad. I guess that the Word of God is too much for you at this point in time, I pray that you will have an open mind and ears and heart.

The_EnigManiac's picture



Is that what you are doing, ABC? Really? Is that what you honestly think? Then you're failing. Miserably. You are driving more people away from Christianity than attracting them.

I'll stop here simply because I know it's pointless talking to a brick wall.

Good luck in life. I mean that.

The_EnigManiac's picture



ABC, my 'rant,' as you regard it, was not at all hateful---I don't hate you, just the sentiments you have offered in these boards. And you are the last one on these forums to accuse others of that which you are most guilty. Open-mindedness? Please. The word is alien to you. My 'rant,' was straight-forward truth, something I neither expect you to recognize nor absorb.

I am likely better educated on the word of 'God,' in spite of not believing in 'God' or Christianity---or perhaps BECAUSE I do not believe in 'God' or Christianity. After reading your replies and remarks, it is clear you either have no clue what the word of 'God' really is or means or you have grossly misinterpreted those words.

What is 'sad' is a a person who proclaims he/she is Christian, but demonstrates few, if any, Christian qualities and values.

ABC's picture



Maniac, I follow the Bible, and the Bible is very clear on many things, including sin. If a church or people promote sin and call it good, then it is a Christian's duty to publically object to this. I'm open-minded, to the Word of God.

I'm guessing you call Christian qualities, tolerance, understanding and so forth..

Did Jesus have tolerance for sin? Not by a long shot and you should know better if you've read the Bible. Read the Book of Revelation when St. John writes about what God says about the churches. It can be applied here in many ways.

ABC's picture



Maniac, you've said far worse than anything I would ever say. You use your words for hate, hatred of Christians, I use my words to help people understand the Word of God and to know the difference between right and wrong.

ABC's picture



Maniac, if you've read the Bible, you would find many people walking away from God. Take the rich man who, upon Jesus telling him to sell all he has and give it to the poor, walked away. If people walk away from the Word, they do that of their own accord. I will not condone sin and make it so people will feel comfortable in continuing in sin. If condoning sin is considered harsh, you must have a very interesting take on the world.

bolo's picture



ABC, I've got to say I think the way you are coming off would drive more people from Christianity than to it. You can judge as you wish who you think is following the Word, but the way you are expressing your opinion feels harmful and promotes argument instead of peace.
If that is not your intention I would suggest you have a read over your previous posts with your shoe on the other foot.

ABC's picture



Bolo, what's harmful, that I mention the Word of God? Did Jesus promote peace? Do you people actually listen to yourselves and how you bend over backwards not to offend anyone but you're offending the Lord as you're doing it? That is offensive, to any Christian that is offensive. Jesus didn't preach about tolerance. Tell me, what did Jesus say to the adulteress after she was about to be stoned? Everyone seems to avoid this question for some reason and I'd like an answer.

PaganMom's picture



Enig Maniac said "You are driving more people away from Christianity than attracting them."

I would have to agree here. Although that wasn't my case, I can tell you that a huge number of people that turn to Paganism (including Wicca) turn away from the Christian church because of the hatred spewing fundamentalism of some of its more zealous members.

Some of the people on this site definitely fall into that category.


And although this is website is hosted by the UCC, it is not a site just for Christians. I think I'm proof of that. I've been pleasantly surprised by the people on here.

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