carolla's picture



Teen role models - interesting survey results

Got this in my mail today - thought it was interesting enough to share with my wondercafe friends.  Recognizing that it is a US survey by the Barna Group ... who do teens say are their role models & why ...

Who knows ...  you're probably a role model for someone and  you might not even know it! 


Do you recall someone from your own teen years that you would say was an inspiration to you?  As in the survey - can't  include your own parents!

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somegalfromcan's picture



Interesting! The first people who jumped to mind were my CGIT leaders (for those who don't know what CGIT is - think church youth group for girls only). They were fun and engaging, respected who we were and saw the gifts that we had within us. They comforted us, celebrated with us and walked with us through the ups and downs of the teenage years. They were easy going and had no issues throwing out a meeting plan in favour of doing what we wanted. Once, on a whim, we planned a celebrity wedding for a member of our group.


The second person to come to mind was my high school band teacher. She was a true gem who knew how to nurture confidence and leadership skills in me. I played the flute. I was never the best player, however for the last three years I was named section leader and encouraged to lead our sectional practices. She was kind hearted and had a big, warm smile when we played something well.


The third person to come to me was our presbytery youth worker - someone whom some of you might know: Jen Cunnings. She was bubbly and outgoing - and so much fun to be with. My friend and I decided to sign up for a presbytery youth event when we were 16 - an Easter weekend sleepover at a downtown United Church. We knew absolutely no one there. She quickly engaged us and introduced us to others. By the end of the event, we were told, "by the way - there's a youth council meeting coming up - be there at 5 for supper." We both felt so welcome and quickly said yes. While on youth council, we were encouraged to plan and implement events for youth from all over Vancouver ranging from dances to weekend long retreats. Our boundaries were stretched in so many ways - and we were both better people because of it.

seeler's picture



My role models, as a motherless teen, still living in a small settlement:

my sister - less than 4 years older.  We were constantly competing as she saw her role as taking Mom's place and keeping the family together, and I saw mine as being an equal or better.  But I know that I also admired her.  Especially when she finished high school and went into nursing. 


My older cousin who lived nearby, with a big family of her own, the kids not much younger than me.  She became a mother figure / aunt to me in a way that I wouldn't accept from my sister.


my Sunday School teacher / girls group leader  -  she's now in her 90s and has recently been mentioned in Church Life.   She ran the Sunday School, organized the CGIT, took an interest in the community (I remember her step-dancing at a variety show at the legion hall).  She was bossy and she got things done - and she once threw a cake of soap at me when I was being a brat. 


some of the student ministers who visited our village church for a few months in the summers, but they generally weren't around much.  I do remember one named Stuart Clarke who seemed to be outstanding even then.  (That must have been before Mom died because I remember she liked and respected him - remembering Mom - he must have earned it.)


After I left home at 17 and made my way to Montreal - the ministers at St. James United.  "Papa" Rawson, and the first woman minister I ever met "Nettie Hoffman" and her husband "John". 


Political figures - I would have been beyond my teens then - Trudeau.   I really caught Trudeaumania.   I felt that he was a politician with a vision - what the world could be like.   I think he was one of the few I voted for - rather than against the opponent.

seeler's picture



I'm bumping this up because I think its important.   I know that the most influential role models in my life were family, neighbours, church leaders - but that was many years ago.  


I thought maybe teens had changed, that with TV and movies, music, videos, etc. their role models might have changed to teen idols or to peers who seem to have more fun.  I think its a credit to them that they still look up to the people around them.  And a reminder to us that we never know who might be watching us, looking up to us, copying us, and influenced by what we say and how we act.  


It is both a privilege and a responsibility to be involved in the lives of children and teens.


trishcuit's picture



 On the topic of role models, as much as he annoys people and we all wonder what will happen when his voice breaks....


Bieber is a positive role model at the moment.   As long as he keeps his nose clean.

 We have the Family Channel on a lot so we are definitely exposed to 'the Biebs'.  I can think of worse. 

carolla's picture



seeler wrote:

....    I think its a credit to them that they still look up to the people around them.  And a reminder to us that we never know who might be watching us, looking up to us, copying us, and influenced by what we say and how we act.  


It is both a privilege and a responsibility to be involved in the lives of children and teens.



Agreed Seeler.   I've been trying to think about my own teen years & who was of some influence, but I'm having trouble with that!  I did have a few camp counsellors and section leaders who were definitely people I admired.    There were some older 'kids' in our church youth group who I think perhaps I looked up to for a while also.  

Elanorgold's picture



Justin Bieber wears guy makeup...just a point of interest there.


My role models were:


My Uncle: he knew stuff, deep stuff other people didn't know, and he listened to me. He was like a guru to me, he lent me books and movies, he was/is kind and loving, and I aspired to be wise like him. We still have a special connection.


My mom's best friend's youngest daughter: who was like a big sister to me. Two years older than me, I knew everything that I would do next because it was what she was doing now. She liked Duran Duran, I liked Duran. She played flute, I played flute. SHe had curly hair, I curled my hair.


Celebrity role models included: Conan's girlfriend Valeria ; )  , Daisy Duke and Daryl Hannah.

Pinga's picture



 An English teacher, Ms. Thompson....who just kept providing me books from the other shelf, and encouraged me to write and think critically. She taught us, and I respected her, yet, she also allowed us to grow.  I had the opportunity of being in a coffeeshop one day, and saw her sitting with her daughter and grand daughter, or at least, I thought it was her.  I took the opportunity to thank her for allowing me to breathe..and grow.  I apologized to her daughter for interrupting, and she said..dont' worry, it happens all the time.  Ms. Thompson...who gave me Richard Brautigan, Kurt Vonnegut Jr, , Marie Clair Blais, Tom Robbins....and the list goes on.

trishcuit's picture



 Justin Bieber wears guy makeup...just a point of interest there


* * *


I figured as much for photos etc since he has 'teenage skin'  and not to look totally blank faced before the camera. I know I photograph better with a bit of color on. SInce he is in front of hte camera so much we can cut him a BIT of slack.  But not too much.  .


He is also one of the latest spokespersons for Proactiv, in which commercial his complexion  and skin tone look impossibly perfect. What brand foundation does he use I wonder? It's good stuff.

Elanorgold's picture



I wonder if foundation only looks good under certain lighting and with a certain camera lens, cause I've never seen one that looked natural in natural light. Ah but these pro make up artists may know one... Same here though, a bit of lipstick makes a big difference. Actually I found that when I had my baby my lips lost their colour.

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