crazyheart's picture




This is to get a sense of how your work week goes.


6am -9am = get ready; breakfast, Round up backback, library books etc.;go to sitter ;catch school bus to arrive at school by 9am.


9am - noon = classes


12 - 1pm= lunch


1pm -3:30 = classes


3:30 - 5:30 - school bus, sitter, down time, homework, snack,play


5:30-6:30 -supper


6:30 - 8:00  -chores,homework, TV, play; after school activities( skating, gym, dance, other sports, church activities)


8:00 - 9:00- prepare for bed, baths, etc.


Would this be how it works for you?




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myst's picture



Well, here is what our week days look like:

mystchild - in grade 7 - wakes up (on his own) about 6:30-6:45, has breakfast, takes the dog for a little walk, hangs out on computer, and then walks to school at 8:30. School is from 8:45 - 2:45 with a 45 min lunch break and an am recess. He has the school boy's choir at 7:45 am on Thursdays  and currently (for about a month) he has school team basketball practice at 7:30 am on Tuesdays.


After school activities include:

Monday piano lesson, Wed evening soccer practice, Friday evening church youth group (he doesn't go every week), ~every second week one day after school creative writing sessions with a community mentor (neat program through the school board), currently (for about 6 weeks) Wed after school basketball games, Sept - March Sat soccer games. Throw in walking the dog twice/day (and the adults walk her in addition to that as well), piano practice, occasional homework,  'free' time including 'hanging out' with friends, being on the computer, reading, writing, drawing, occasional treks to the swimming pool or skating rink and that's my son's/our week.


The one thing that we do just about every evening is have a family meal together. With only having one child and none of his activities go over the supper hour, this is possible for us and an important part of our daily family life.

myst's picture



Are you remembering back to your busy days with young children at home crazyheart?

Mendalla's picture



Around Mendalla-land, it's kind of like your outline, but not quite:


7ish-8:15 - get up, get breakfast, cleaned, dressed and get Little Mendalla doing the same (he usually gets up later than me)

8:17 - school bus (I leave for work)

9:00-noon - classes

noon-1 - lunch and lunch recess (he eats at school)

1-3:30pm - more classes

3:30-5:30 - after-school care until one of us picks him up (he can stay until 6, but one of us usually picks him by 5:30)

5:30-6:30 - dinner

6:30-9:00 - homework, play, TV

9:00-10:00 - get ready for bed and lights-out


Given our schedules, most non-school activities tend to be on weekends.




crazyheart's picture



I hate to say that I am glad those days are over for me but I remember them well.

Birthstone's picture



my kids are at school by 8:30 and apparently eat lunch earlier - 11:15 even, and they are both done school (middle school & high school) at 2:30, which is waaaaay too early.


We eat dinner around 6:30 or 7 when their dad gets home, together, sometimes at the table, sometimes around a movie or show, so afternoon snacks are substantial.



seeler's picture



I suspect this thread comes out of the homework thread. 


Myst - I note that your child's schedule mentions 'occasional' homework in the evenings.  But he seems to have a enriching and interesting variety of activities that will help him to develop social and physical skills and tinterests that might be with him for the rest of his life.   He is fortunate to live nearby so he can walk to and from school and stay for after school activities without worrying about pick-up times or bus schedules or spending an hour or more of his day in transit.  


Birthstone you mention that you find the school day too short.   Adding an extaa hour of 'study' time with a teacher / supervisor might solve the homework problem many kids face.  


Birthstone's picture



yes, it would help, but it isn't worked into the day or required so in highschool, there is nothing to make it happen, and a million reasons why it doesn't, from teachers being busy with other things to kids wanting to check out the bubblegum at Giant Tiger or giggle in a gaggle of girls (very important) to sniggering behind boys backs to.... 


My kid needs the time and there is no easy way to make it happen.


I wish programs for youth ran that early - 3pm, but they don't.

myst's picture



seeler - yes, I think my son has a really neat and wonderful variety of interests and activities that keep his body and brain active and that offer the grounding for many life skills.

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