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On Afghan prisoners

This doesn't inspire trust in this government acting in our name:


Globe editorial -- The persistent curiosity deficit


From the article:


"With General Walter Natynczyk's admission that an Afghan originally detained by the Canadian Forces was subsequently tortured, the Conservative storyline is in greater question than ever. The government must provide a full and honest accounting about the treatment of Afghan detainees. To date, it has shown an unwillingness to give Canadians a full picture of what unfolded in Kandahar in 2006. And now, the debate in Ottawa has descended to this: it is left to the opposition to assert the supremacy of Parliament to begin the truth-telling process."


This was the open, accountable and cooperative government that our Prime Minister has long stated he supports and yet, when he's in charge, he turns out to be one of the worst in my memory (which is getting longer by the day - ).



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