Mely's picture



The Delhi Gang Rape and The Left

"My break with the contemporary British liberal-left came a few years ago over the issue of Islamist extremism. After engaging with supposed liberals online and reading pieces by the likes of Robert Fisk and John Pilger, it dawned on me that sections of the liberal-left seemed completely incapable of criticising any social or political phenomenon that existed outside of western culture, unless of course it could be attributed to European colonialism or western foreign policy."

Ghaffarr Hussain

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Northwind's picture



I find blanket statements about groups of people like "the left" or "liberals" or "conservatives" or "Muslims" to be very offensive. Therefore, I am not commenting on this particular article. If you can comment or start a discussion that is not pointing fingers I will be happy to participate.


MikePaterson's picture



At least Indians are upset about it: not so much the case in Canada when Native women are the victims.


Northwind's picture



I would hazard a guess that many people think rape is wholly about individual men forcing individual women to have sex with them. Many people object when the phrase “rape culture” is used because, they argue, everyone knows rape is wrong. There is an inability, I think, to look at rape on a national level, or even a global level, because for many people rape is simply local and individual, a random criminal act like theft or vandalism. But to view rape in this way misses the bigger picture. You see, the threat of rape is a cultural tool used to control women.


That quote comes from The Patriarchal Utility of the Threat of Rape at this link:



waterfall's picture



While I don't doubt that India is facing a problem I think we should all remember the "Central Park Jogger" Trisha Meili who was attacked and raped viciously in New York.


There were five teenage boys convicted of the "wilding" that took place in 1989, but do many of us know what became of those young men? They all confessed but after a couple of weeks they retracted their statements saying that the confessions were coerced. None of their DNA was found on the victim and conviction was found based mostly on their confessions. They all were incarcerated for this crime.


Jump to 2002 .All five were exonerated when, Matias Reyes, confessed to the crime. He stated he acted alone and his DNA was a match for the evidence found on the victim.


So what does this have to do with a rape in India? I think we should be careful how we accuse and convict. The above case, IMO, and many opinions gave too much power to the press and these young men were probably convicted by everyone that read or heard the opinionated stories that were released by the media. They were declared guilty before having a trial by many. Fear was also rampant in New York and the police were being scrutinized to do their job


India has a problem, but the question much do we really know about this case without the media? Are these the true offenders? Are people really seeking change and justice or just revenge?

graeme's picture



mely, get a good dictionary. Make an attempt to learn what words mean. Politically, left and right refer to seating positions in the French assembly of the revolution. Did you know that people like you refer to present-day communists in Russia as right wingers?

please. learn what words mean before you throw them at us.

MikePaterson's picture


Witch's picture



Why am I not surprised that Mely would take advantage of the rape of an innocent woman to further her hatred of liberals and Muslims.


I wonder if there is pit too disgusting and immoral for Mely to wallow in?

InannaWhimsey's picture



MikePaterson wrote:

At least Indians are upset about it: not so much the case in Canada when Native women are the victims.



don't worry; Canadians are slowly being 'ideaterraformed' into the current the 'Defend Western ideals against threats', exemplified by things like Afghanistan...its amazing for me to see these changes happening in real time...

InannaWhimsey's picture





isn't the internet great?  Alien cultures get to meet other alien cultures...


there's a great interview on CBC one with Martin Amis

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