chemgal's picture



Ford - Another Drunk Video

At this point does he not care enough to stay out of the spotlight while drunk?  Does he not have people around him who want him to at least avoid the circus if he isn't going to bother staying sober?


Go through the drive thru with your friends while drunk instead of loudly rambling in a restaurant.  If he was someone I cared about, I would have hoped there was some way to force some type of help well before this point.

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SG's picture



Alex, that one cannot obtain a prescription for cocaine is not true.

revjohn's picture



HI Alex,


Alex wrote:

What I am saying is that the idea  that cocaine is prescribed by doctors today in Canada is a a lie, it is akin to an urban legend,  


That has nothing to do with the question SG asked.


Do you know what you are implying when you say that she is repeating a "lie common among users"?


Grace and peace to you.


SG's picture



Among Schedule I drugs are oxycodone, hydromorphone...
Possessing Schedule I without a prescription is illegal and punishable.

SG's picture



Anyone can find out cocaine hydrochloride is prescribed in Canada. Many an addict will tell how in your kitchen it can be made into something to freebase.

Alex's picture



SG wrote:
Anyone can find out cocaine hydrochloride is prescribed in Canada. Many an addict will tell how in your kitchen it can be made into something to freebase.

Are you refering to powder cocaine?

If anybody can find out I would like to see a reference.

revjohn's picture



Hi lastpointe,


lastpointe wrote:

I think we need to be careful at jumping to any conclusions. He admitted he had been drinking "a bit".


Which is significantly more than an earlier statement where he claimed a come to Jesus moment and he wasn't going to drink again.


If one does not have a drinking problem then getting drunk is not a "minor setback."


CP24 interview with Stephen LeDrew wrote:

“So the people of Toronto aren’t going to see you in a state of inebriation?” LeDrew asked in a Nov. 19 interview.

“I’ll guarantee that. Guaranteed,” Ford replied empathetically.

“You’ve quit drinking for good?” LeDrew asked.

“Guaranteed. 100%,” Ford answered.


Anybody who has a family member in the grip of addiction has heard this promise and knows how hollow it is.


Rob Ford wrote:

You know what. I’m not even gonna answer that question. Were you drinking this weekend? Were you drinking this weekend? Well then? No, I wasn’t drinking. I don’t drink.”


This from January 13th when reporter's asked if he had been drinking at a night-club.  First response is defensive, switches to accusing his questioner and then he makes the claim I don't drink.


Rob Ford wrote:

And drinking a bit is not a rare thing


Unless, of course, you don't drink and then it is a rare thing.  And if you are willing to guarantee publicly that you will never have another drink when you do have another drink you have no right to say it is a private matter.


lastpointe wrote:

And how many ordinary guys sat down last night with their personal demon in a bottle or pill and thought he was just like them


Ordinary guys?  None.  Ordinary addicts?  More than a few I would wager.


Grace and peace to you.


SG's picture



1) you have yet to speak to the "common among users" comment
2) you said cocaine could not be prescribed
3) cocaine is always illegal

Look up cocaine hydrochloride.

SG's picture



BTW cocaine hydrochloride can be snorted, smoked and freebased.

Alex's picture



SG wrote:
Alex, 1) you have yet to speak to the "common among users" comment 2) you said cocaine could not be prescribed thus 3) cocaine is always illegal Look up cocaine hydrochloride.


I used to hear cocaine users make that claim in the ninties all the time, when I used to go to a drop in centre for people with AIDS.


I have already said that some Doctors are fighting in Canada to be able to write prescriptions of drugs for Addicts  for the purpose of harm reduction, And they are unable to do so. (With an exception for a small group of heroin users who were in a clinical trial, and for whom the use of prescription heroin so improved their lives that ethical the people who ran the trail were obliged to continue it, however they had to fight the federal gvt in court to do so, and it is limited to only those involved in the trial.



HEres a quote for the CBC, I would appreciate a similar referance from you to indicate that powder cocaine is availalble by prescription.


defence lawyer Mike Lacy told CBC News that smoking crack is illegal under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. The actual criminal offence would be possession.
Lacy explained that's because possession, "happens concurrently with the smoking of it, and when you are dealing with crack it is consumed quickly, but there is a period of time where there would be possession."
And from
Legal status
In Canada, possession of cocaine is a criminal offence. Trafficking, possession for the purpose of trafficking or exporting, production or importing and exporting of cocaine are offences that are punishable by up to life in prison.
I see no mention of it being available legally. I see in the US a highly diluted ammount of cocaine hydrochloride is used in gels with other substances that make it impossible to get high from it.I look in Canada and all I could find in Canada are gels with Benzocaine  
Do you have any references that says otherwise?


SG's picture



Do you seriously not see the implications you might be seen as repeatedly making even if unintentional?
I never said the coke you buy on the street is available at the pharmacy in Canada. Yet, with a prescription cocaine hydrochloride possession is legal in Canada. My claim is simply that legal alternatives exist like cocaine hydrochloride. Heck, Wellbutron is "poor man's coke" and perfectly legal.
Again, my point, that the chemical one is abusing matters little.

waterfall's picture



Opiates are legal in Canada when prescribed. They include codeine, morphine, oxycodone, methodone, Buprenorphine and heroin(illicit). Opiates come from the opium poppy. It has the opposite effect of cocaine. It's a "downer".


Cocaine comes from the Coca tree (South America) and is not related to the Opium poppy at all. Cocaine is a stimulant. Cocaine HCL is used in a hospital setting as a topical anesthetic for some surgeries.

redhead's picture



Actually, what matters most, strictly from a politlcal - job-employment perspective is that can Ford really be available to handle emergencies?

  His argument about the time he spends at work is a joke - know one never kows the hours he puts in "off site on duty", but the media has done a great job of noting when he is not present. - putting in a few hours a day on site also does not mean that he he is doing anything productive in that time. 


Going back to my first point: if Ford is using in his private time, and an emergency happens, how is it that he can respond to his duties as mayor?  When one accepts this role, with such responsibilities clearly defined, then even private life conduct is held to a very high accountability - akin, e.g. to be being an ER Dr. or surgeon on call.  Or perhaps even a minister. Accepting such a role, as, mayor, for example, does mean that personal activities do become restricted, that it is not necessarily a 9 - 5 gig (or in his case a kind of for to five hours spent there)  And certainly, any conduct in public Ford should know his role, his responsibilities and conduct himself accordingly.  Was not the August crack rant about killing, ripping eyes out...lots of expletives...bird talk...more about beating and killing and swearing enough of a lesson that he should try to curtail, guard his conduct and get some help, if not with substance issues, at least with anger management?  Oh, silly me, I think often they go hand in hand.  Perhaps that alone is enough for reflection and action, but wait, there is so much more.


He does not work tirelessly for the "working joes", or on behalf of "the folks".  He was raised in and lives in one of the wealthiest parts of Toronto - he is under educated - frankly when he speaks, I cringe at times, not because I do not want to give him a fair chance at hearing his message, but rather his grammar is appauling. 


His family is an enabler (to protect the Ford name at all costs, even to Rob's wellbeing),  his mother is that mastermind of it. And I can understand this personally - I am about the same age as Doug and Rob; I was born and bred in the same neighbourhood- a unigue blend of wealth and access to drugs was the common ground, where highschool kids with a lot of money found their ways into relationships with  dealers their own age supplying all kinds of drugs across many socio-cultural and class definitions) - all geographically within  about a 10 to 15 kilometer radius    (Think Dixon Road, Eglinton Rd,  Royal York, MartingroveRd, and a little bit  south to Bloor, crept into the Kingsway where a whole lot of kids, including some of my riends, went to Don Bosco).  So none of this surprises me.  Even Ford"s sister is just out of a very lengthy rehab for very serious long term heroin use (and I am guessing she was not buying that at the swanky little plaza which includes a smal  but expensize range of boutique stores and a small but amazingly stocked Lolaw Store -, located accross from her mother's house and her house, and Rob and Dog's house - yeah, I do know exactly where they all live)  That mall was also mentioned by Mama Ford in the interview with CP24 soon after Rob finall admitted to using.


Look - this is no suprrise - using creates strange relationships.  But I was born and raised there.  Some of my friends, and thier parents, are the Ford famiy neighbours, and I certainly know the little shopping malls between Richview Plaza following south to where Ford hung out, drank, peed under surveillance and met up with Lisi in parks many times throughout the summer surveillance tapes.  And to be sure, this behaviour had been going on long before the news broke in May 2013: just look at the firing and consequent departur of Ford's senior staff within the following of ten days - and he hired Lisi and Price, of all people.  And recall Price's salary.  And when Price failed, and when Ford's staff and budget was cut in November, Price was the next one under the bus.  I point this out because it is not all water under the bridge, nor is it unusual in Ford family methods in conducting business.  This is the real world of how the Fords operate.


Ford needs medical help - no question.  The rest of his family has to stop enabling; his sister and his other brother probably know this very well.  Doug probably knows this, too, but at this point has publicly eaten his foot that he thinks or feels he cannot stop - and perhaps that in doing so he is shooting the one foot upon which he is still standing.


What Torontonians have to understand is that Rob Ford has not done all that he claims; that he misrepresents his "achievements", that he conducts himself poorly in public...need I remind any  about the"enough to eat at home" event (why he was not sent off to some kind of corrective do not conduct sexual harassment course I have no idea), not to mention the wierd  offensive (after five months of great investigative media research), "You did not ask me the right question... ask it again..."Yes, I did smoke crack cocaine".


Ford is all of the following: a wealthy, mysoginistic bullying football failure turned volunteer football coach with access to all kinds of the illicit drugs that he and his sibling like to use, who has a strong Tory legacy that, along with family money and connections, helped him become a city councillor and certainly helped him become mayor. Do not forget that his improper campaign spending, including cotributions, landed him in court - to this day, the evidence seems to point to his guilt, but yet he avoided, somehow, of being found guilty.... how much evidence, in how many ways, do we need as Torontonians to say: this is not a man who should be in charge of Toronto?


Ford is not one of the common "folk".   Family money and political connections have always been available to cover up little scandels....hmmm.  can we not see how this works, after looking at so many other wealthy, politcal families throughout history?


And he has not just slipped, he is still sliding.  Sad to say, since no one seems to be able to stop him - he has not bottomed out yet - but he will again, soon.  The pressure and the triggers are both too much.  And that is what is actually sad, because what he needs now is a long, peacful place away from bad influence, which includes any staff or family enablers, under the guidance of medical and trained counselling professionals, to become well.  But at the end of the day, only he will know what his bottom is, and tragically, he is hellbent on doing it in front of the entire world.



stardust's picture



Rev. John


Thanks for your response. I googled for more info. on what K. Wynne's options might be, I didn't have much luck as follows:


Quote: Nov. 2013


Current provincial laws only allow the province to remove a mayor if he or she has been found guilty of a crime.



On Thursday, Wynne seemed to be suggesting she would be willing to amend those laws, to provide city council "with new tools," if it requested the province's help and if the other provincial parties were in agreement.



She also said, in response to a reporter noting that Toronto councillors have been urging the mayor to step down: "He needs to pay close attention to what he’s being advised by the councillors and the people around him."



That latest development didn't stop political experts from mulling the possibility that provincial action could still occur.



Constitutional expert Bruce Ryder, at York University's Osgoode Law School, said the premier’s indication she’d be open to introducing amendments to municipal legislation, if asked, is "promising" and could bring about "useful" changes.



On Thursday, Wynne set out the parameters for an Ontario intervention in Toronto's municipal affairs, saying she'd need clear indication from council that they lack the ability to function plus a request from council.



Even then, the premier would consult with other party leaders to seek support for stepping in.



The chance of provincial intervention seemed to diminish further on Friday after city council took away Ford's powers during emergency situations as well as his ability to hire or fire the deputy mayor and appoint executive committee members.



"My sense is that councillors actually felt more comfortable taking steps where they, themselves, could reduce the mayor’s power," said Ron Kanter, a municipal lawyer and former city councillor. 'This may eliminate the need for provincial action.'



University of Toronto political scientist Nelson Wiseman suggested that the premier would likely need a very high majority of councillors, perhaps even as high as 40 out of 44, calling for the province's help before it would step in.



"I have always thought [provincial intervention] was highly unlikely unless you had, perhaps the overwhelming majority of council members pleading for it in a petition," he said. 


However, introducing new laws or amendments can take time, particularly in a minority government situation as is the case in Ontario.



And by the time any changes get made, that could be well "after the horse [has] left the barn,"Wiseman says.



It may be that Torontonians will have to wait until  Oct. 27, 2014 — the fixed date for municipal elections in Ontario — for any reckoning to happen.



"Rob Ford is the kind of political phenomena that the best put down will come from the voters," said Pilon. "The only thing that will have any impact on him and his supporters is a serious dressing down by the public themselves."



comments quotes:

If Wynne moves to take Ford out of office (while leaving the mayor of London alone) she will spark a people's revolution that will sweep her corrupt party from office and Ford will be guaranteed re-election.



Toronto got itself into this mess and it's probably up to Toronto to get itself out. And maybe they need to learn about the risks of electing fools and bullies to high office.



Nov.11.2013..? outdated article


Rob Ford is not a joke—the entire council is a joke. The mayor is merely the punch line





On Thursday, Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong announced he was going to make a motion to ask the province of Ontario to remove Rob Ford as mayor of Canada’s largest city.


redhead's picture





I suspect that Wynne is hoping and waiting for police to lay criminal charges against Ford.  Possibly, that may be coming soon.  We all know that he is still hanging out with Lisi - that in itself is not a good sign.  The two freely released videos of Ford this week - not good signs.  IMO, writing on the wall.  And also IMO, Ford is still under police surveillance.  My best guess is that police and crown want iron clad evidence, and then the criminal charges will follow. 

stardust's picture



Hi Redhead.........yes know that you know.....very well said.


I will post more details about his finances tomorrow. I want the public to be as well informed as possible before the Oct. election.




  The low income people think he is wonderful because he hangs out with them. He has done very little to actually help them, he has taken certain beneficial  programs away. He stated loud and clear that they are not welcome to live at the waterfront regarding a proposal in the works for new housing at that location. He prefers a different area for them to live in. Also he wished to sell off some 900 units of Ont. gov't housing occupied by low income and welfare families. I haven't heard the latest news on that proposal.




'No affordable housing on the waterfront', says Toronto Mayor Rob Ford (CP/Michelle Siu)



Toronto's Affordable Housing Committee has plans for the inclusion of rental units at reduced rates in a new waterfront development. Toronto's Mayor however doesn't approve of prime real estate that's reserved for lower income families. Today, a reality check on who needs affordable housing in cities where real estate prices are higher than any condo.

The fuss over affordable housing along Toronto's waterfront

Many parts of Toronto's waterfront are spectacular, but some of the shoreline is memorable for concrete rubble and struggling grassland that seems to whisper: Stay Away.


A planned $1.1 billion dollar development could really spruce up the place. And staff at city hall suggest that the big views of Lake Ontario won't just be for the rich - affordable rental housing will be part of the waterfront as well.


Well, maybe not on Mayor Rob Ford's waterfront.



"You don't use your waterfront for affordable housing, that's the first thing, but when you get an opportunity to get the feds and the province on board obviously you gotta take advantage of that. So, I'm split. The location to me is ridiculous. But then again, you get the province and the feds to give us money for affordable housing, which we need, and put it somewhere else, yes we need that. Where that other location will be, we're not quite sure. But it shouldn't be on the waterfront"



Rob Ford, Toronto Mayor



Like many of the mayor's opinions, this one faces stiff opposition. Critics say his perspective is out-dated and reinforces ghetto stereotypes.



Ana Bailão is a Toronto City Councillor and Chair of the Affordable Housing Committee -- the subcommittee that voted unanimously in favour of the proposal. She was in Toronto.


We did request an interview with Toronto Mayor Rob Ford. Our request was left unanswered.


stardust's picture




We were posting at the same time. I just read your comment about possible charges being laid. I think you're right on the money, your predictions are  correct. The stew is in a slow cooker at the moment ,  but it is cooking re forthcoming evidence and charges.

lastpointe's picture



Maybe the police can bring charges though nothing so far says that.

If they charge everyone who used illegal drugs after the fact we would be overrun.

I totally agree redhead that here in the city he isn't an ordinary joe.

But he successfully puts that out as his image.

Every time there is an"expose" type article, it only back fires. His supporters feel he is being picked on.

he has successfully portrayed himself as a outsider who is like one of the guys.

I find it funny that people who would never do drugs or drink to excess think it "just a mistake, we are all human". But they do.

He can't be beat through the press, only made stronger and it is amazing to watch here in the city. Listen to some talk radio and see how committed his followers are.

Can charges be laid, perhaps, but removing a mayor requires a conviction. Just ask London Ontario. Their mayor is still in office and currently charged with fraud.

If the Star would start to ignore him, only report on Deputy Mayor Kelly, he would lose a lot of his power.

redhead's picture



Lastpointe, you have made a very good point about media - emphasis on the good work that Kelly and the rest of our councillors is doing should be reported in greater detail.


As to criminal charges, what I suspect is that if it happens, it will have to do with being involved with trying to get the crack smoking video, and ordering people to basically do whatever it takes to get it back (and Lisi may be a critical part of this). You are correct, he can't be charged with using illegal drugs after the fact.  To this day, I can't believe how escaped the marijuana posession charge in Florida ...and only was found guilty of DUI.  His multiple substance usage has been going on for decades, and "the dabbling with crack" was very likely preceded by years doing lines (think of Ford sniffing the Bier Markt)... I found it  amusing that when Ford  held a fight back press conference earlier this week, part of his explanation for his actions was"everyone has bumps in their life"...  yes, well not many have them in public, right off the bar - usually they go to the washroom in order to experience it ;)


His drug and alcohol addiction has been a part of his life for a very long time - to me, the only surprise is why he has NOT been arrested in Toronto for drugs, which is why I suspect the goal is to charge Ford with grave charges - and making the case takes time.

revjohn's picture



Hi stardust,


stardust wrote:

On Thursday, Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong announced he was going to make a motion to ask the province of Ontario to remove Rob Ford as mayor of Canada’s largest city.


Strictly speaking, this is political grandstanding.  The motion is ultra vires (beyond the power of existing legislation).  The councillor may as well be demanding unicorns as personal transportation for city councillors.


It is beyond the power of the council because the council cannot legitimately make such a request to the Provincial Government according to existing legislation.  It is beyond the power of the Provincial Government to take such action according to existing legislation.


At best the Councillor could ask city Council to forward a request to the Provincial Government to amend existing legislation.  Unless he has some grounds other than Mayor Ford is an embarrassment he is asking the Provincial Government to engage in poor governance and craft a "Rob Ford" law.


If Councillor Denzil Minnan Wong is going to enter the race for Mayor he would be best served by focusing on what is within his power to control rather than betray profound ignorance of the processes which govern both Toronto City Council and the Government of Ontario.


As a resident of Ontario Rob Ford is not my political problem.  I don't want my provincial government spending one second on this buffoon when there are actually other issues demanding significant attention.


The voters of Toronto can solve this problem in October.  Until then the business of city hall can continue even if it has to do so with the oafish commentary of Mayor Ford.


If politicians in Toronto think Mayor Ford has to go then they are best served by speaking up whenever he or his brother repeat their phony numbers.


Since Mayor Ford has shown zero understanding of his personal issue and has invested zero effort in doing what needs to be done to handle it.  He will continue to suffer setback after setback.  He has already shown in this last instance that he grows weary of trying to keep his addiction under control.


He needs to hit bottom.  Nobody should be pushing him.  Nor should they be attempting to hold him back.  They should be trying to ensure he cannot endanger others.  He is a threat to his own health and well-being as well as to the health and well-being of those around him (family as well as the general public).  This ticking time-bomb either permits itself to be disarmed by asking for help or it goes off by hitting bottom.  Regretably there are not many more options than this.


Grace and peace to you.


stardust's picture



Thanks for your info. Rev. John.....well said...yes.

stardust's picture



I had saved this article and I debated whether to bother posting it. I'm thinking we're all growing   weary of the Ford spectacle. There are new articles in the Toronto Star  that I can't even bother to read.


The Globe and Mail Nov. 2013
Ford's Finances
During Rob Ford’s media blitz this week, in which he granted interviews to several major American broadcasters, there was one common refrain: he is a regular man under attack from the establishment. While touring a low-income apartment with CNN, he railed against “rich, elitist people” who look down on his consumption of drugs and alcohol. “I’m just an average guy,” he told the network’s correspondent Bill Weir.
Anyone who has ever peered into the financial affairs of the mayor and his family would find his identifying with “poor people” peculiar. His family’s many assets include the label and sticker business, Deco Labels and Tags Inc., co-founded by the mayor’s late father, as well as substantial residential and commercial real estate holdings. It is difficult to put an exact price tag on his family’s worth, primarily because Deco is a private corporation. But public records show that Mr. Ford and his family members are far better off than your average Canadian.

The Land:

Between their private residences, their three Florida condominium units, their three plots of Muskoka land and waterfront cottage, as well as three swaths of commercial land – totalling 156,421 square feet – owned by companies they control, the Ford family has real estate holdings worth more than $10-million. That figure is based on valuations conducted by MPAC, the Municipal Property Assessment Corp., which is responsible for valuing land for tax purposes. It is also based on tax assessments in Broward County, which is where their Florida vacation properties are located.



The two plots of land that house Deco’s Toronto plant, which are owned by the family holding company, Doug Ford Holdings Inc., are worth about $3.4-million combined, according to MPAC assessments. Their real estate portfolio also includes property in an industrial part of Etobicoke, north of Highway 401, that their late father bought through one of his companies for $370,000 in 1978. That parcel of land which is located at 85 Vulcan St., currently used by a long-haul trucking company, was most recently valued at $2.4-million. (The owner of the trucking company, Janusz Poreba, estimates that he pays about $12,000 a month to Deco to lease the premises.)




Rob Ford, Doug Ford and their mother Diane Ford all own homes in a desirable pocket of central Etobicoke, where the yards are expansive and luxury cars dot the roadways. Doug Ford’s home is valued at $1.7-million. Rob and Doug’s childhood home, where Diane still lives, is valued at $1.3-million. The mayor’s home appears relatively modest – it’s a white-brick bungalow. But it’s in a prime location, at the bottom of a hill that winds up to some of Etobicoke’s largest mansions. It is valued by MPAC at $888,000. In October the average resale price for a home in the Greater Toronto Area was $539,058.




The Company:

Deco’s profitability, and Rob Ford’s share of those profits, is something that is not publicly disclosed. The company has a wide array of clients – including retailers in the cosmetic, household cleaning and food and drink industries – who rely on Deco to produce the self-adhesive labels for their goods.


In addition to the family’s Etobicoke plant, it also has operations in Chicago and New Jersey. As a private company, there is nothing that requires Deco to publicize its revenues or profit. Robert Murdock, a former stockholder in the distressed New Jersey label company that Deco purchased in 2008, said in an interview that, when that particular plant was sold, his former company’s annual sales were probably between $4- and $5-million.


Doug Ford Jr. has said that the Chicago operations have grown considerably since he moved the company’s business there in the late 1990s. In 2010, when The Globe and Mail profiled the newly elected mayor, an industry publication showed Deco’s annual sales were about $29-million. Since then, a Toronto Life profile of Rob Ford put that figure at $100-million, a number that one industry insider said seems quite high.



The Inheritance:

When the Ford family patriarch, Doug Ford Sr., died in 2006, there was very little that was divulged about his net worth in Ontario court estate filings. But a deeper dive into the Ford family’s property records shows that as of early 2013, the estate contained enough to make a $5-million loan.


In late March, the Estate of Douglas B. Ford loaned $5-million to the Ford family holding company, Doug Ford Holdings Inc. (The loan was secured by the three parcels of commercial land owned by the holding company, which is why the figure appears on public documents.) The trustees of Doug Ford Sr.’s estate are Rob and Doug, as well as their mother and their older brother, Randy Ford. There is nothing on the public record about how much, if anything, the mayor or his councillor brother have, or will, receive from the estate.


Councillor Doug Ford Jr. has reacted angrily to inquiries about how much he has earned as a businessman and how much he was given. He has credited himself with pushing Deco into the United States, a move that he says his father resisted.


This week, when he was asked by Globe city hall reporter Elizabeth Church about what he inherited, he replied: “You know something, I worked my ass off 18 hours a day for my money. I started a company that was a mom-and-pop shop, sacrificed my life. I’m an entrepreneur. That’s the country we live in. When you are an entrepreneur, you work your back off in a little printing company and you make it grow through hard work. That’s what this country’s all about.”



The Car:

Since 2012, Rob Ford has driven a Cadillac Escalade, a sport utility vehicle that, at the time, cost a minimum of $63,000. The luxury vehicle sells for more than double the average price of a new vehicle in Canada, which Power Information Network data puts at $31,500. A new Escalade is about four times the price of the most inexpensive version of a new Honda Civic, the most popular vehicle in Canada.


With files from Stephanie Chambers and Elizabeth Church


Check out the  comments - 329


stardust's picture



An article about the 2014 (proposed..?)   councillors pay increase. Some comments on the net suggested that Rob Ford was working for free. He doesn't take his pay increases  I believe.  His brother Doug. donates his salary to charity.



TORONTO - Mayor Rob Ford and Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly are set to clash over city council’s 2014 pay raise.



Ford, Kelly and every Toronto city councillor are poised to get around a 1.5% pay hike next year, according to the draft 2014 budget.



The mayor came out against the raise Monday and promised to pitch $50 million in budget savings to council in his quest for a 1.75% property tax increase rather than the proposed 2.5% hike.



Right now, the mayor’s salary is set at $175,395 while councillors earn $104,147 each.



City officials confirmed Monday that council’s actual 2014 pay hike could be higher or lower, depending on the final tabulation of the 2013 consumer price index average early next year.



A 1.5% increase would give councillors a $1,562 bump while Ford would get a $2,630 increase.



Councillors got a 1.5% increase in 2013, a 3% increase in 2012 and agreed to freeze their pay in 2011.



Officials confirmed four members of council donated their 2013 pay hike back to the city but wouldn’t reveal who rejected the increase.



Along with the $86,000 set aside for councillors’ pay increases, the 2014 budget includes around $209,000 for a 1.75% cost of living increase for councillors’ staff and $20,000 for a 1.5% consumer price index increase for councillors’ office budgets.



The mayor predicted Monday that the pay raise will likely go through.



“I’ll just have to donate it back,” Ford said, adding he has donated back the pay hike every year.



“I think we get paid enough. You shouldn’t be doing the job for the money, you should be doing the job to help people.”



Ford — who was stripped of most of his powers in the wake of his crack cocaine scandal — said he plans on bringing a stack of motions to council to fight spending in the 2014 budget.



“They say show me $18 million (in savings), I’m going to show them $50 million, easy. We’ll see if it gets through,” he said. “You’re going to see the old Rob Ford back in action saving taxpayers’ money.”



Deputy Mayor Kelly confirmed he’ll support a council pay hike.


“They’re a very hardworking group and you look at the comparable salaries in the GTA, they are underpaid by a considerable amount,” Kelly said. “This is a huge, complex, diverse city to run and I think that members of council, their job should be recognized.”



Budget Chief Frank Di Giorgio was “OK” with the increase unless someone puts forward a motion to freeze councillors’ pay.



“It is one of those things where usually somebody steps up and puts forward that kind of motion,” Di Giorgio said. “Cutting it is politically opportunistic.”


“I’m flexible either way,” he added.


Councillor Doug Ford — the budget committee vice-chairman — said he would “absolutely freeze” councillors’ pay.


“I think that we’re paid enough — we’re paid over $100,000 a year. I think that is sufficient,” said Ford, who donates his entire salary to charity.



stardust's picture



And oh yes....there's always one more crazy.  Check out the link to hear the audio.


Special Update:  November 1st, 2013 – You may as well call this #61, as mayor Rob Ford calls into a radio station as a man named “Ian” and tries to defend himself.


60 other things Rob Ford has done:



revjohn's picture



Hi stardust,


stardust wrote:

Ford, Kelly and every Toronto city councillor are poised to get around a 1.5% pay hike next year, according to the draft 2014 budget.


I am not about to begrudge anyone on Toronto City Council a raise in pay.


That said I think this is an area where the Municipal Act of the Province of Ontario needs to be emended.  It is simply untenable that politicians at any level be allowed to vote on their own salary.


I think it would be immensely fair if politiicans of every stripe could only vote on a pay package that would come into play at the rise of the next government.  The city of Toronto will go to the polls in October of 2014 so any pay raises should not come into effect until after that time.  That way the voting public actually determines whether or not the politicians who voted on the pay raise get to benefit from that pay raise.


I also think that a politicians base salary should be tied to the average salary of constituents in their jurisdiction.  This would mean that politicians would not see a pay raise unless the average salary for their jurisdiction increased.  So, city of Toronto councillors (for example) would not be able to implement a pay raise greater than the raise in pay their average consituents received.  Politicians are, in theory elected to serve their constituents and not to be served by them.


As far as individuals donating their salary to charity or back to the city.  I have some thoughts on that.  First, since the salary is realized by taxation the citizens of the tax-base should have first right of refusal as to where that money goes.  I think it is a great thing that individuals offering themselves to public service and of sufficient financial means take a reduced salary.


I'm on the fence about allowing politicians to use tax-payer money to augment their charitable givings since that will have an impact upon their personal deductions at tax-time.  Particularly if they have decided to turn the whole or a significant portion of their salaries over because of other revenue streams available to them.


Grace and peace to you.


stardust's picture



Rev. John

That's true about writing off charity donations at tax time re income tax returns. . I hadn't thought about that.



Do you think Doug. hopes to score brownie points via this method? He could take his salary like the others do and donate it to charities. It sounds as if city hall pays  the list of charities directly from his salary?  I wonder. It sure is different in any case. I must see if I can find the charities he supports.

revjohn's picture



Hi stardust,


stardust wrote:

Do you think Doug. hopes to score brownie points via this method?


I don't know what goes through Doug's mind.  I think the quickest way he and his brother could score brownie points would be to shut-up and disappear for a couple of months.


So no, I don't think it is for brownie points.  The $20 bills at the TCHC was for brownie points.


Charitable donations are used to offset what the Government considers its due.  Doug's revenue from other sources is high enough that he does not need his salary.  I suspect that it is high enough that the CRA will get a healthy cut.  Provisions in the tax-code say that the Feds will not gouge you so deeply if you have made donations to registered charities.

If Doug is simply a middle man, cashing his city paycheque and then dumping all of it into charity work then Doug is also getting dinged for that income. The question would be how large a charitable donation benefit is Doug allowed to get.


I don't think it is for brownie points.  I wouldn't be surprised if it was for a tax advantage.


Which isn't evil.


Grace and peace to you.


stardust's picture



According to this comment Doug Ford doesn't see his own salary pay cheque. I wonder if that's true?


comment quote
So many haters on here. Doug Ford does NOT take his Councillors salary of over 100, 000. He donates ALL of it. He does not even see his cheque as the City donates it directly. Now he wants to help out with donations to upkeep some parks that have been overlooked or that there is not sufficient funds for.
Donate to the city website
BTW Political donations tax credits equal the donated amount whereas regular charity donations tax credits are only a small percentage of the actual amount.


stardust's picture



Here's more info. about Doug Ford's charity spending as a matter of interest.


This past summer, the Etobicoke City Councillor and brother of embattled mayor Rob Ford announced that he would be personally donating $50,000 to help revitalize 10 parks across the city. Ford isn’t using public tax dollars, he isn’t using funds from his public salary, he isn’t using money from his city hall budget. No, he is using his very own funds, whether you call it earned or inherited, it doesn’t matter.
In 2011, during a budget committee meeting, he informed one of the speakers that he would be donating $1,000 of his personal money to help cover a breakfast program for children. In light of facing budget cuts, which he supports, he used private charity to keep such a program afloat, something that would happen nowadays even without government support.
Toronto Star- ( in the above link)
Ford, brother of scandal-plagued Mayor Rob Ford, announced in July that he would donate $50,000 to help revitalize 10 parks around the city — $5,000 for each park.
That would be in addition to the $5,000 Ford gave to help with upgrades to Flagstaff Park in his Etobicoke North ward.

Ford said besides Palacio, he has spoken to Councillor Vince Crisanti (Ward 1, Etobicoke North), a Ford loyalist. Ford added he also wants to make donations in Scarborough.


He stressed in the interview that he’s not running for re-election to council


Ford has expressed interest in running for provincial office for the Progressive Conservatives, and Tory leader Tim Hudak hasn’t ruled out welcoming him as a candidate.


He plans to be heavily involved in his brother’s re-election campaign.


stardust's picture



This is crazy. Rob and Doug. are doing their own show again on You Tube  starting Feb. 10

chansen's picture



I don't know who he is, but he deserves props for this campaign ad:


Saul_now_Paul's picture



See video


Rob makes Toronto look more fun than it is!!!

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