InannaWhimsey's picture



Great Experimenting



I have an invaluable opportunity for you all to consider.  You know that our great country, Canada, is having a Grand Poo Bah election (PM) coming up very soon.


For those of you who like examining yourselves, who aren't afraid to try new things, to live life intentionally...I have this challenge for you:


when you vote, VOTE FOR SOMEONE YOU DON'T LIKE.  Preferably someone you ABHOR or are DISGUSTED WITH.


Now, you might want to bring some paper or a recording device with you to the voting, but pay particular attention to:


o when you feel and how you feel, how long it lasts, etc


o  what your thoughts are, how long they last


o  if there are any physical reactions you have


Then, PAY ATTENTION during the 12 months after to your moods & thoughts regarding this and PAY ATTENTION to how your candidate is doing.


At the end of this GLORIOUS EXPERIMENT...we can talk more :3



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Jim Kenney's picture

Jim Kenney


I would rather pull out my fingernails and reflect on the experience!

SG's picture



For me, voting is -always has been- a priviledge. Something that many, around the world, do not have the priviledge of. It is also, for me, a serious responsibility. 


Can we even imagine saying vote for the one who you abhor if it were an election in Uganda and Idi Amin Dada? It is easy if you are not a woman in Congo to say "vote for the folks who disgust you".


Believing that our vote is just a lever or a popularity contest or a game we play is fine, for some. Believing we need to quiot being so comfy or divisive, is also ok.


Me, with all I want and far more than I need, could flip any lever without it mattering much. Yet, it would matter so deeply personally in whether I could live with myself. For many it does matter and is a matter of life and death. Whether it is AIDS drugs, money for tents to eradicate malaria... whether it is clean water to aboriginal communities... I vote not just on behalf of me, but community, all those who need me to care and it means voting with care.



It means I have many times voted for what I did not relish or want, higher taxes, less comfort... and felt proud. Thanks but no thanks to voting and hanging my head because I did.

somegalfromcan's picture



It seems to me that if you vote for the person you do not like, it gives that person a better chance of getting in. I could not live with myself if that happened and they were able to bring policies that I did not agree with. I find myself thinking similarly to SG. Even in our own country, our government takes away the rights and freedoms of its' own citizens (I'm thinking of the Olympics and G8/20 protestors especially). How can I vote for that? Nellie McClung was a member of my congregation - I wonder how she would feel about that?


Inanna - will you be voting for the candidate that you most abhor?

InannaWhimsey's picture



Jim Kenny, SG*, somegalfromcan,


this was just one of my gifts to you all, everything can be learned from, even if you didn't actually do it (like if I were you Jim, I'd pay attention to how I felt when I read the OP, and for how long, and what thoughts happened and such...valuable insights come from the most insignificant of things).


somegalfromcan, you asked me if there were any candidate that I abhored in my riding.  Alas, there isn't.  They are all caucasian.  I feel as if I can be of all candidates, though, I'm sure, if I came across a candidate that I found out was a cat-raper, that would be someone I abhor...:3


* thank you for the image of you as a bizarro ('reverse') SG having fun with Idi Amin :3

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