stardust's picture



How the Algonquin Indians (Natives) in Canada Lost Their Lands

Well, since our Natives are in the media big time these past few weeks I would like to add this documentary for anyone who has the time to spare and an interest in our Native people. If there  are known errors or inaccurate information in it  please feel free to point it out. I believe its well done concerning some history of  the Algonquins in Quebec. I'm not sure of all the dates or the current living conditions  about those featured in the video. I must admit I am very saddened watching something like this.

I am interested in knowing how you feel about it and are the facts truth to the best of your knowledge?  I'll get around to more research at a later date to validate it and how conditions are at the present time for some of  these Natives in Quebec. There are so many bands and so many problems within various Native communities its hard to keep track.


Online release: November 30, 2012

The Algonquin once lived in harmony with the vast territory they occupied. This balance was upset when the Europeans arrived in the 16th century. Gradually, their Aboriginal traditions were undermined and their natural resources plundered. Today, barely 9,000 Algonquin are left. They live in about 10 communities, often enduring abject poverty and human rights abuses.

These Aboriginal people are suffering the threat to their very existence in silence. Richard Desjardins and Robert Monderie have decided to sound the alarm before it's too late.

The Invisible Nation - 2007- 93 min.

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dreamerman's picture



Hi stardust I tried to click on the link you provided but was unable to view the video. I live very close to an Algonquin reserve in Ontario about a 2 hr drive from Ottawa. I happen to be Algonquin myself but I am non status. There is currently negotiations working on an agreement to form a treaty with the Algonquin people. It has been in the works for over 20 years it will probably take another 10 years or more before a treaty is finalized.


This just came to mind. About 33 years ago when I was in grade 4 I remeber my teacher at the time teaching us how to spell arithmetic. I think it went something like this ( a red indian thought he might eat tobacco in church). Now it was a long time ago and we thought it was funny at the time but I don't think any teacher would try that today but I could be wrong.

stardust's picture




arithmetic....!!!!...that's cute!


My dr. once asked me if I smoked (back in the 70's).

I said: "No, I eat them". There was no reply. I loved to smoke a lot!


Sorry you can't get the video. Its National Film Board I'm able to get this one but not any others. It says "oops...stumbled upon an error" so the error is on the website I presume.



I'm not Native but I grew up in a small country village in N.S. in the 1940's and 50's. We had no indoor plumbing , no electricity, no TV  until the mid 1950's. We had a wood stove with a tank on the end of it  to heat up  water.  Our drinking water came from a well plus a wonderful cold water spring about a mile away.



I went to high school by bus. Before I left for school in the a.m. I walked about 1/4 mile to the barn to feed and water our 3 cows and a horse. I remember in the winter it was icy some days. I had to break the ice in what seemed like a brook...?... to water the cows. I had to make a pathway for them to walk on using shovels of cow dung so they wouldn't fall. I must have smelled like roses getting on the school bus......:(

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