revjohn's picture



Important Announcement

Good Evening everyone, thank you for stopping by.


After a few short weeks of constant media regurgitation I have decided to announce that I, like so many others, will not be running for the leadership of the Ontario Liberal Party.  I had intended to think about not running longer before making such a bold declaration in such a public forum.


It is my hope that others in the same situation as myself will likewise declare the absolute non-existence of their aspirations to the leadership of the Ontario Liberal Party if only to give the constant droning of provincial media more of an accurate target to discuss.


Thank you once again for you time and I promise, that in the future when there are other positions of political leadership ripe for the taking that I will be more diligent in stepping forward immediately to declare that I will not be running for those either.


My apologies to the people of Ontario who have been waiting on this announcement with baited breath.  You can release those worms now.


Grace and peace to you.


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graeme's picture



I don't think that's very funny when we consider that you are planning to run for the Conservative leadership. Jumping on the Liberal PR bandwagon under these circumstances is not seemly.

gecko46's picture



With you out of the race, revjohn, my chances of victory are suddenly much greater.


somegalfromcan's picture



But surely you haven't considered all of the perks which you will be missing out on! Think of the sermons you could preach from the pulpit of the legislature!!!

carolla's picture



Well, if you're not running, then I'm not running either - what fun would it be??  That's it, I'm definitely out!!

alta's picture



Well, I was going to move to Ontario and join the Lineral party, but now what's the point?

Rev. Steven Davis's picture

Rev. Steven Davis


I believe that John is just trying to lull his potential opponents into a false sense of security. Just wait until the public pressure on him builds and the "draft John" movements begin!

RitaTG's picture



....there goes my job as campaign manager.....

..... another broken dream.....



MikePaterson's picture



I think you mean "BATED" breath, John… like "holding your breath". 

gecko46's picture



Dunno...he was talking about releasing the,  bait...

Expect he has bigger fish to fry.

graeme's picture



Well, actually, the reason he  isn't running is because he hasn't been using his Crest as he should - and it's embarassing when even the microphone wilts.

But why would he settle for Ontario, anyway? He still has several days to blow out Obama and Romney. And I'm confident he would be at least as good as either of them. Probably better.

revjohn's picture



Hi Graeme,


graeme wrote:

He still has several days to blow out Obama and Romney.


Great!  Another birther conspiracy.  I'm sure President Obama would like to have somebody else in those cross-hairs for a bit.


Though I must say if anyone offered 5 million to the charity of my choice just to see my passport application it might be enough motivation for me to actually complete it.


While I am at it let me take the opportunity to declare that I have absolutely no intention of running for the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada.


Grace and peace to you.


Kimmio's picture



LOL! Being out in BC, I think I am missing out on some of the news, but this exchange is funny nevertheless. Have people been coming forward in droves to say they are "not running" since McGuinty stepped down? Is it sort of like, "I declare that I am not going to come near that position with a ten foot pole." ? Trouble filling the vacancy?

graeme's picture



Refusing to run for leadership of the federal Liberals is no sign of decisiveness. it's simply a gesture of good taste.

Like saying excuse me - after belching in the middle of your sermon.

carolla's picture



You got it Kimmio - lots of rats leaving the ship!  But question is who are they making way for?? 

revjohn's picture



Hi carolla,


carolla wrote:

You got it Kimmio - lots of rats leaving the ship!



That comment is decidedly lacking in charity. 


Smitherman and Bryant who have both held press conferences to declare they will not run (remember when press conferences used to be about somebody doing something rather than somebody not doing something?)  Neither are on the proverbial ship at present so they are not deserting.


So far those cabinet ministers who believed we couldn't survive without them taking time out of the day to tell us how this was not a good time for them are individuals who have been involved in some of the recent scandals that have knocked the teflon off of Premier Dad.

All of whom would have been actual targets of the opposition immediately after the Legislature was reconvened.


Strategically the Liberals are going to want a leader who has plausible denial which means nobody who has held the finance, health, or energy chairs recently.  Broten, always a long-shot has been holding the education chair and the act passed by the Liberals (with the Conservatives) has poisoned her leadership aspirations for the time being.


With Kathleen Wynne finally announcing that she will take a run at the leadership more names may come forward.  Wynne is greatly respected around Queen's Park, the opposition will have to strike fast to remove her from the Premiere's chair and quite frankly I don't think Hudak or Horvath compare favourably to Wynne.


Still, who knows what tomorrow brings?


Grace and peace to you.



graeme's picture



who knows what tomorrow brings, indeed. Glen Murray is running for leader. I taught Glen Murray in the school of community and public affairs at Condordia U.

RitaTG's picture



...revjohn ... your refusal to run continues to affect the unemployment rate.

Here I was counting on a job and you let me down..... 

Are you going to run offshore and take all those lucrative campaign jobs with you????



sighsnootles's picture



i'm not running either.


going up and down the stairs is enough excercise for me.

SG's picture



At this time, I am not officially declaring my candidacy for the Ontario Liberal leadership during this election.


I am also not using this time to campaign for this election or any other including any future elections.


I am not sure that I could secure the support needed to make a succesful run for the leadership.


So, in the meantime.....


Make cheques payable to....




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