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The Jewish Daily Forward

The Jewish Daily Forward, along with the israeli paper Haaretz, is pretty good reading.

You can get the Forward on the web. (For EO, go to google, type in Jewish Daily Foward, push enter., Read. Think. Try to avoid forming conclusions before reading.)

The US state department sponsored a project to study Palestinian text books in the schools to see if they spread hatred of Jews.

The study group consisted of 17 scholars representing universities in the US and Israel. The scholars were both Jewish  (mostly Israeli) and Moslem.

Conclusion released on Feb. 4 - you probably didn't see it in your local paper - was that there is no sign of anti-Jewish or anti-Israeli feeling in Palestinian school texts.

So far, so good. then Israel applied the heat. Three Israeli members of the research group changed their minds, and resigned. The US state department, orignially pleased, now refuses to comment on the report.

Keep reading your local papers. They probably won't mention it. And that's okay because you then won't have the danger of it polluting your opinions.

I wonder if anybody has checked out Israeli textbooks.

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graeme's picture



I have no idea why this reply section popped up. Might be a plot by B'Nai Brith.

EO will note my use of bite-size paragraphs, only slightly longer than those in the Dick and Jane reader.

(See Dick.

See Dick run.

Run, Dick, run.


See Jane

See Jane run.

Run, Jane run.

See Spot.  - well, you get the drift of the plot.)

InannaWhimsey's picture



run, graeme, run :3

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