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Liibya and war

The Guardian for May 30 confirms that western troops are on t he ground in Libya, and have been for some time, working with the rebels.. Some, at least, seem to be British SAS.

That goes way beyond the  UN mandate. So we are almost certainly into a war, and an illegal one.

When I taught military history, I used to talk about the sort of thing that gets talked about on Nov 11, how over a hundred thousand Canadian died in the  twentieth century to, among other things, ensure that we, the Canadian people, would decide when and where to go to war.

We talk about in on Nov. 11. We forget it on Nov. 12.


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They call the SAS troops on the ground "spotters". They are armed. They also call them "liason teams".

You have to call them something other than a "foreign occupation force" Because,  though force may be used, a "foreign occupation force" is excluded in the UN security council resolution.


In Vietnam, they called them "military advisors".


The more it changes the more it stays the same.

graeme's picture



Down here, the newspapers and private radio have not carried the story. The CBC has.

graeme's picture



Obama has now gone past the constitutional limit for waging war without the consent of congress. Meanwhile, opposition to the war in Libya is running high both in congress and in the general public. This could be sticky.

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