ninjafaery's picture



Merci Quebec - assisted dying for terminal patients approved

I think Quebec just made a few more friends (and foes). It will soon be possible to decide to end one's own suffering if terminally ill, and to have legal medical assistance to do so. There will be a rigorous process to undergo, ensuring the patient is of sound mind, making their decision without coercion. You can now refuse to end your life as a ball of incontinent, semi-comatose, senseless pain. Your loved ones will be spared the helpless suffering of watching you reduced to such; and yes, it will save the healthcare system billions.

The response seems overwhelmingly in favour across Canada, despite the Government's taxpayer-funded legal interference. They are in the course of a legal appeal to overturn a BC judge's decision to allow assisted dying on a case by case basis.
I hope the next few years brings the choice to patients across Canada.
Also of interest to me is the legal process that allows Quebec to pass it's own legislation independent from the Feds. It seems to me that Quebec leads the way for progressive (& unpopular) reforms in Canada.

I hope Quebec is ready for the influx of patients wanting this service.
What are your thoughts?

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ninjafaery's picture


ninjafaery's picture



Any reservations I have about assisted dying are concerns for the doctors who write the prescription. It must be very hard to do that - a burden of conscience. how to interpret "do no harm".

Did you know that the taking of the Hyppocratic Oath is voluntary? I didn't.

stardust's picture



I'm not sure if its in Canada or the U.S. but there is media  talk about doctors providing strong  pain meds too easily or quickly  in regard to certain ill patients . The thinking is that the patients  become  addicted and die earlier than normal from the strong drug use .


I do recall some years back that dying patients did suffer in pain because drs. were afraid of prescribing too much morphine or other narcotics  which was/is....?....against the law. A dr. had lost his license.  I believe at some point that changed or at least doctors haven't  been charged recently.  A dr's receptionist (or nurse..?)  told me in 2009 when my husband was ill that cancer patients do not have to die in pain.


This concerns me because I believe if very ill or  dying patients are refused the required meds to ease their pain they could easily be tempted towards euthanasia . At the present time I would say I believe doctors should not be charged in court for assisted suicide.   Of major concern to me would be the  discussions between the drs.,psychologists, care givers,  patient, and family in regard to the mental health  of the patient seeking to die. Would it be a  hurried process?  We could see lots of abuses  if it was handled too speedily sort of like a factory line assembly.


I'm not able to decide if I would choose it for myself or not. I know I would not choose to suffer in pain  for an extended period of time.

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