MikePaterson's picture



These guys know how to suck!




The Conservative Party has filed a second motion to dismiss the robocalls lawsuits filed by the left-leaning Council of Canadians, calling council chairperson Maude Barlow a "virulent critic" of Prime Minister Stephen Harper who has "orchestrated" the litigation.

"It is evident that the Council's 'business plan' is to leverage anti-Conservative sentiment in order raise money and continue to employ professional agitators like Ms. Barlow," the motion says.

The Council of Canadians is seeking to overturn the results of last year's election in seven ridings won by Conservatives, where they say voters were misdirected to phoney polling stations by mysterious live or recorded phone calls, often purporting to be from Elections Canada.

The Conservative Party's latest salvo in response accuses the council of having "an improper motive" to "damage the Conservative brand through unfounded assertions."

"The applications have been brought solely to provide the Council with a platform to criticize Conservatives, who the Council views as its enemy," the motion says.

In a tart response, Council of Canadians executive director Garry Neil says, “unlike the epithets thrown at their political opponents, we aren’t being accused of being Nazi sympathizers, or terrorists, or being on the side of the child pornographers."

"I only wish the Conservatives had put as much time and effort into their investigation of the robocalls scandal as they’ve put into chastising the Council of Canadians,” said Neil.


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MikePaterson's picture



How long can we accept this politicisation of every issue?


The "robocalls" inquiry is NOT about politics…  it's about fair and free elections. It's about DEMOCRACY! It doesn't matter WHO lodged robocallls. it DOES matter that we have people in politics who think tactics of that sort are just part of the game of "winning" and they should go to jail if that's their approach to politics in Canada.


The UN report on poverty in Canada was NOT a political" jibe with no basis in fact: it's about a HUMANITARIAN issue that's persisted for far too long in Canada under various governments!


What does this government have against democracy and human dignity?


It's happening time and time again… and it's realling pissing me off!

gecko46's picture



And decisions such as that in the article below are truly alarming.  This government seems to want to suppress information and studies regarding ocean contamination.

Understandable as they push for the new pipeline to the BC coast that threatens the waters and livelihood of Native People's.



Killer whale expert out of work as feds cut ocean-pollution monitoring positions


By Cindy E. Harnett, Postmedia News May 20, 2012


VICTORIA - Canada’s only marine mammal toxicologist at the Institute of Ocean Sciences on Vancouver Island is losing his job as the federal government cuts almost all employees who monitor ocean pollution across Canada.


Peter Ross, an expert on killer whales and other marine mammals, was the lead author of a report 10 years ago that demonstrated Canada’s killer whales are the most contaminated marine mammals on the planet. He has more than a 100 published reports.


Now, he’s a casualty of the Conservative’s budget cuts, one of 75 people across Canada told this past week his services will no longer be needed because the Department of Fisheries is closing the nation’s contaminants program.


For about a decade, Fisheries and Oceans has been trying to offload the program to Environment Canada, Ross said. Instead, this week, it axed it.


In total, 1,075 people working for the Department of Fisheries received letters Thursday telling them their jobs will be redundant or affected — including 215 in the Pacific Region.


The closure of DFO’s contaminants program in Victoria will see nine marine scientists and staff — two research scientists, a chemist and six support staff — based in North Saanich lose their jobs or be retrained and moved.


The entire Department of Fisheries and Oceans contaminants program is being shut down effective April 1, 2013. Official letters are expected to be delivered in June, and Ross said he’s been told he’ll have a few months to wrap up his files.


“The entire pollution file for the government of Canada, and marine environment in Canada’s three oceans, will be overseen by five junior biologists scattered across the country — one of which will be stationed in B.C.,” said Ross.


“I cannot think of another industrialized nation that has completely excised marine pollution from its radar,” said Ross, who was informed in a letter Thursday that his position will be “affected.”


“It is with apprehension that I ponder a Canada without any research or monitoring capacity for pollution in our three oceans, or any ability to manage its impacts on commercial fish stocks, traditional foods to over 300,000 aboriginal people, and marine wildlife,” Ross said.


Ross oversees pollution files including everything from municipal sewage and contaminated sites to the effect of pesticide on salmon and the impact of PCBs on killer whales.


If we can understand through scientific means the threats to killer whales listed as endangered or threatened, then we are in a much better position to protect and recover that species, Ross said.


DFO spokeswoman Melanie Carkner said between Fisheries and the Canadian Coast Guard, about $79.3 million in savings has been found, “primarily by adjusting our internal operations and administration.”


“We will be removing about 400 positions from DFO’s 11,000-strong workforce,” Carkner said. “This works out to less than two per cent a year over three years.”


The department said it is refocusing its research on conservation and fisheries management: “In lieu of in-house research on the biological effects of contaminants and pesticides, the department will establish an advisory group and research fund of $1.4 million a year to work with academia and other independent facilities to get advice on priority issues.”


Green Party leader Elizabeth May, MP for Saanich-Gulf Islands, said it’s shocking to lose all the toxin-related research going on at the Institute for Ocean Sciences and across Canada, especially when the Conservative government is “blindly and recklessly enthusiastic about putting oil tankers on B.C.’s coastline.”


“I will do everything I can to stop this government’s budget bill,” May said of the Budget Implementation Act, Bill C-38.


Deficit reduction is important, she said. “But to take out an entire group, that’s not prudent fiscal management, that’s driven by ideology that doesn’t want to know what toxic chemicals are doing in the oceans and freshwater.”



© Copyright (c) The Victoria Times Colonist




MikePaterson's picture



Gee Gecko — you're bold! 


In know. It used to be called science.


Don't you know that concern for the biosphere in any form is now known to be unCanadian political activity?



somegalfromcan's picture



Interesting to note that North Saanich, where that facility is located, is in Elizabeth May's riding - a riding that until the last election had been a Conservative stronghold for almost 20 years (dating back to the days of the Reform party). Coincidence?

Mendalla's picture



My dirty mind wasn't sure what I'd find in here based on the title surprise...


But since we're talking about the Conservatives, not much risk of that happening ... cheeky




Mendalla's picture



The real problem in making Robocalls stick as an issue is going to be short voter memories. Robocalls is already starting to fade from the public agenda. Even the opposition is moving on to other issues (partly, I suspect, because electoral shenanigans are quite likely not confined to the Conservatives). If it's an issue in 2015, I'll be shocked. More likely, things like the impact of the EI "reforms" and other economic agenda items will be the issues that put Harper on the hot seat in the next election.




Kimmio's picture



I wish we didn't have to wait until 2015 for another election. Sigh. Mulcair seems very strong. I hope Harper's met his match, and Mulcair will fight hard for better principals.

Birthstone's picture



I'm so flipping depressed by this government and their apparent stable support - really truly pissed off and fed up.  Can I move?  Will that help?  AGH.

Kimmio's picture



Birthstone wrote:

I'm so flipping depressed by this government and their apparent stable support - really truly pissed off and fed up.  Can I move?  Will that help?  AGH.


Me too. But, even if we could, where is there to move that would be any better?

InannaWhimsey's picture



strong enough to suck off the guilt from a Catholic?

Motheroffive's picture



People in Quebec are taking action:


I Am Not a Quebec Protester, But Police Assaulted Me Anyway


"It's a shame that so much of the rest of Canada doesn't understand that this is now an issue about basic rights in a democracy. There are several factors for this, namely that the people who make the most noise are usually the ones who get heard."


Wear a red square...it's  all about what kind of a world and country we want. We're going down the road Mexico headed down years ago - they had a relatively stable country with a signicant middle class. Since then, their middle class has been more or less decimated and we see the results: destitution, rampant crime and violence, lack of medical care, etc. 


Spread the red square everywhere: Why solidarity with Quebec Students is crucial



ninjafaery's picture



You'd think the CONS would be the first to initiate an investigation into electoral irregularities. Why aren't they eager to clear themselves of wrongdoing, IF they have nothing to hide? They are really damning themselves by grasping for loopholes and blocking inguiry. And the "conservative brand" is now damaged beyond repair with no help needed.
Yes -- have also been wishing I could move elsewhere, but I still foolishly believe things can still change for the better. I'll wear a red patch gladly.

Kimmio's picture



Well, at least we've had a reason to laugh recently. This ones not NSFW (I checked, he's strategically covered), but you can find the full monty painting if you want to look for it.



InannaWhimsey's picture



Kimmio wrote:

Well, at least we've had a reason to laugh recently. This ones not NSFW (I checked, he's strategically covered), but you can find the full monty painting if you want to look for it.




The painting got sold AND I found out that harper's uncut :3

Kimmio's picture



Yeah, someone actually paid $5000 for it! It's a well done painting, but I wouldn't hang it my house! Someday, that painting might be worth a fortune though...for those who buy and sell art.. Add: Maybe it will be in a national museum one day.


...somehow I doubt he really posed for it. I think it was the artist's own impression. ;)

Kimmio's picture



Actually, if I were the artist, I would have waited before selling it.

InannaWhimsey's picture


Kimmio's picture



...lol..okay, now what does that even remotely have to do with the Progressive Conservative Party? (sorry folks, while you're sound asleep, Innana and I are derailing the thread).

InannaWhimsey's picture



We're like elves, Kept Inside Mice Must Infer Otherwise :3


(one wonders how PCP would react to that?)

(probably publically disgusted, but at home they'd be in their dungeons putting on their d-rings and rubber suits and breaking out the glycerine...)

(as we all know, the Harper family is a very loving family -- they're into ponyplay, mummification and watersports -- a Leader must lead from the bottom, after all)


(not that our Emperor IS PCP -- he looks stoned to me)

Kimmio's picture



On Inanna, you incorrigible spit disturber you! Let's keep it clean. I don't even want to think about  rubber suits. The painting's enough for my prudish sensibilities. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it...but man, it was funny....a welcome change from regular political news.  :)



Kimmio's picture



Anyway...do you think Mulcair will make a difference for us?

InannaWhimsey's picture



Kimmio wrote:

Anyway...do you think Mulcair will make a difference for us?


Isn't that some new Tim Hortons concoction of a Cow & an Eclair?

InannaWhimsey's picture



Kimmio wrote:

On Inanna, you incorrigible spit disturber you! Let's keep it clean. I don't even want to think about  rubber suits. The painting's enough for my prudish sensibilities. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it...but man, it was funny....a welcome change from regular political news.  :)




Oh, I won't mention the Queen of England then and what SHE does for entertainment...it would make your medulla oblongata curl :3

Kimmio's picture



Okay, better not then. I wouldn;t want that to happen. Whatever that is. I'm gonna have to google it.  ;)


Got it...no, I wouldn't want that to curl, it might cause me a pain in the neck.

Kimmio's picture



Must get to sleep..nighty night.

InannaWhimsey's picture



Kimmio wrote:

Okay, better not then. I wouldn;t want that to happen. Whatever that is. I'm gonna have to google it.  ;)


Got it...no, I wouldn't want that to curl, it might cause me a pain in the neck.


:3  Exactly, that's why Christianity has for so long tried to control sexuality and women -- it stops all those cases of neck pain *waggles eyebrows*

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