crazyheart's picture



troubled First Nation's University

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Troubled school puts administration on leave

Native leaders in Saskatchewan have voted to dissolve the board of governors at the embattled First Nations University of Canada

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Regina The Canadian Press

Native leaders in Saskatchewan have voted to dissolve the board of governors at the embattled First Nations University of Canada and put the administration on leave.

Guy Lonechild, chief of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations, said an interim, non-political board made up of aboriginal academic professionals will be put in place. He said dissolving the board is a step toward rebuilding the school's reputation and credibility.

The move comes after the Saskatchewan government said it had lost confidence in the school and cut its funding. Advanced Education Minister Rob Norris said the change is positive, but it cannot resolve years of outstanding concerns, and funding won't be restored.

The University of Regina stood by its embattled partner institution Thursday and tried to ease students' concerns about the school's future.

First Nations University was opened in 2003 with the idea that education was vital to the future of young native people. But it has been under a cloud for most of its existence.

Questions have been raised about the university's survival after the Saskatchewan government announced this week that it will cut $5.2 million in funding over concerns about the school's governance.

That will pose a problem, acknowledged Vianne Timmons, president of the University of Regina. The aboriginal university is considered a federated college of the University of Regina, meaning the school is administratively independent but academically integrated.

“With losing 20 per cent of the funding, First Nations University faces a huge challenge,” said Ms. Timmons.

There have been concerns about how the Regina-based aboriginal university is run, including questions about political interference from the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations. More recently, there have been allegations of financial irregularities. Enrolment has dwindled, from about 1,200 students in 2003 to 670 today. More than a third of academic staff and about half of other staff have left the school since its inception

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Troubled school puts administration on leave

Native leaders in Saskatchewan have voted to dissolve the board of governors at the embattled First Nations University of Canada

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crazyheart's picture



I hope you can find the article in all the gobbely goop. Sask. Government cut funding to First Nation's University of canada. It would seem that the federal Government will follow. It is a sad day for a wonderful dream.

alivetoday's picture



After 5 years of bs and financial mismanagement and corruption, I don't blame either government for pulling the funding. My concern is for the students and staff, hope their jobs and education aren't impacted negatively, hope there is a backup plan to protect them...

In listening to the news yesterday, it sounded like the cheifs and leaders were angry at the government for pulling funding so soon and saying the government is fully responsible for all this mess...

i am glad they dissolved the board of governors... hope they finally get some leaders who will be strong enough and have enough moral integrity to put the students first and not line their own pockets with money.

sighsnootles's picture



alivetoday wrote:

i am glad they dissolved the board of governors... hope they finally get some leaders who will be strong enough and have enough moral integrity to put the students first and not line their own pockets with money.


honestly, if that is indeed what they have been doing there, alivetoday, they come about it honestly...  corruption and theft is hardly something that is new in society.


i have heard about issues with the college for years now, and i'm glad that the government finally said 'get your shit together and then we'll talk about funding'... it was obvious that nothing was going to happen to change this otherwise.

crazyheart's picture



Can someone explain why the students are saying that their treaty right is being taken from them and the Government has to give the money back?

sighsnootles's picture



i don't have any insight into this particular situation, but i do know that treaty rights for many of the saskatchewan bands specify that the band members should have their college and university tuition covered by the government.

LBmuskoka's picture



crazyheart wrote:

Can someone explain why the students are saying that their treaty right is being taken from them and the Government has to give the money back?


Without knowing the specifics of the funds the students are claiming they could be referring to the "treaty right of education" between the Feds and Canadian aboriginals.  Rights to education were negotiated in the 1800's.  There appears to be a disparity between how far that right to education extends - post secondary - and interpretations of adequate (should mold blackened classrooms be replaced?) are often in dispute.




What the Queen and her Councillors would like is this, she would like you to learn something of the cunning of the white man. ....I will go where my fathers have gone and you also, but after me and after you will come our children. The Queen cares for you and for your children, and she cares for the children that are yet to be born.

Alexander Morris, The Treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the North-West Territories, 1880

crazyheart's picture



The Federal Government withdrew their funding today.

GordW's picture



sighsnootles wrote:

i don't have any insight into this particular situation, but i do know that treaty rights for many of the saskatchewan bands specify that the band members should have their college and university tuition covered by the government.

ANd even then it is stretching to insist that this means a separate institution.  Many FN folks have their tuition paid in many other schools.  That meets the treaty in spirit and in letter.

LBmuskoka's picture



I would agree GordW with the providing a separate institution, however, the funding for post secondary tuition has been capped at 2% since 1996.  (source)


Considering the state of elementary and secondary schools on reservations - some have been closed and not rebuilt, others are in deplorable condition (source) -  I would say the spirit is lacking as well.




I will also establish schools whenever any band asks for them, so that your children may have the learning of the white man.


Hon. Alexander Morris, Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba/North-West Territories; Treaty Number Three, Northwest Angle Treaty

GordW's picture



LBmuskoka wrote:

I would agree GordW with the providing a separate institution, however, the funding for post secondary tuition has been capped at 2% since 1996.  (source)


Considering the state of elementary and secondary schools on reservations - some have been closed and not rebuilt, others are in deplorable condition (source) -  I would say the spirit is lacking as well.




I will also establish schools whenever any band asks for them, so that your children may have the learning of the white man.


Hon. Alexander Morris, Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba/North-West Territories; Treaty Number Three, Northwest Angle Treaty

No arguement from me LB.  Just as we as a nation have failed in many other treaty obligations (little things like clean water) we have often failed in providing adequate schooling (and housing and the means to earn a living).  BUt my comment was focused on post-secondary.  Of course because of the failurs earlier in the process how many have the ability or desire to go on to post-secondary education?

sighsnootles's picture



LBmuskoka wrote:

I would agree GordW with the providing a separate institution, however, the funding for post secondary tuition has been capped at 2% since 1996.  (source)



really??  i had no idea. 


thats completely wrong... there is a deal in place. 

sighsnootles's picture



well, there was no cap in place when the deal was made...  besides, i don't think that the problem we are having with first nations is based on overeducation at this point, besh.


thats a total red herring.

MikePaterson's picture




We expect access to education from pre-school to post-graduate in our langue and on our cultural terms. We would be outraged in on, Ontariuo, eduaction was all in Anisnabe or Mohawk, and in Mi'kmaq in the Maritimes.

Treaty obligations generally assure First Nations of education to the same standards of education as everyone else. That does not necessarily mean qualitatively identical. It may very reasonably be understood to mean in their own language and on their own cultural terms, from pre-school equivalent to post-grad equivalent; free and compulsory, like everyone else.

I think the failure of the First Nations university is a disgrace to all Canadians, tragic and avoidable. And the damage MUST be repaired. 



LBmuskoka's picture



MikeP, too true the damage must be repaired.


The problem begins at the elementary.  There are schools that have been condemned and not replaced.  There are schools that consist entirely of portables - in the far north btw - so activities are either confined to some small room or entail getting dressed in winter attire to go to the gym. 


Things the non-native communities take for granted are a constant struggle and then everyone is so surprised that native children have a high drop out rate.  If others, particularly the governments of the country, do not value education why should the child?


Aboriginal communities such as Attawapiskat obtained their own funding to rebuild their school but were blocked by DIA. (source


Racism may no longer be overt but it should be blatantly obvious to anyone who looks into the disparity between aboriginal education resources.  Nor is it a reflection of the current government, this systemic abdication of responsibility has been going on for decades.  The current cutbacks are, perhaps, the last nails in the coffin.




A government that has the money for tax breaks but not for rebuilding and repairing decaying aboriginal school is a government with a wrong sense of priorities.

    Toronto Star, March 11, 2008

crazyheart's picture



The news today is that there might be a way for FNUniv to continue in partnership with another institution such as the University of Regina. To have funding flow thru the U of R.

kaythecurler's picture



Could someone explain why the FNU wasn't created as a College within the Uof S or the Uof R?  Both those universities have checks and balances in place (+excellent bookkeepers!).  Seems a bit odd to make huge sums of money avaialble to people who maybe don't know how to look after its distribution.

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