gecko46's picture



United Church Election Kit

The 2011 election will have an enormous impact on our lives. Now more than ever, all faith voices need to be heard in the political process. To help you consider important issues and get involved in this process of decision-making, the United Church has created the 2011 Federal Election Kit.

Your vote will make a difference. Matters of Aboriginal rights, food security, and criminal justice are not isolated to far-off lands but are concerns for every community in our country. The more we know about how our faith and values can influence government policies, the more we have a chance to transform our own and others' lives for the common good. We witness to our faith in a just and life-giving God in the public arena by
advocating for justice and peace.

Our non-partisan strategy aims to raise awareness about important issues and to build relationships around them with politicians in communities across Canada. This 2011 Federal Election Kit provides information based on United Church policies and the church's ongoing work with Canadian and global partners.

Topics included in the 2011 Federal Election Kit are:

* Making Election Connections-how to engage members in your congregation through worship, study groups, and youth and children's ministries

* All Candidates Meetings-how to organize or participate in a meeting

* Questions for Candidates-background info and questions on 12 key topics
relating to justice in Canada and globally

O Aboriginal Justice
O Climate Change and Energy
O Corporate Social Responsibility & Socially Responsible Investment
O Criminal Justice and Corrections
O Democracy
O Food
O Health Care
O Official Development Assistance
O Peace in Palestine/Israel
O Poverty
O Refugees and Immigration
O Trade

* Tips for Using the Media

We encourage you to: distribute this 2011 Federal Election Kit widely, consider organizing or participating in an All Candidates Meeting and invite members of your congregation, community or school to get involved.

Barbara Lloyd
Program Coordinator, Public Witness
Partners in Mission Unit (formerly JGER)
The United Church of Canada
3250 Bloor St. W., Suite 300
Toronto, ON M8X 2Y4
Tel: 416-231-7680 # 4196
Toll free 1-800-268-3781 #4196
Fax: 416-231-3103

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somegalfromcan's picture



That link doesn't seem to be working - could you please try it again?

MikePaterson's picture




gecko46's picture



somegalfromcan wrote:

That link doesn't seem to be working - could you please try it again?

somegalfromcan's picture



Thank you for doing that. I just skimmed the report and look forward to reading it in depth later. I did take a look at the suggestions for children and youth and found a couple of them somewhat strange. Since the election is on a school day, are they suggesting that the youth take time off from school to babysit kids and walk people's dogs? I know this must have been produced before the election day was set, but most I don't recall the last time an election took place on a week day.

AaronMcGallegos's picture



Thanks for posting this Gecko46. I've fixed the link in the opening post.


Aaron (for Admin)

Mendalla's picture



somegalfromcan wrote:

Thank you for doing that. I just skimmed the report and look forward to reading it in depth later. I did take a look at the suggestions for children and youth and found a couple of them somewhat strange. Since the election is on a school day, are they suggesting that the youth take time off from school to babysit kids and walk people's dogs? I know this must have been produced before the election day was set, but most I don't recall the last time an election took place on a week day.


Polls are generally open into the evening (eight o'clock, I think, here in Ontario), so it could be an option if the people the youth are providing the service for can wait until after school to vote.




GordW's picture



All elections in Canada are on a week day.  Advance polls can be any day of the week.  But the actula election day is a week day.

Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


Thank you for the link to the kit.


One thing I like about the kit is how unbiased it is.

EasternOrthodox's picture



 Unbiased?  Why is UCC's business to worry about Israel and Palestine?  The majority of Middle Eastern residents seem more interested in getting rid of dictators than Israel/Palestine.


I find that entry out of place in the list.

Faerenach's picture



The United Church of Canada has a long-standing history of advocacy for a just peace in Israel/Palestine.  In short, that's why it's included.

EasternOrthodox's picture



Yes, I am aware of that.  I am not UCC (although I once was) and thus am in no position to tell you folks what to do, but it would not hurt to have someone reading the foreign news to keep up on new situations.  I notice a lack of awareness on this site.  As if Israel/Palestine was the only foreign affair in the world.

Faerenach's picture



I don't think the Election Kit nor the United Church of Canada is uninformed about the goings on in other countries - we are engaged in global partnerships that span the globe.  But I think your specific point is about the singling out of the Palestine/Israel issue.  


To that, I simply state that the church can't be directly involved in every issue out there - they support many through global partners instead.  They choose to focus on Palestine/Israel because they have been directly involved for a long enough amount of time that their voice is recognized and constant.  Their direct involvement leads to them having a position - advocating for a just peace - and acting on it.  It's only natural that they highlight this in the kit.

DKS's picture



GordW wrote:

All elections in Canada are on a week day.  Advance polls can be any day of the week.  But the actula election day is a week day.

Advance polls in this election are on Good Friday, Saturday and Easter Monday.


This is because the law requires advance polls to be held on Days 10, 9 and 7 prior to the election.

DKS's picture





I find that while the intent of the kit is good, the questions are somewhat verbose and heavy on numbers. This is not an unusual United Church flaw.  For example,


Will your party support and give leadership to a strong global agreement on climate change to be concluded in Durban, South Africa, in December 2011, and accept a legally binding target to cut Canada’s net annual greenhouse gas emissions to 450 megatonnes or less by 2020 in line with international scientific recommendations?


This might better have been written "Will your party support and give leadership in the upcoming Durban Agreement on Climate Change? Will your party accept legally binding targets to cut greenhouse gasses?"  I can see the eyes of candidates glazing over in about 15 words of the original question (well, maybe not the NDP)



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