fridayschild's picture



VOTE! Municipal elections in Ontario Nov 13th

Just a quick note to encourage all Ontario residents to get out and vote in your municipal elections this monday.
Your vote has power!
Municipal elections typically have the lowest voter turn-out (compared to provincial/federal levels), despite the fact that our municipal governments have emmense power to affect our everyday lives - taxes, traffic and roads, libraries, parks and other local bylaw issues.
So, research your candidates - most have literature/websites /campaign offices and all of them have phone numbers! Then, on Monday, get out and vote!

VOTE because it is your RIGHTand your RESPONSIBILITY.

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sighsnootles's picture



i'm all over it.

actually, i'll be glad when they are over, cause i'm getting so tired of those lawn signs everywhere i go. one guy has lawn signs every few feet on every blvd in town, i think... its a little annoying.

Sachyriel's picture



BOMB! Municipal headquarters in Ontario Nov 14th...

...Especially if your candidate lost!

Infact, don't vote. Get everyone else not to vote. Signa petition demanding the right for participatory democracy. Everyone votes in the issues. Everyone has their direct say.

fridayschild's picture



participatory democracy is a rather inefficient way to get things accomplished.
this is why we need to be sure that the people that we elect to speak and make decisions on our behalf are the right ones.

sighsnootles's picture



just voted. i feel all warm and fuzzy about it, too...

Sandor's picture



I wish I could vote, but I can't. I could if I would, but I can't so I won't. Sorry.

These campaign signs make realy good beds for the homeless this winter. Add some ductape and you got yourself a high end hut. (I've heard)

sighsnootles's picture



LOL!! wow, a high end hut, eh?? would you recommend the chiarelli signs or the munter signs for a more classy effect??

Colleen's picture



I voted for the first time ever today! I felt so powerful! I have been watiting so many years to be old enough to vote and this was my first election! I have followed the elections before but its different when you know that you got to make a difference in them,,,only and hour and fifteen minutes until the results start coming in!

duke's picture



I voted today. I always vote because I believe it is my duty and besides if I don't vote I can't complain. I don't think my roommate did though and he complains all the time.

Taurwen's picture



A lot of people think low turn out isn't actually because fewer people are voting but because the lists of voters is so off. Many people are listed multiple times, a lot of people who are deceased are still voted etc, so of course the numbers will be low

Taurwen's picture



P.S. didn't vote this time (voted last time though) I didn't have the time to do any (real) research and making an uninformed vote is worse than no vote at all (In my opinion) besides, democracy is seriously flawed (But the best we have I suppose)

Colleen's picture



I agree with Duke, if you don't vote you can't complain! Many of my friends also voted which makes me happy because they I feel that not enough young people are out there voting when we should be. I mean these things affect us too or will someday...that's what my parents always taught me at least...

rantnrave57's picture



I tend not to vote in municipal elections. But this time I did. When it was over, I concluded it is no wonder people are apathetic about municipal elections. My name was not on the voter's list. The people at my "election voting place" (that's what it was called, not a polling station) seemed to be at a loss about how to enable me to vote. When that rigamaloe was over over with, I asked the polling clerk if my ballot would be spoiled if I didn't vote in all categories. She said: " I don't know. I guess not. I'm not sure. I think it will be okay." I guess the people who run the polls aren't really expecting people to come in to vote because the slightest little thing seems to confuse them. Long live democracy! (Ha, Ha!)

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