graeme's picture



What bomb?

Gee! Sometimes you just don't know what to think.  I mean, this Iran thing is so terrible that even Harper admits that Iran being so close to a nuclear bomb is the scariest thing in the world. And all the GOT candidates (except one) in the US want to attack Iran right now.

The Jan. 19 Christian Science Monitor ran a story quoting the Israeli paper Haaretz and the Israeli minister of defence and an Israeli intelligence report to the American general staff that Iran is NOT developing a nuclear bomb.

Gee. I would have thought that all the news media would be making a big thing out of this.

Oh, yeah. BBC carried a report that British troops were on the ground and taking part in the Libyan "rebellion". Well, so were American troops. But most North American news media are pretending it didn't happen.

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Arminius's picture



What bomb?


The same bomb that Iraq developed. This imaginary bomb became the reason for the Iraq war, and might well serve as the reason for the Iran war.

MikePaterson's picture



The head-bomb of parnoia that's already destroying the heads of the governors of a collapsing empire... they don't "get" the source of the collapse at all, at all.

gecko46's picture



More stories of invisible weapons of mass destruction created by governments guilty of mass corruption.

kaythecurler's picture



I'm more concerned about the weapons owned by the US than those of other countries.

graeme's picture



no need to worry about the US. there's some fine leaders coming along. Newt Gingrich took the South Carolina primary.

alta's picture



I've never been to Iran to conduct a search, so for me to either believe or disbelieve in their nuclear weapons requires a leap of faith.

graeme's picture



This is probably not a good time to go. Wait until  the off-season.

LBmuskoka's picture



Well it is not often a former Director of Mossad and Graeme are on the same page ....


This is an extraordinary development: public dissent from the director of the Mossad (Tamir Pardo), the retired director (Meir Dagan), the former head of the Israeli military Intelligence Directorate (Amos Yadlin), the former chief of staff of the Israeli Defense Forces (Gabi Ashkenazi), and the former head of Shin Bet (Yuval Diskin). Anyone who reads Israeli newspapers knows about it. Former Mossad director Meir Dagan openly calls an attack on Iran “the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard.” Is John Baird meeting with him this weekend to learn why? Don’t bet on it.

      Harper and the U.S. are wrong on the Iran threat


Former Mossad chief: Israel air strike on Iran 'stupidest thing I have ever heard


Mossad chief: Nuclear Iran not necessarily existential threat to Israel


Gabi Ashkenazi: Best action against Iran is sanctions


And from Bruce Riedel, a senior fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy of the Brookings Institution ...

Attack on Iran would ignite regional conflict


Ah, but what do those guys know compared to Steve and John.




When war is not just it is subsequently justified; so it becomes many things.  In reality, an unjust war is merely piracy.   It consists of piracy, ego and, more than anything, money.
War is our century's prostitution.
        T.S. Eliot (1888 – 1965)

LBmuskoka's picture



@ Cara123


graeme's picture



Israel has announced that it will bomb Iran without permission from the US - or even notifying it.

That's quite a slap in the chops for a US which not only is Israel's major donor of weapons, but also it's only powerful ally.

Kimmio's picture



The National Post thinks it's bogus (and it doesn't  fit anything we've heard so far, so it could well be bogus), but there are smaller news agencies, especially Israeli newspapers it seems, reporting recent wikileaks documents saying that Israel already destroyed some nuclear sites months ago. How credible do you think wilikeaks is? Or any of these papers for that matter? How can we tell facts from propoganda? And if the wikileaks were true, what would that mean?  I think the real truth is that we have absolutely no idea what's really going on, the official news reports aren't telling us much probably on purpose--with all the mixed messages out there, which seem designed to throw the public into confusion-- we'd better just pray for peace.

graeme's picture



Israeli special ops has been carrying out attacks on Iran for a good twenty years. It's no secret - except in North american news. They also operate in other countries. They were involved, for example, in the defence of South African apartheid. Also in the CIA genocide of Guatemalans. Similarly, US special ops are active in dozens of countries. They carry out murders, bombings, etc.

Wikkileaks ae very reliable. That's why Obama is so anxious to get Assange.

InannaWhimsey's picture



our kids will amaze us


building a star in his own garage




what's next?  DiY universe kits?

trishcuit's picture



and then he installed it into a DeLorean and went time traveling.  (sorry but it immediately reminded me of the flux capacitor)

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