Dcn. Jae's picture

Dcn. Jae


Avengers Trailer

Just in case anyone hasn't seen it, here is the trailer for The Avengers. Looks exciting!

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InannaWhimsey's picture



AH, INTERNET, how full of love you are!


(i think they should show that version in the theatres...)

Mendalla's picture



Hee, Hee. Actually, the seventies Hulk series wasn't bad, but wasn't quite as high-powered as the comic book Hulk on which the new one is based.


The real Avengers movie is coming out on my birthday. And I'm taking the day off work!


But I haven't seen any of the movies that lead up to it, yet frown (Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Captain America, Thor). And Netflix only has two of them.angry


I'm not that much of a comic book geek, actually, but I did read a fair bit of Marvel back in the seventies and early eighties so I'm quite liking the fact that we're finally getting some decent Marvel-based movies.




Rowan's picture



I've seen all of the lead-in movies.  I would have to say Thor is my  favorite, followed by Iron Man I and II then Captain America, then Hulk.  I am just itching to see Avengers. My husband and I are seriously thinking of going opening weekend, something we very very seldom do since I am not over fond of being in a theater that is packed like a sardine tin.


The trailers are all very much of the teaser variety, but it looks like Iron Man / Stark gets a few pretty good one-liners.  From what little one can tell from the trailers the chemistry between the actors seems to be there. And I have a certain degree of faith in Joss Whedon to turn out a wonderful movie.

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