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The Butler

I don't often go to movies - this was my second since Christmas.  I went with a friend to see 'The Butler' last week.  I thought it was well done.  I remembered most of the presidents and the events associated with them that were featured in the movie.  I thought more time could have been spent on each episode, but that would have made a long movie.  As it was, I found it a bit choppy.  Therefore it gets an eight out of ten, rather than a nine (I almost never give tens).

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My sixteen year old granddaughter went with a friend.  I wondered if she would be able to follow what was happening -- most of it would have been before she was born.  She didn't have my experience of having my roommate tell me that President Kennedy had been shot - or have heard about Nixon and Watergate, let alone the earlier presidents.  But perhaps I underestimated her.  She told me she enjoyed it.

She recently read "The Help". I'd be interested to hear her compare that book, and this movie.

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We're heading out to the late show. I'll let you know how it was.

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