Elanorgold's picture



Can you tell me why?

I don't want to make anyone feel pressured, or to be arrogant, but I would like to know, if anyone could say, why you don't want to watch my music videos? Just not interested? Don't like the theme? The music isn't your thing? Did watch it and didn't like it so didn't want to say anything? Takes too long? Don't want to cause you feel pressured to? There's been too many?  I can let it go, and I know I've had many replies to previous videos, for which I am truely greatful. This one has zero, and my second prairie one had two, very appreciated, willing punters, after I asked. But I would like to know, why not? Please feel free to tell me, and I hope I'm not being arrogant by asking. If I'm asking too much, let me know. I don't want to be a pain.


It's just like... if a tree falls in the forest, and nobody sees the video, did it really make a sound?

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SG's picture





For me, I do not click on ANY thing. The reason previously was that I was on dial up. Now, it is ugly "usage caps".


3G does not go far.


A bill that was 10X the expected bill taught me a lesson.


It has nothing to do with you.


paradox3's picture



Hi Eleanorgold,


I tend to skip all the threads that open with an invitation to watch a music or You Tube video. Especially if there is just a link to somewhere else and no discussion about why it is important to the individual who started the thread.


Good question you have raised. This is actually becoming a pet peeve of mine around here. Along with all the overuse of the Quote function. I think it is silly to Quote an entire long post just to say "I agree with this". 


Ditto for the long scripture passages that sometimes get posted over in R anfd F.


Sorry to sound so grumpy today ... P3

gecko46's picture



Hi Elanorgold.  I just watched and commented on your video of the tragic love stories.

I hadn't realized you had posted a new video.  My reasons - finding time to be here on WC and on the computer in general.  Life is getting very busy with events as the spring unfolds.  I want to be outside more than being on the computer and that sometimes means being selective with the threads I explore.  It will be more so as summer approaches, and expect I will take a leave of WC for awhile.

I need to focus on some other things in my life, especially my whale studies.

There are about  20 new humpback whale tails I need to run through my catalogue.

That's my passion.

crazyheart's picture



Sorry, it is not you. I,like P3, just don't watch them. It seems that everyone is posting vids on WonderCafe. Just doesnt interest me.

waterfall's picture



I don't always see them as they get pushed down and out of sight and I may not even know they exist. Also, I have to be in the mood to watch whatever mood your are expressing.

Elanorgold's picture



Thanks everybody.


That's a bummer SG. You have my sympathy. : (


I understand that Paradox. I have added a description of why the video is important to me.


Thank you Gecko. I guess a "bump" would be in order for this reason. Awesome about the whales! Happy tail studies! I'm glad to know about your passion!


Great stuff. Thank you everybody. This is insightful.

kaythecurler's picture



I responded on the Prairie Sky video thread!

somegalfromcan's picture



I don't watch all videos that are posted on here, but I do watch many of them. I don't always watch them immediately - I do so when I have the time to properly watch them (and I am in the right mood). I don't always post a comment, but sometimes do.

Kimmio's picture



 Idon't watch all the videos on here either. It's nothing against you, it's just a personal preference thing..and a time thing. I don't have time to watch and read and comment on every thread, so I am selective. Sometimes the thread topics catch my eye and I end up spending an inordinate amount of time posting on them and tire myself out to be honest, and I figure I will "go back later" for the others and just never do. It has nothing to do with your skill in making the video...maybe it just wasn't a topic that caught my attention/ took priority at the time and forgot to go back and watch. Just like some of the discussions on here you might not be as interested in. It doesn't mean I don't like you (you know I love you), or don't think you're a competant and creative artist!  I'm sorry for not following/ commenting. Lately, I've been more interested in the religion and politics threads, I'm not in "social" or "popular culture" too much, only from time to time...maybe that's selfish of me I should be more attentive to all of them. I'm sorry.


Hugs to you Elanor.


Btw, just reading my post over. It came out sounding flippant. I didn't intend that either. What I meant was I often skip videos on all the threads, not just yours, when my head is into the discussions..and I allow that to occupy my focus without realizing I am neglecting something or someone else. I don't always read all the threads. Sometimes I read and don't comment.  I will take more care to watch and comment because I know you put a lot of effort into making yoru videos, and they're worth taking the time to watch. You do have artisitc talent (in many areas) and a knack for putting images to music!

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


Elanor, take a tip from an Aussie............


If I posted a thread, and nobody replied - I'd bloody well post a comment myself - if I thought the thread was worthy of some discussion.


I'm talking from personal experience here!


On the other hand, if I was a more dignified Canadian, I would just leave it and go on to posting another thread.

(I have observed LBmuskoka adopting this more dignified stance. Class will out!)



The main thing is not to take it personally.



To be honest, I'm not so much a fan of links or videos -although I have posted both myself.


If I want to read a newspaper article or watch a video, I'm  only interested in subjects that are relevant to me.

(eg. Being an Aussie, Canadian politics and this somewhat robotic Mr. Harper don't exactly grab me).........


Music videos don't appeal to me much either - I'm an aging hippy from the sixties and it was folk and social justice lyrics that rocked my boat..............



Mostly, in a discussion forum, I want to know what you think.............

Elanorgold's picture



Thanks friends. We can't be everything to everyone. It is good to know .Now I feel kinda sheepish! I wanted to ask about Youtube clips in WC in general too though, so it's a good discussion.


Pilgrim, I agree, I too am intrested in what WE think, and have to say. I'd rather read someone's interpretation of an article they read, than go read the article myself, though I do sometimes read good linked articles, such as the neurology of twenty-somethings article Kimmio posted, and an article MikeP had written on a different forum that was quite good. I also can't watch every video posted, though I would like to, because I'm on dial up. I can end up spending a lot of time loading stuff I'd like to watch. But likewise, I'm not interested in politics.


In my prairie skies video thread, I did just that approach, posting to my thread to keep it bumped up, and hoping to incite conversation about the prairie. Then with this one, I thought maybe that big fat ZERO might encourage people to take pity on me! But it just sank like a stone and was missed by people.


I'm not taking it personally now that I know what people are thinking, and especially after my relationships thread, I know that you all care!, so it's not me, it's the medium of my creative endeavour. That's a great thing about WC, is we can ask and get honest answers.  I do feel sheepish now though, and shy to post more videos..


I've also hogged the whole top of pop culture! blush

chemgal's picture



My computer has issues with videos for some reason.  The page tends to load slow and sometimes my browser closes altogether.  I would prefer it in general if people just posted links to videos.  It bothers me less if the thread is about the video than if someone starts sticking them further into a discussion.


Even if I didn't have the computer problem, I would skip most of the videos.  I have watched some of yours though!  In general, I come to WC for discussion.  I'm sure not everyone reads all the articles I post, just as I don't read every else's.  It's easier to skim through an article though.  Doing so with a video is more difficult.  My FB newsfeed is full of videos and as I tend to have more in common if I'm in the mood to watch, that's where I'm more likely to go.

Elanorgold's picture



My browser loads slowly when it's full of videos too, can be a pain. LIke when we do a music thread that's largely videos, by the bottom of the thread I'm very careful when I go there, and I rejoyce when it reaches page two! I am a huge music lover, and wish I could check out everything people care enough to post though. Sometimes I keep the thread up and open videos in a new box throughout the day. I think about music a lot, and I watch a lot of music on Youtube.


But enough about me. Thanks for your input Chemgal. True, skimming thorough a video doesn't always work... I'm honoured you've watched some of mine : )  I am careful what clips I post. I have taken to posting the inset player rather than the url where possible as it makes it easier for people to watch, or that's the thought, then also if someone doesn't want to watch, they can at least see the still image of what I'm talking about. I also like to post pictures to help elaborate on my text/thoughts.



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