nighthawk's picture



Chick Tracts

Anyone else find these good for a laugh? Big Daddy? This Was Your Life, Dark Dungeons, and The Curse of Baphomet are my favourites. Some of the new ones, however, seem to be more virulent than funny (eg The Little Bride). What do wondercafe users think? Are there Wondercafe users who use these tracts to evangelize?
If you don't know Chick tracts, you can find them here:

If you need or prefer other languages, they have some here:

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GospelCrazy's picture



I just read "the Accident" and I found it offensive on many levels and ridiculous on many others. Also it's miles away from my theology. I didn't read any others, but if they're anything similar then I find very little of value in these tracts.

MikePaterson's picture



I just had a look at 'Allah Had No Son' - it's a depraved piece of filthy paranoid xenophobia and race-hate propaganda that looks like it was drafted up by a psychopath for the guards at Abu Graibh. It presents the anthithesis of Christ's teaching in a way that'd make a hyena vomit. Sick-sad-sick-sad-sick-sad.....

nighthawk's picture



Yeah, I've found the ones on Islam particularly offensive. They were more fun when they were just about telling me that my evil rock and roll and D&D are tickets to hell and satanic infection. I miss the good ol days.

Witch's picture



Apparently I breed babies for Human sacrifice. My children will be very surprised to hear that, I'm sure.

Hillhurstkid's picture



These loopy tracts have been around for a long time. Back in the 70's I worked in a lumberyard and the boss was a fundy who put these items in with our pay cheques! It really is amazing the level of hate the writers of these chick tracts seem to have anybody not like them. Thank Goddess for the United Church and the space to be who we are without condemnation.

Diana's picture



I just went to the web site & read a few for the first time. They're horrifying!! Like gospel crazy said, they're ridiculous on one level, but their messages are deeply, deeply disturbing.

Using hate speech to "win" people to Jesus? Makes me want to spit - & I'm pretty laid back. Don't we have laws about this kind of stuff???

theoblogger's picture



I went to the web site and there was a "Meet Jesus" link.

I clicked on it.

Didn't work. I'm so bummed out.

mammas's picture



I worry about even going to these kinds of links - I already get quite enough spam... I don't want anyone else to find me...

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