jolly_nick's picture



Do you believe in Heavan? Why or why not?

Personally, I believe that there is something after this life but I'm not totally sure what. I'd like to hear other peoples thoughts surrounding this topic.

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MadMonk's picture



I just noticed the mis-spelling. Sorry, I thought you said, "Do you believe in Havana?"

To which I would answer, "Yes."

Serena's picture



Yes, I believe in Heaven. Because Jesus answered the thief on the Cross "today you will be with me in paradise"

Jesus also said "In my Father's House is many rooms, I go to prepare a place for you"

Paul said that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. If they are not in Heaven where are they?

If there is not Heaven where did Elijah go when the chariot went into the sky?

Where did Elijah and Moses come from when they met with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration? Where did they go to when they were done?

Where is God? After Jesus rose again He ascended to Heaven with the angels.

Jesus had to listen to the disciples mother ask if her two sons could sit at his right hand and left hand. Instead of answering that the question is irrelevant because there is no Heaven He said that He could not decide that because that is up to His Father.

Enoch never died. God just took him. Where did he take him to.

etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

Fionavar's picture



I like the idea of Havana ... of course I would have to choose the Havana a la Godfather romanticising and pre-cold War. Did you know that the past is always better than the present? I wonder if that might be a rationale for heaven?

/MadMonk's influence ... :)

Heaven ... hmm I would have to offer that I think that whatever Heaven may be, for me, it begins in how I lead my life in the now ... how I journey to be in relationship with all of Creation. Transformation/insight/attainment of something purer than the now is a possibility, but that's not my motivator ... it's all about the now and the ride ain't always smooth, but I get by with the help of my friends (= community) ...

*Self: Did you just mix metaphysics with fromage?

Blah's picture



Havne't we already debated this one to death?

MadMonk's picture



I would almost rather go to Havana than to heaven with all those born-agains.

At least in Havana I could continue my drinking and licentious lifestyle.

*Isn't that heaven?*

sighsnootles's picture



you can get some pretty good cigars in havana, too...

i'm going to cuba in january/february, btw...

Intuit's picture



I'm with MadMonk. Havana would be just fine, especially if there are also mojitos and salsa dancers.

Serena's picture



MadMonk who told you there is no alcohol in Heaven? You have been severely misinformed.

Fionavar's picture



Yeah cigars! I'm sold, where doI sign up?

Derek's picture



I do not believe in the common concept of Heaven whereby you end up in some sort of utopia in the clouds with all your loved ones for eternity.

First of all, eternity is a difficult concept for humans to grasp. That seems like an awfully long time.

Secondly, if you were in a place where everything was perfect for an exceedingly long period of time, without being tired, without the need for sleep, without needing to eat, drink or much of a requirement for anything, I suspect that most would become restless quite quickly.

While I'm not saying that Heaven sounds boring, what I am saying is that no matter how wonderful it is, if you are going to be there for all eternity, the novelty will eventually wear off.

My personal belief (as I have posted elsewhere) is that God is all that really exists, and that our existence here is a sort of mini-vacation for God. Therefore, death is merely the end of one vacation of a near infinite amount.

The end of this existence would ultimately end in the realization that we were really God all along.

Now, whether or not there is some intermediary state between our mortal existence and the full realization that we are God (i.e. full unity with God and complete release of our perceived mortal existence of who we think we are now) is a different matter.

Perhaps there is some sort of Heaven as described by those of various faiths as a sort of purgatory until we are ready to accept the full (and potentially brutal) truth.

If so, then perhaps "hell" is refusing to accept the full truth, and spending a near eternity in an artificial "Heaven", rather than making another trying trip to mortality.

Jonas's picture



Heaven is like Havana without the cigar smoke.

MadMonk's picture




Amen Jonas. Amen.

jeanct62's picture



I agree Blah. I shared my 2 cents over in Religion and Faith under I don't believe where will I go when I die.

sylviac's picture



jolly-nick Paul writes that "No eye has seen nor ear has heard, what God has laid up for those who love Him." Also in heaven sin will have no more dominion over us.

ManBearPig's picture



I beleive in Reincarnation.

Heaven? Not sure.

budd's picture



Sightnoodles, I bought Cohiba cigars in Cuba in the mid eightys for $1.10 each.
Their dark rum is good also.

budd's picture



Sorry I spelled your moniker wrong in my last reply, sighsnootles

klaatu's picture



Serena said: "MadMonk who told you there is no alcohol in Heaven? You have been severely misinformed."

NOW you tell us! Why has this vital piece of information been kept from us all this time? Is it better than the booze in Havana?

Blah's picture



There's alcohol but no sex? How about drunken brawling?

klaatu's picture



NO SEX?? Forget it. I'll take Havana. They have booze, cigars, and great music, and I'm pretty sure sex goes on there as well.

RevMatt's picture



I'm sure I've said this once already, but if there ain't sex, I ain't goin'.

Blah's picture



And if there IS sex, is there gay sex? Are there orgies? (There MUST be orgies!)

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