Meredith's picture



Favorite Candy when you were a Kid

For some reason today I'm thinking about candy and how much I loved to eat it when I was a child. No wonder my teeth were rotten...

What were your personal favorites?

Mine were (from the 70's)

Candy beads
Popeye Candy Cigarettes
The strangely named Lickamade (two flavors and a "lickastick" included)
Pixie Sticks
And I had an insane passion for those Mr Freezies too. Insane.

I don't think I could bear to eat any of those things now...

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Intuit's picture



I loved the sour ones like Lik-M-Aid and Pixie Stix (confession: still do). I also liked those Pop Rocks that exploded in your mouth.

Does anyone remember those Wacky Packages gum packs with the satirical stickers that sent up popular brand name items? I loved those, too, but not for the gum...

sighsnootles's picture



mine was this candy bar called a 'cinnamon danish'... it was wrapped in clear plastic wrap, and the bar itself was covered in white chocolate, and had pink stripes on it.

man, what i wouldn't give for one of those again...

Hoopster's picture



MoJos, they were 3 for a penny

StephenGordon's picture



I keep the retro candy store in business.
I am a big kid. I jump in mudpuddles and play on the swing. I usually have a little bag of Gold MIne Bubble Gum in one of my pockets and I always have part of a Bit-o-Honey.
I like Sugar Babies and Sugar Daddies. I buy those Nik-l-Nip wax pop bottles. I like licorice pipes and Razzles. OOOOh I need to go to the candy store =)

StephenGordon's picture



I have an addiction to Mallo Cups and I cannot get them anyplace =(

Diana's picture



Hard-core Twizzler addict here.

Meredith's picture



I'm sorry but I fail to see what's so hard core about Twizzlers - I considered those a vegetable when I was a kid.

Pixie Stiks were just pure sugar and chemical flavorings AND rotted your teeth in 10 seconds. They just left it in powder form and didn't even at least pretent it was anything but pure sugar. Now THAT'S candy...


RevMatt's picture



Chocolate then, chocolate now.

busymom's picture



Oooh. This is dating us, isn't it? If I say sour soothers, I could be a twenty-something, right?? Well, my forty-something brain is struggling with the name of THE one and only candy we had when we were kids. Every once in a while mom would treat us to a bag of candies, jelly tots? sweet tots? I can't remember what they were called. They were 1/2 inch in diameter, covered in sugar and had a picture of a boy and a girl on the bag. Mom would buy one bag we'd share it between three kids.

Smarties and licorice came later, but were great treats. Of course, we always would have pop and chip night on Friday night while watching the Tommy Hunter talent show, on a black and white TV that got 3 channels. I need to stop, this is making me feel VERY old.

karat65's picture




ady0249's picture



That bubblegum that came in a circle container and broke off like tape.

The popeyes cigarette candy

The french cigarette chocolate


Meredith's picture



I would like to remind people that I invited them to talk about their favorite candy not their favorite food group one of which is chocolate. Besides chocolate contains dairy and is now touted for it's anti-cancer properties making it a veritable health food.

Now the dextromethycyclothiminine and other such chemicals in candy like pop rocks probably does some serious damage to DNA.


Linden16's picture



My dad was one of those old-timers who always wandered around with peppermints in his pocket. We'd often go into town to get gas, and drop off our empty bottles, and we'd pick up these pink peppermints. They tasted great, and they still remind me of those moments with dad...

karat65's picture



You are so right. My apologies. Chocolate is simply one the few good habits I try to maintain. I usually get my 3-5 servings a day.
MMMMM let me think. Favourite candy when I was a kid? Smarties-oh no those were good for me. How about that powdered chemical combined with sugar (it came in a paper tube) and you dipped black licorice into it? Kind of like Lick'm'aid. I also loved the black licorice shaped like a pipe.
Again, my apologies. Sometimes I can't conceal my health fanatic tendencies.
I must go as I have a bowl full of M&M's to choke down. I hate breakfast!

StephenGordon's picture



LOL karat
Chocolate is made from a cocoa bean. That is why I always eat it. My mom always said "eat your vegetables"

dorinda's picture



I have always had a sweet tooth. my favorite candy was those black balls that were hard and small and round and made the tongue very black. I couldn't bite into them and sucked on them for a very long time before I could bite into that last bit. I really loved them as a kid.

I want to thank Meredith for posting her message because it brought back some early childhood memories I had forgotten about. Merry Christmas.

SIRL's picture



Anything black liqorish (awful spelling there) was welcome.

Also, for a while after T2 came out, there were these T2 Acid Meltdowns, by far the most sour, pucker inducing candy I have ever had. That truly was pain for pleasure!

Swedish berries and Tootsie Rolls are still favorites!

Vespagirl's picture



Favorite candy?? this will really date me. I grew up in the day when penny candy actually cost a penny!! Sometimes 2-3 for a penny.Licorice pipes or cigars(still buy them. Have two in my car for emergecies lol). Also licorice babies.
Thanks for reminding be about the little black balls( had forgotten those)
The biggest thing for me?? Stopping at the corner store on the way back to school after lunch and buying big gum drops, 3 for a nickle. 15 would last you all afternoon if you could sneak them past the teacher lol

Vespagirl's picture



Oh yes I forgot about "Clear Toys". If you grew up in Nova Scotia especially in the Annapolis Valley you would have had one ot two of these in your stocking at Christmas. They were candy on a stick that were moulded in shapes of Santa, reindeer, and various other animal shapes. They were translucent red, green or yellow and made locally by Yeaton's Candy. Anybody else know of these?

Meredith's picture



Anything black liqorish (awful spelling there) was welcome.

Also, for a while after T2 came out, there were these T2 Acid Meltdowns, by far the most sour, pucker inducing candy I have ever had. That truly was pain for pleasure!

Swedish berries and Tootsie Rolls are still favorites!

I am convinced that if evil had a taste it would be black licorice flavored.

Any candies which have berries in their name sound healthy and have no place on this thread but "T2 Acid Meltdowns" more than qualify.


Meredith's picture



clear toys sound like barley candy.

PaganMom's picture



Oh ... and Pop Rocks ... put 'em in your mouth with a slurp of Coca Cola and feel your head explode!! Wheeeeee!

PaganMom's picture



Lik-m-aid, pixie sticks and LOLA'S ... ah ... Lola's ... mmmmmm ...

Vespagirl's picture



yes Meredith, they were called barley candy too. So you remember them?

StephenGordon's picture



Barley sounds too healthy.
I was also for some time a hard core addict. I used to buy rock candy. It was the crystal of my youth. I am ashamed. Can you still buy that stuff, I had a craving. I could cook some up. I need a meeting!

Intuit's picture



Barramedic, we called them barley toys in NB. I still always get a bag of them from Sobeys every Christmas. This may sound bizarre, possibly to the point of belonging in the perversion thread, but I particularly like the way the little hand fits against your tongue.

gramps's picture



Oooooh"¦for me, this is treacherous ground. Any candy I eat these days immediately shows up on my waistline, and then I can't see my feet"¦"¦again.

Faves?? Black licorice (the color and taste of delectable SIN); Goodies; black licorice covered with shiny candy. Eat one, eat a bushel. Then there's hard, dark chocolate. Pure, no nuts. It beaks into squares with such a clean, sharp, SNAP! From way, way back in my childhood, when $.80 was a fortune, I liked wax coke bottles (small) filled with sugary liquid. Then you chew the wax and stick in a girls hair - but not on the school grounds, or wham - busted!

Macintosh's toffee! Maybe that's why I work only on Macs! I loved chewing it. Until I got crowns, just a few years ago (read, twenty!) I have to stop now and look for a 12-step group. I'm shaking, salivating. I think I have a fever. Oh, Oh"¦"¦"¦

Meredith's picture



I remember the barley toys but they were far too wholesome for me to bother with. ;)

Nowadays I really enjoy Tootsie's Caramel Apple Pop's. Delicious and only 50 calories.

busymum_2's picture



To this day I still love those little sour patch kid candies. You can buy them in packages now, but when we were little they were sold for a penny a piece. And the lady at the candy counter counted every last one out. Didn't matter if you bought ten for a dime or 200 for two bucks - you weren't getting even one more than you were paying for. Only took a couple of times for her to lose count for us to learn to never talk to her while she was counting....

kjoy's picture



My brother and I used to go over to the mall close to our house and buy candy at the bulk candy bins at Woodwards. (yep - really dating myself) We used to buy "chocolate coated sponge toffee" (aka crunchie bars) constantly. I remember one time I was in such a hurry I forgot to get my change back and it was $5.00 (a lot of money to a 10 year old back then). You know.... we had WAY too much free spending money. If my mother only knew.

I also agree that chocolate is a food group. However, crunchie bars are technically CANDY bars because they don't contain enouch chocolate.

Birthstone's picture



Star Wars gum & cards - we had more than the whole set -
and of course chocolate - coffee crisp nestle crunch aero kitkat etc. etc etc.

MikePaterson's picture



Oysters, scooped raw straight fresh off the rocks and out of the shell at the beach on a nice, hot Christmas day. MMmmmmm.....

...sugar didn't feature very much. But I get longings for fresh shellfish, a taste that in Ontarion comes only in my best dreams.

karat65's picture



Be careful. Remember chocolate is a health food. Chocolate is good for us. On the other hand the wax candy? Now you are talking. Junky chemicals!!!!! Ooooohyeah, Mac Toffee. I'd forgotten about that. We used to drop the box on cement to break it up. I recently bought it for my children thinking they would love it and guess what? They wanted chocolate instead. Kids these days. Little health freaks!!!!!

crazyheart's picture



A chocolare bar in manitoba called 5 star and a soft drink called winola. haven'y seen either in years.

eileenlavigne's picture



My favourite has always been Jersey Milk -

I can even remember as a child buying chocolate bars in special bags at the Neilsons booth at the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto

Today I still love milk chocolate and probably always will - we never outgrow the love of chocolate

PaganMom's picture



Eileen ... we never outgrow the love of chocolate ...

Until you develop an allergy to the stuff!

I'm NOT kidding ... sucks to be me ...

jaybear's picture



I think my drug of choice as a child was skittles.

VolleyballChick's picture



I'm a teen, and I can seriously sit down with a big box of Turtles and eat the whole thing! Why do they come in those stupid little single-wrapped cases and not the big box of thirty anymore?

ManBearPig's picture



It was never mass-produce candy for meee....

it was my grandma's sugar cookies made from scratch with coloured homemade icing.
every Holiday she makes them. I eat them like my life depends on it.


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