chemgal's picture



Gender Bias on Wikipedia

I had heard before that wikipedia was lacking female contributions.  I had no idea it was this bad though!

I'm not helping though, I've never editted anything on wikipedia and don't really have a desire to.

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InannaWhimsey's picture



and Lo! wikipedia itself has an article on wikipedia bias :3

chemgal's picture



That doesn't surprise me :)


Any ideas as to why this bias exists?

GordW's picture



I t strikes me that given the voluntary nature of wikipedia the bias is a result of males being more willing/likely to enter that form of interaction.  In some ways this is the same reason more men than women are in political office/candidacies.


The real question is "is this a problem?  if so why?  and again if so what if anything can be done to change it?"

chemgal's picture



I'm just shocked at some of the topics that have more men editting than women!

MistsOfSpring's picture



My brother has been editing on wikipedia for years; he has thousands of edits to his credit, even in French (and he's NOT even close to bilingual!)  I don't think I've ever edited anything on wikipedia and I have no interest in doing it, either.  When I found out he was putting so much time and energy in to editing there I wondered why he would even want to.  

MistsOfSpring's picture



My brother has been editing on wikipedia for years; he has thousands of edits to his credit, even in French (and he's NOT even close to bilingual!)  I don't think I've ever edited anything on wikipedia and I have no interest in doing it, either.  When I found out he was putting so much time and energy in to editing there I wondered why he would even want to.  

Mendalla's picture



Never done any edits on Wiki, don't plan to start. It's purely a reference tool for me and a first, quick look one at that. And I've never really looked into the edit lists that closely. It doesn't surprise me that males dominate, as dismaying as that may be. Outside of social networks where you seem to have more women/girls hanging out, the Internet is still often rather heavy on the testosterone.




InannaWhimsey's picture



chemgal wrote:

That doesn't surprise me :)


Any ideas as to why this bias exists?


not all men are men, not all women are women is one way to think aboot it...

Beloved's picture



I don't think it is a bias in the sense that it is a bias from wikipedia . . . but rather for some reason that males seem to need to edit . . .


mscibing's picture



I don't tend to see it first-hand, but my understanding is that online environments can be pretty toxic to women. And if Wikipedia doesn't deal with misogyny more effectively than say, The Amazing Meeting, I could see the gender disparity being the natural result.

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