Bertrand's picture



George Carlin

Thought this would grab some attnetion...funniest living comedian, after all.
Anyway, I was wondering: Carlin jokes "More people have been killed in the name of religion than for any other reason". Is this true? Anyone done the number-crunching?

"And He'll send you there for the rest of time!.....And He LOVES you! He loves you! He loves you and he needs money..." lol

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MikePaterson's picture



Re the numbers killed in the name of:
The big 20th C wars tend to have been the bloodiest:
World War 1, World War 2, Korea, Vietnam... I don't think any pf these were overtly "religious" though I'm sure there were some enlisted for what might be thought religious reasons.. the 'Divine Wind" guys?
The thing is that so many (usually dishonest)"good things" get used to rally the recruits that it's probably hard to tease out. What do you call Iraq? It has anti-Islamic element to it that reall is much more xenophobic paraboia in the namne of "terror". "weaponms of mass destruction", {saddam was a nasty person") - they ran through reasons as fast as they ran out!
And in most wars through most of history, a good many of the poor guys who get maimed and killed have been conscripts or coerced or pressed in other ways into "service".

Yeah : Carlin's cool... not the greatest... but cool.

TheMostlyRevMike's picture



I like Carlin
Although I wonder how many people have been killed in the name of Stalin, and Lenin and Mao.

revjohn's picture





You, via George Carlin, postulated:

"More people have been killed in the name of religion than for any other reason".

I'm thinking no.

As Mike points out elsewhere there were more Imperialistic intentions behind the 20th C wars than there was coming from any religious agenda.

And yet, Religious jargon, was used as propaganda tool. "Do your bit for God and country" was some propaganda I have seen and read. No doubt some higher profile clergy beat the war drums because it was seen as good 'politics' but that doesn't make religion the culprit as much as it makes religion a victim.

Why did Canadians kill German soldiers? Because they were assured that God wanted them too? Hardly! The primary reason Canada went to war was because Britain and France were threatened by the Germans and Canada look to both Britain and France as family.

Why is Canada in Afghanistan? Is if because God is offering double blessing points for every dead Taliban member? Nope. The Canadian government percieved the terror attacks of 9/11 to be declarations of war against our neighbour and treaty partner. Very political reasons. Nothing religious about them. And again, when the American administration claims divine providence or manifest destiny they are hijacking religion and folk with political ambition and religious resources jump on the bandwagon taking religion as a captive.

But it is a catchy phrase loaded with truthiness.

The good thing is that science is way out in front of making sure that every religious fanatic who wants to kill has more effective weaponry to do it with.

Of course, I know that science has been hijacked. Funny how it is so easy to believe that religion is just naturally hateful and not a hostage itself.

Grace and peace to you.


Bertrand's picture



unRevmike said: "Although I wonder how many people have been killed in the name of Stalin, and Lenin and Mao."

Are you suggesting what I think you are!? That people have been killed in the name of atheism!? Nay, I say.

People, perhaps, have been killed in the name of non-religion / opposition to religion, but not atheism. Not the same thing, you know.

RevJohn makes a good point I never thought about: yeah, people claim science is not at fault when it is misused. But people *do* lay the blame on religion when it is taken advantage of. Hmm...maybe religion, at its roots, is innocent...I'll have to think about this...

Panentheism's picture



I see your point in the name of- However Stalin et al were aggressive atheists. Or are you claiming atheism as a "religion" - where does unfaith and atheism devolve?

klaatu's picture



un RevMike says: "Although I wonder how many people have been killed in the name of Stalin, and Lenin and Mao."

To the best of my recollection, about 30 million Soviet people died during Stalin's purges and forced collectivization in the 1930s. Around 10 million during Mao's Great Leap Forward. Those are just two examples.

Right up there in scale with Hitler's murder of 11 million or so in the death camps (6 million Jews, the rest consisting of Poles, Gypsies, Slavs, homosexuals, people with disabilities, and other "undesirables").

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