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Grey's Anatomy Sermons?

I found the following in the MSN TV Filter section of the MSN web site - those interested should should check the Religion and Faith discussion of "Hockey as Religion?":

What Would Jesus Do, Meredith Grey?

An Atlanta-area church is going to base a series of sermons on "Grey's Anatomy" because of its popularity. (I guess we should be glad that they aren't basing sermons on "Survivor" or something.)

I actually think it has the potential to be interesting, based on the story. For all its soapiness and silliness, there are deeper themes in the show that could use some greater examination from a Christian perspective.

The story says they'll be focusing in the first five on such topics as Christina's competitive spirit, George's insecurity, Meredith's sexuality, Izzy's loneliness and Bailey's attempts to balance home and work life. I think all of those could pretty easily turn into fascinating talks.

I hope the church posts the sermons online as best they can. It sounds like they're going to incorporate roleplay and other aspects into the talks, which would be a little hard to capture.

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