Elanorgold's picture



having a Youtube problem

Well I was happily typing a comment on Youtube when that damn box came up again trying to get me to change to my REAL NAME on Youtube, which I always get out of as quickly as possibly because I DON"T WANT TO DO THAT!  so I was able to finish my comment, but when I hit submit, my avatar there dissapeared. SO I tried refreshing, that didn't work so I closed the window and opened a new one and went back to Youtube. Lo and behold I can't get into my account at all, they are using my email adress where my username should be, and they think I need a whole new Youtube account! As if I've never been to Youtube in my life!


I either get the "sign in" button, where when I hit that I get two sign in options: my username with no avatar, or the other option of using my real name. I've tried clicking both, and the usermane just brings me back to square one with the sign in button, and clicking on the real name one gets me my email adress, with no account set up. 


Scared now. Need access to my Youtube account. Very inportant to me. I tried sending feedback to Google in two different ways. I hope I hear back from them but am not holding my breath. Maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and it will all be a bad dream. 


Anybody know why this is happening? What I can do? I mean imagine this happening to you on Wondercafe! 

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Elanorgold's picture



Well, I heard back from Google! I now have access to my Youtube account, but my avatar is gone, and I'm linked to Google plus, which I don't want. He said I have 14 days to unlink it, so I asked him how to do that. Man!, I wish they wouldn't pull this stuff on me! But thank heavens it seems there is help. I woke up a whole hour early this morning at 6:45 and couldn't get back to sleep worrying about it! 

chemgal's picture



Glad to hear you got back in!

redhead's picture



The same thing happened to me!!!


I exited the site.


I decided that youtube cannot manipulate me.


Talk about privacy issues... and invasive tactics.  I am so not going down that road.


Yes, I got hit by Google+ as well.  I ignore it.  And now I use Norton search (probably not any better - spying wise).


May the force be with you, Eleanor :)

AaronMcGallegos's picture



I think Google is trying to integrate all their products - YouTube, Gmail, Search, Picasa, etc. - and connect them back to Google+.

Elanorgold's picture



Well it sucks! I've got an artistic thing going on Youtube and I don't like them messing with it! It's got Big Brother written all over it what they're trying to do.

Elanorgold's picture



Well, I've found lots of protest against this on Youtube, and instructional videos on how to fix it. I've now got my Youtube account back to normal and severed from Google Plus, and am trying to be certain about safely deleting the google plus account(s) yes there's two of them now, the little buggers, from the face of the Earth, without affecting my Youtube channel or Gmail. 

Elanorgold's picture



Now Youtube isn't letting me comment unless I "upgrade my account", the box that links Google Plus to Youtube. So if I click on "use my Youtube username" instead of "use my real name" it will link it. It will link it either way actually. ANd if I "x" the thing out, I can't comment, as of today. angry


I asked Google support if it is safe to delete my Google Plus account, and the guy gave me a backwards answer that didn't answer the question. It's a plot! All a sick and twisted plot! 

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