revjohn's picture



Hot Fuzz

Hi All,

Last night I went, with my son, to see Hot Fuzz.

Simply put it is brilliant.

Gloriously, stunningly, absolutely brilliant.

Everything about it is top drawer (there is one sloppy edit during a chase scene over some fences).

It does a superb job lifting up the fish out of water elements as well as doing a throughly authentic turn of the "buddy" theme.

Atheists and agnostics will probably appreciate the scenes involving the supercops dialogue with the local priest. They rock, and my sympathies are decidedly not in the atheist or agnostic camps.

There is a fair bit of gunplay and some violence (it is after all a cop/buddy/comedy) which is intentionally over the top yet filmed with a Saving Private Ryan sensitivity. The whole while the actors take unveiled swipes at the cop/buddy genre.

A very understated Pythonesque humour does bring the house down on several occasions.

Well worth the time and price of admission.

Grace and peace to you.


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revjohn's picture



cop/buddy bump

MikePaterson's picture



Yeah, well it's a British comedy, in't it? Goes without saying...

The director, Edgar Wright, made a great spoof Western: 'Fistful of Fingers', and a wonderfully idiotic horror piece called 'Shaun of the Dad'. He's in a culture where language, ideas, wit, nuance and acting all still count and where nothing is sacred. British satire takes film noir to its absurd conclusions, distils realite to down to its ridiculous, surreal essence "” Hollywood has a completely different approach based on gags, the advice of focus groups, box office trends, special effects and money, and political correctness. I sit through them and have to will myself not to leavce the room. They avoid the edginess that often makes British comedy rivetting.

But comedy's hard to get right.

I haven't seen Fuzz yet, but I want to. Thanks John!

revjohn's picture




I haven't seen fistful of fingers I'll have to give it a go.

I did see Shaun of the Dead and it was a romp.

Hot Fuzz is better all the way around. It is a good send up of "American" police films.

If you don't enjoy it your sense of humour is quite dead and there is no hope for a resurrection.

Grace and peace to you.


gramps's picture



it's on my list. Re: Shaun of the Dead - I had no idea. Next week, for sure!

Moderation's picture



I saw it. I expected it to more laugh out loud funny, but towards the end, I WAS laughing.

"Did you say freeze?"

"no, but before when I hit him in the head, I said time out"

"dude! you're off the f*cking chain!"

that scene was too awsome to describe.

also, just imagine a granny with a shotgun getting hit by a flying side kick to the head, and you've got hot fuzz.

kickass movie.

Moderation's picture



"no? then push on! (rasberry, rude hand gesture)"

revjohn's picture





You wrote:

also, just imagine a granny with a shotgun getting hit by a flying side kick to the head, and you've got hot fuzz.

That was brilliant!

The cut scenes between him rushing her and her reloading the double barrell shotgun telegraph what is about to happen.

I knew it was coming but somewhere deep inside part of me was going.

No way! He isn't going to boot her in the face. That is so wrong.

Of course when he does just that I roared.

Other lines that just about had me soiling myself were:

"You Mothers!"


"Ow, this really hurts. I need some ice cream."

I'm still laughing.

Grace and peace to you.


Moderation's picture



one other awsome moment, is where you see that woman coming towards the hero with both guns blazing on her bicycle, and then his partner opens his car door right in front of her, and she slams right into it.

revjohn's picture




Yeah. Everyone saw it coming too didn't they.

The telegraphing of the event made it no less enjoyable when the event came to pass.

Grace and peace to you.


revjohn's picture





P. I. Staker!

Yeah let's get a description of the missing Swan that'll help.

Grace and peace to you.


Atheisto's picture



Shaun of the Dead can be seen on the Scream network was on last week. Hot Fuzz is great. There's something about low budget Brit comedies that are just wonderful. The Full Monty, Letter to Breshniev, Shirley Valentine, any Monty Python film, Brassed Off.


If you haven't seen any of these yet I highly reccomend Letter to Breshniev (about a Liverpudlian woman who falls in love with a Russian sailor during the cold war years) and Brassed Off (about a coal miners brass band facing the closure of their pit during Maggie Thatcher's years).

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