pog's picture



Is Katie Holmes on Cruise Control??

C'mon Katie - even if he is a powerful, rich, good looking guy - money doesn't buy happiness. Tom Cruise is a jerk and if you marry him ( or maybe you already have!?) you will be under his control forever. The guys clearly has a few screw loose. You seems like a nice person - don't sell out!!

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millk's picture



What I can't wait to see is if they are going to have a Catholic ceremony or a Scientolgy one (he had one with Nicole)

I really think Katie (sorry, Kate, Tom wants us to call her Kate since its more grown up and serious....) had no idea what she was getting into at the start with him but now shes in way over her head.

Seeker_of_Truth's picture



Tom Cruise: Good movies...odd person. His rant a while ago on pharmaceutical drugs was a real winner. I do respect religion and people's beliefs, but Scientology just doesn't fall under that category for me. Katie Holmes is already brainwashed unfortunately.

sighsnootles's picture



after he came out and said that postpartum depression was not real, and that we just need to take more vitamins, i lost all respect for the man. 'down came the rain' by brooke shields was an AMAZING book, and for him to attack her like that was about the saddest thing i've ever seen. thankfully she is intelligent, though, and she made him look like such a moron. brooke is my hero!!!
if katie wants to heave out children for him, then by all means. but the man does nothing for me anymore, thats for sure.

daisy13's picture



yes it is very very sad what has happened to Katie. I respect all religions even ones I don't agree with. So although Scientology is not a religion I will ever join I will respect it. That being said I really disagree with what Tom Cruise has said about prescription drugs and mental health illnesses....it's amazing to me how much his persona has changed just by firing his PR person. I think your right I think that Katie had no idea what she was getting into and was a little starstruck when they got together and now is stuck because they have a baby together. Did you hear the rumour that he was telling her to work harder to get back into shape after the baby??

chickenplusdog's picture



Yeah, he is an odd one isn't he??? Makes you 'wonder' about Scientology though, it's probably not responsible for such a drastic change in someone, but ever since he joined he seems to have jumped into the deep end of wackoland.

MadMonk's picture



*smacks head against wall*

I was hoping that this topic might be satirical, making a comment about how we are worried about the Tom Kats, rather than worrying about the suffering in our world.

But yep, it's about Tom Cruise.

I'm going to go now.

sighsnootles's picture



sorry to let you down there, madmonk.

i'll get back to saving the world in a minute, okay??

Dandarii's picture



sighsnoodles said:
"after he came out and said that postpartum depression was not real, and that we just need to take more vitamins, i lost all respect for the man. 'down came the rain' by brooke shields was an AMAZING book, and for him to attack her like that was about the saddest thing i've ever seen. thankfully she is intelligent, though, and she made him look like such a moron. brooke is my hero!!!"

Yep, that is totally where I lost any respect I had for the man too. Didn't have much to begin with, but there you go. After the couch jumping, I just thought he was odd. After this rant? Odd AND ignorant.

millk's picture



Ohhhh looks like they can't get married in the Catholic church. The priest who has jurisdiction over the castle where they want to get married won't do it because of his 2 previous marriages.

pog's picture



I loved when Brooke Sheilds said "Tom Cruise should concentrate on saving the world from aliens!" - What a great put-down!!

medo's picture



I especially think it's funny that in almost every pic i see of tomcat, he is clutching at her arm and dragging her along behind him. She seems vacant and robotic.

MikePaterson's picture



Who's Katie Holmes? Tom Cruise, I've heard of him... a Scientologist weirdo isn't he?

sighsnootles's picture



katie holmes is toms newest wife... he seems to get younger wives after each divorce, so my guess is that he's got dakota fanning in his sights for when katie gets a spine.

i can't remember what show she was on... one tree hill?? the oc?? crap, i don't watch a lot of tv, and i can't remember. suffice it to say though, that shes pretty young. in fact, she once said that she used to dream of marrying tom cruise when she was a teenager...

millk's picture



Dawson's Creek (no, not the one in BC)

Sachyriel's picture



Well, this is totally relevant to the church and crap.

Don't worry about KAtie, when she sees he's an asshole, she'll leave him. And if she doesn't, the paparrazzi will open her eyes. Or he'll dump her. Or she'll see someone new.

Colleen's picture



I feel bad for Katie, or Kate I guess (I didn't know Tom had forbidden the i in Katie...) Tom does seems to be odd doesn't he. I had heard that she was goign to have both the catholic and scientology wedding. That was a couple weeks ago, has this changed?

Sandor's picture



All through history women have wanted to marry rich, powerful, good looking men. At one time he would have been considered a really good catch.
Not everyone marries for love. And who knows, maybe he really isn't such a jerk. I've never met the guy, have you? You think the media doesn't exaggerate.
Do we only care because they are famous or do you also care about the woman down the street?
Nicole got out clean, Why not Katie. And who says Tom is controlling everything. It's all part of Katie's bigger plan. Maybe she got knocked up on purpose and Tom's just trying to hang in there making the best out of the whole thing. Goodbye career, hello family life.
TV is not real life.

Hudson's picture



hi :)

LiveForYourself's picture



Why on earth does anyone care wtf a Hollywood actress does, who she marries or anything else.

And the most hypocritical statement of the year award goes to Seeker_Of_Truth for the following:
"I do respect religion and people's beliefs, but Scientology just doesn't fall under that category for me."
Holy hypocrites, Batman!! It's people like this that really piss me off (I'm sorry but they do). That's like saying "I'm not racist, I just hate black people." Chrisitanity is a perfectly valid religion. I find a lot of truth in it but there are some things in it that I don't agree with. Scientology is a perfectly valid religion. I find a lot of truth in it but there are some things I don't agree with. Same with any other religion. There are even some religions in which I disagree with most of what they teach, but it doesn't mean that they are any less deserving of my pwerdonal respect towards the individuals beliefs. That's called closed-mindednes, and I had thought this board was meant for open minded discussion.
"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend, to the death, your right to say it."

on_my_way_out's picture



Wow. Couple of ideas here. 1) Who cares? 2) When Tom Cruise asks any of YOU to marry him, just say no and that will be that, no complex discussions necessary. 3) Maybe she has the right to love whoever she chooses and doesnt really need your approval. 4) Who cares? 5) Whoever wrote the Holy Hypocrites, Batman comment was right. 6) How can a church with a website sporting a bobblehead Jesus and a Forum like this one actually be guiding people toward Spiritual growth and relationship with God?

gingersnap's picture



I agee....who cares. Who are we to crit another persons life? I wouldn't want anyone to pick apart my relationship with my spouse, family or my GOD. I think that there are a lot more things and problems in this world that we need to address. Watch their movies if you wish. They are actors and doing their jobs. Their personal life is after all, personal.

DJ's picture



if we stop talking about them maybe they go away? an who cares any way

pog's picture



Don't be so critical. If you think the subject is so mundane, then why are you bothering to read all the posts and respond?

millk's picture



This *is* the pop culture area, we can talk about actresses.

There are also some religious overtones in the whole story. The Scientoligy/Catholic thing. Still haven't heard news about if they are getting married Catholic though they are supposedly going to have a Scientologist ceremony first.

pog's picture



Hi Herewego - Just because the United Church is involved with the site, doesn't mean we have to be talking about spiritual things all the time. Isn't the whole point just to start talking and listening?

Some topics are BIG and some are not so big!!

Colleen's picture



Okay, breaking Tom and Katie news (yes I am completly ignoring the people who tell me I am shallow because I care of celebrity lives...) I heard last night on Access Hollywood that Katie might be pregnant...AGAIN! If Baby Suri wasn't enough they seem to need a whole litter of Tomkittens...

oh and just a note, why aren't the people talking about Brit and Kevin getting criticized...why just the Tom and Katie commentators...and also just cause we're on a forum sponosored by the United Church shouldn't mean we can't just relax and talk about the less important stuff....I have been wondering why there isn't just a general disscussion about random stuff that isn't spiritual and such, because this is also about community and in most communities I know people are interested in things other then the serious stuff...am I making sense at all?

DaveM's picture



Isn't the whole problem one of celebrity? Can't we just go to movies to view the story for whatever reasons we have, be they entertainment, to be uplifted, whatever. . . and leave those who are trying to portray the characters to the best of their ability be who they really are off set? I think it is a profoundly spiritual issue. We create a whole set of expectations and assumptions about actors. We live vicariously through the roles they play and we want them to be like gods for us. When they turn out to be less than perfect, we sray the airwaves with disclosures of their shame. That diminishes them and us. I hope Tom and Kate have a full and joy filled life together. I hope that for everyone, even those I will never hear about or have the media prying into. I want that for myself.

pog's picture



HI Colleen - I agree with you. This is a great site to talk about all things, not just spiritual things. And you're right - in the real world, people have many interests.

Glad to meet you!

tiebos's picture



Well, I have to agree. This site isn't about just religion or spirituality, etc. It - like a church - is a gathering place. If I were sitting at a church having a coffee after the service, I would be talking about what cute thing my cat did the other day or something at work.

If the subject of Tom and Katie came up, I might choose to walk away (and will since they got married and it's all over) but in terms of what to talk about and what not to, this is called FELLOWSHIP and it is to me at least half the reason I go to church and enjoy the people. Now if we were talking about John Stamos on ER, I would have to stay but since it's Katie and Tom, I will go.

But in truth, fellowship is half the fun and for all you non-churchgoers out there, don't let anyone tell you that you can't use this forum or an actual church visit to explore pop culture and what the hell - just meet friends!


pog's picture



HERE HERE Ublin. Couldn't have said it better myself!
Thank you.

WorldCitizen's picture



what a garbage topic.......who cares......get a life or a Star Magazine!

tiebos's picture



herewego, just a comment:

the web site has nothing to do with the united church beyond the facilitating of discussion. unless WE wish to discuss the UCC, they didn't anticipate that the UCC needs to be part of any religious or spiritual discussion.

i'm liking that.

Colleen's picture



I have a Star Magazine, that is where I get my info so I can disscuss it with others, and nice to meet you to Pog

change's picture



Run Kate! Run!

StephenGordon's picture



Let's hope Tom's thrid time is a charm

pog's picture



Another good magazine for this kind of stuff is HELLO! There is now a Canadian version but I prefer the UK version.

Isis's picture



Movies stars and starlets aren't the most stable bunch ... I know this from personal experience.

Scientology didn't make him nuts ... he was already that way. The reason he went off the deep end and had a horrible time with the media was because he fired his sister/manager and decided he would try doing everything on his own.

The nutty Tom is the real Tom ... the one that seemed fabulous and stable and gorgeous and clever before he went off the deep end, was the controlled by his manager and handlers Tom.

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