EZed's picture



Mac Beats PC Any Day

There. I said it. I feel better.

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TheMostlyRevMike's picture



I'm comfortable with that assertion.

happy_child's picture



if that is they way you feel, then ok, good for you.


PS, im a PC believer

EZed's picture



happy_child wrote: "PS, im a PC believer"

EZ Answer: omygawd

RichardBott's picture




Say it with me - Linux. Linux! LINUX!

Now... didn't *that* feel better?


BroR's picture



Macs are good for media applications on any standard Mac configuration. Where as with a Pc you usually have to tune it to your requirements (for heavy media). However its a small price to pay, in fact I feel much more freedom on a PC anyway. I'd get a Mac for someone like my uncle that thinks HTML stands for HotMail. :P In eithercase, I can do anything on my PC that a Mac can do--at half the price :)

InternetOwl's picture



Oh please. Look, if you like Macs then super. If your Mac does everything you need it for, then super. But a Mac has fallen a long way from the days when a home PC WAS an Apple computer. Today they are mostly a PC with a prioritary motherboard and OS. And even that OS is now X86 based. Fact is Macs are expensive (though they are getting cheaper) and can't do everthing a PC can. While a PC is generally cheaper and can do everything a Mac can plus use and run a whole lot more hardware/software.

Now of course a PC (at the moment) can't run the special OS X of a Mac. And that OS is a good piece of software. PC's come in tons of different configs and Macs come in, well, Mac configs. The iPod is not a Mac. And iTunes is not a app for the Mac.

I do believe that one day there will be Apple Macs with both intel and AMD procs, and one day far far into the future the OS itself may be shared between Mac and PC. In other words, the Mac is continueing its slow fade out of existence that has been going on for years now. Apple itsn't going anywhere and neither is its brand. But the idea of a 'Mac' and what that means is becomming increasingly outdated.

keen0300's picture



Actually Macs and PC's can already run the same OS. It's called Linux.

I have never run a Mac personally but my brother loves his. I prefer the PC but I prefer to run Linux on mine. The kids like Windows because the games they like are only made for Windows.

I guess it all comes down to different strokes for different folks.

InternetOwl's picture



Hey look guys. I like Linux. Some people even like BeOS. And on it goes. And yes Linux can run on both Mac's and PC's, and its a great OS when properly used. Plus its free which gets it some more bonus points and a coolness factor thrown in. But compatibility wise you run into a similar problem as the Mac. Email and office software are great but if thats all we did on our machines we could stil be running Pentium III's and be perfectly happy.

You said it best keen0300 when you said different strokes for differnt folks. People just need to use the hardware and software that best suits their needs. But the Mac/PC debate is a little too wrapped up in history for that to suffice for everyone. I think the PC crowd may have started it when they felt like they were not up to snuff and then the Apple crowd continued on because they were trying to protect what they saw as their turf. Apple has always tried to sell their brand as somesort of lifestyle choice rather then just hardware/software. From the great campaing against Big Blue to the most recent Apple Mac ads implying Mac users are cool hip people while PC users are nerdy (an ad that may not have helped Apple as much as they might have thought).

Looked at in that sense it becomes harder and harder to see how Apple can continue to do that while their own hardware, and to a lesser extent software changes made to Macs, continue to increasingly blur the line between a Mac and PC. I like Apple over all. I LOVE Apple for what it did for home computing. I'm just saying holding onto a turf war when all you still control is a single street conner in the whole city with the only difference between you and 'the man' is that you wear red bandanna's and they wear blue ones is looking more and more like an anachronism. And an anachronism is a dangerous thing for a company to become. iPod's not withstanding. ?;-)

EZed's picture



Ok, I was talking about McMaster Divinity School beating Presbyterian College at McGill.

I have no clue what you guys are talking about.

RevJamesMurray's picture



McMac versus the Presby college? Steeltown versus KillMcGill? At what? Tiddlywinks? Open theisitic professor tossing (the modern PC version of dwarf tossing) I think the only theologically sound OS is LInux, since it does have an open architecture, which allows for more possibilities, as does open theism ( the idea that the nature of God does change over time since God is responsive to us- which is how God answers prayer).

InternetOwl's picture



My toster and microwave are fighting over who is the better oven now. The oven keeps saying it is but no one cares. Sometimes I wish we could all just get along. ?;-)

AHyde's picture



As a MacDiv grad... WOO HOO! Kill McGill!
BTW... What's his name is still at Mac and you can still take Open Theism courses there. It's the EFC that tossed him.

theoblogger's picture



I have both Macs & PCs. The PCs gather dust. Unless you need to do number crunching or serious gaming, the choice is obvious.

But (in case I'm not on the intended topic) I go to Emmanuel College. All this hooha about Mac Divinity School is nonsense. : )

AHyde's picture



Agreed, on both topics. : )

Magda's picture



Well done, Squirrel. You had us fooled for a little while!

Go McGill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jimmy's picture



Mac beats PC?
I'm a Mac user, try to find software or hardware for it. But when you do it's so expensive. Maybe because it's a G5 duo everything. I like my Mac but
sometimes I miss my old PC, but not the problems it had with this, that and everything else. M ac is not perfect, but it is less of a hassle (so far ). Time
will tell. And Macs do crash. And what a pain in the %$#*&^ to get them back up. Bin there done that, no fun at all. Maybe the Intel chip-set will be better?
I know it runs cooler than the toaster I have now. I don't know about faster.
Some say yes and some say no. I guess it's wait and see.

Mac or PC, enjoy both.

CarrieRules_123's picture




Linden16's picture



My daughter just picked up a Mac laptop. Pretty cool. It looks like it'll do everything she ever wanted, and without the viruses! Expensive, though.

Frankly, if I could afford it, we'd replace our tired old, buggy, PC with a Mac. We don't number crunch or play high-end games, and we're sick and tired of our anti-virus software and how it seems to slow everything down....

Boots's picture



Are we support to be talking computers or collages?

itdontmatter's picture



If one practices reasonable precautions, such as having a firewall and using a web browser other than Internet Explorer, it is entirely possible to safely run a Windows PC.

I have been running XP for several years totally malware free -- without an antivirus program, my XP firewall is even turned off.

I use Windows XP as a desktop machine and a Linux box as a server. I use a Belkin router as a firewall.

kjoy's picture



I wish we could afford a Mac - but don't you LOVE the Mac commercials with the PC guy and the Mac guy. I think they're brilliant. They make me laugh every time I see them.

Photo_guy's picture



I almost threw my PC out the window yesterday. Crashed 3 times in 45 minutes. I used to use a MAC up to about 5 years ago and I miss every minute of it. So I went to the Apple website and configured a computer that would met my needs and the price tag ended up at $4900. Ouch. So I still have this crappy windows machine. Sigh.

ilovemacs's picture



I love Macs! Everyone has their own opinion and is entilted to it. I respect everyone's opinion. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings,

Panentheism's picture



At least at Mac they get open theism - do they even get close at Emmanuel? And never at PC.

YouthWorker's picture



ilovemacs said:
"Everyone has their own opinion and is entilted to it."

I agree. As long as that opinion is that Macs rock.

Anything else is wrong.

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