LBmuskoka's picture



The Model of Modern Conservatism?

British Conservatives lead charge for gay marriage

LONDON — Americans watching the latest push for social change in Britain might feel as if they had stepped into an alternate political universe: Here, the Conservatives are leading the charge for same-sex marriage.

Gay couples in Britain won the right to civil partnerships in 2004, which granted them nearly the same legal status as married heterosexual couples while avoiding the controversial use of the word “marriage.” But Prime Minister David Cameron and his Conservative-led coalition have launched a historic drive to grant gay men and lesbians the option of also entering into civil marriages, touching off a surprisingly fierce uproar in largely progressive Britain and fueling a rebellion on the right as the party comes under heavy fire from traditional allies in the British clergy.

Yet challenging tradition appears to be exactly Cameron’s point. The proposal, put forward this month despite the lack of a strong clamor for marriage within Britain’s gay community, is nevertheless emerging as the cornerstone of a bid by the 45-year-old prime minister and other young leaders on the right here to redefine what it means to be a modern Conservative.

“I don’t support gay marriage despite being a Conservative,” Cameron said in a recent landmark speech on the issue. “I support gay marriage because I am a Conservative.”

[click title for complete article]


Interesting the differing perspectives found in this article;  another example that issues are never black and white but multi-hued.




In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral
He is the very model of a modern Major-General
     Gilbert and Sullivan



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InannaWhimsey's picture




Mendalla's picture



British conservatism has always been a bit of a different beast than American or even Canadian conservatism. Very pragmatic fiscal conservatism along with a focus on traditions like the Crown and Empire. Much less of the religious nonsense and where it does rear up, it's more mainstream, more about upholding the traditional CoE than promoting an evangelical agenda. Mulroney actually hewed more to this model while Stevie seems to be trying to straddle the line between it and the more socially focussed religious conservatism of the US Republicans. And Clark, the other conservative PM of my lifetime, seems in retrospect more like a centrist or slightly right of centre Grit than a Conservative.




ab penny's picture

ab penny


Wow, that surprises (pleasantly) me!  I do understand, though, that fundamentalist religion is not the way of England....lucky them. 

graeme's picture



Well, Blair took the Labour Party so far back to the Conservatism of 1900, Cameron has no more room on the right.

Mendalla's picture



graeme wrote:

Well, Blair took the Labour Party so far back to the Conservatism of 1900, Cameron has no more room on the right.


ROTFL, graeme, but it's so true. Who ever thought you'd see a Labour PM and a Republican President on the same page? I mean Thatcher and Reagan made sense, but Blair and Bush?




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