Panda88's picture



Movies with religious themes

While music is discussed in another thread, I thought I'd open one now about movies. There are MANY movies out there with involvement of religions in the storyline.

One such movie that I'd like to start the list with (albeit it is not a happy movie) is 'The Magdalene Sisters'. It is based on true (read: TRUE) events involving young women, who in the eyes of the Catholic church in Ireland, were "guilty of sin or at risk of committing sin", and therefore were sent for years to work hard labour in laundries to purge their sins. I'm not sure if anyone has ever heard of it, but if so what are your thoughts on this movie?

For those who are curious about seeing it, I warn you it is not for the faint at heart. Here is some brief background information on the content of the movie:

My personal thoughts: It was extremely well done, and it is extremely unfortunate that it is based on actual true stories. I cannot fathom how some who claim to be of faith and in service to the Lord can do such horrendous things to innocent young people.

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Bill Vollrath's picture

Bill Vollrath


I just watched a great one a couple nights ago. It was called "Woman, Thou Art Loosed." It is about a young woman who grows up in a disfunctional family and is raped by her mom's boyfriend when she is 11. TD Jakes stars in it as the preacher who visits her in...well I don't want to give the whole movie away...Check it out!

Another good one is "Second Chance" (or something like that) with Michael W. Smith.

Both mainstream movies with Christian themes.

God's picture



I really like "The Godfather", although I thought the sequels were inferior.

shawn's picture



Hey I love movies with religious themes. There are tons of them. some of them are in foreign languages, but if you don't mind the subs. . . .

some suggestions for thought:

Priest - calling, justice, prayer, forgiveness, acceptance, miracles - 1995
Saved - Religious tolerance, salvation, redemption - 2004
Kingdom of Heaven - Religious Tolerance - 2005
Seven - Sin and Redemption - 1995
What the Bleep Do We Know? - 2005
Contact - The nature of faith - 1999
Groundhog Day - Existentialism - 1990's
Luther - 2004
The Five People You Meet in Heaven - salvation, redemption, forgiveness - 2004
Bruce Almighty - Prayer, calling - 2004
The Edges of the Lord - 2001 salvation, redemtion, sacrifice, religious tolerance
Passion of the Christ - 2004
Jesus Christ Superstar - 1970's
The Last Temptation of Christ - 1980's
Jesus of Montreal - sacrifice, rebirth 1980's
The Bad Lieutenant - salvation, redemption, forgiveness 1980's
The Messenger: the Story of Joan of Arc, discernment, justice - 2000
The Gospel According to St. Matthew - 1950's
The Matrix - calling - 1999
Hardcore - election, salvation, acceptance - 1979
Dogma - salvation, doctrine - 1998
A Man Called Peter - 1950's, calling, struggle, faith - 1950's
The Wool Cap - 2003
It's a Wonderful Life - 1950's

There are many many others, but I don't have time to write them all down. I this in it would be cool to do a Theological Film Festival. anyone interested?

ABC's picture



Jesus of Nazareth
The Passion of The Christ
The 10 Commandments
The Robe

New one this December:

The Nativity Story

LoveJoy's picture



there's a great website that discusses theological themes and overtones in all kinds of popular movies. It's called

For those who fear seeing something they don't wanna see in a movie, there's another excellent site called that tells you ever last detail.

churchlady's picture



gotta love Sister Act

sighsnootles's picture



I LOVED dogma... what an awesome movie!!

i also really enjoyed a movie called 'jesus of montreal'... its amazing.

and i also quite enjoyed 'the last temptation of christ', but that is many many years back now.

sylviac's picture



AbC I think the Passion of Christ and The Da Vinci code are blasphemous movies as I dont think anyone should or can portray our Lord Jesus Christ as He was without sin. Also these people made money a lot of money on these movies and you cannot serve God and Mammon

AHyde's picture



"The Big Kahuna" is great. Stars Kevin Spacey and Danny Devito. It's based on a play, so it's pretty dialogue driven. Basic premise - two veteran salesmen at a lubricant convention get paired up with a young rookie in the company who happens to be an evangelical Christian. As the team tries to land the big deal, they find out that evangelism is a lot like salesmanship - a little creepy, manipulative, full of BS. But maybe it's selling something that people really need? Great thought provoking movie - check it out.

DelGriffith's picture



don't forget "The Apostle" with Robert Duvall - a really good one....
And of course The Blues Brothers.....

DelGriffith's picture



What is that movie with Robin Williams? Anyone know the one I mean? After he dies he seeks out his wife and daughter........
Can't think of the name....

sighsnootles's picture



was that 'what dreams may come'???

DelGriffith's picture



Yes, thanks....
Been a long time since I've watched it....maybe worth another rental.

YOUCANDOIT's picture



How about Kirk Cameron and the "Left Behind" Series?

PM's picture



Having just finished a course about the Bible and film... here is what we watched:
The Truman Show - fabulous
Sling Blade - creepy
Dead Man Walking - grusome
Pulp Fiction - see previous 2
Shawshank Redemption - really good
The Apostle - as above
The Matrix - as above
Jesus of Montreal - oddly, quite well done
Simone - as above

And really, if we look hard enough, we can find religious themes in almost anything.

AliceinWonder's picture



The Mission, Chocolate and Jesus of Montreal- these are movies that express my heart religiously- and are just purely the most awesome in every other aspect of construction.

Kingdom of Heaven is an awesome soundtrack to play while doing yoga- or anything else mind you.

I think every religious person, and especially Christians should watch the film SAVED. It rocks. Funny serious... the gambit. Cool acting.

LOVE FILM... good films are all spriritual- aren't they?

I must mention WATER as well. My God, that film was a MASTERPIECE. You are brilliant and beautiful Deepa Mehta~

Sorry, I suppose I'm all over the place- just excited about this thread... and joining the site! Cheer to my first post~

pmpknpi's picture




the jesus guy (

passion of the christ

ten commandments (a personal fave)

the nativity story (

bruce almighty then evan almighty

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