klaatu's picture



O Little Town of ... the Rising Sun????

Heard a hilarious song last night. At first , I thought it was Eric Burdon and the Animals doing "House of the Rising Sun," but then I noticed that the lyrics didn't sound right. It turned out to be the words to "O Little Town of Bethlehem." Try it - it works! It also works with the words to "Amazing Grace."

The "artist" was a guy named Bob Rivers, who does a lot of song parodies.

So, my question is: What other songs with mismatched lyrics can you think of?

My personal favorite is the words to the "Star Spangled Banner" sung to the tune of "Your Cheatin' Heart."

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klaatu's picture




Jeffery's picture



K, what are the bumps for?

You can do Old MacDonald's Farm and Mary had a Little Lamb to House of the Rising Sun as well. Those crack me up.

RevJamesMurray's picture



Check out Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, the greatest cover band ever.
My fave mashup is the Beach Boy's Sloop John B sung to the Clash's London Calling.

Cameron's picture



You can do the theme song to 'Gilligan's Island' to the tune of 'Stairway to Heaven'.

Diana's picture



Coffee, Coffee, Coffee
(sung to Holy, Holy, Holy)
by Christopher Raible

Coffee, Coffee, Coffee,
Praise the strength of coffee.
Early in the morn we rise with thoughts of only thee.
Served fresh or reheated,
Dark by thee defeated,
Brewed black by perk or drip or instantly.

Though all else we scoff we
Come to church for coffee.
If we're late to congregate, we come in time for thee.
Coffee our one ritual,
Drinking it habitual,
Brewed black by perk or drip instantly.

Coffee the communion
Of our Uni-Union,
Symbol of our sacred ground, our one necessity.
Feel the holy power
At our coffee hour,
Brewed black by perk or drip or instantly.

AceandGary's picture



Super Idea!

You can also sing Amazing Grace to "The Lion Sleeps Tonight."

We sing it so loud at funerals that way!


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