Elanorgold's picture



Pinups slideshow, one for the ladies!

I finished this slideshow yesterday, mostly alternative hunks of the early 90's, 53 of them! There's sure to be a face for everyone in there  ; )  And you may notice several Canadians in there as well! I did this with my husband's consent and approval, so I'm not being naughty! I'll embed it below for ease of viewing. All the names, (and lyrics) are in the more info section of the Youtube page, if you are so inclined. Some of these pictures were actually pinned up on my walls, but most of them I got off the internet. Enjoy!

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Elanorgold's picture


Beloved's picture



Thanks Elanorgold - I thoroughly enjoyed that!

LBmuskoka's picture



Apparently the 90's was to men's hair what the 80's was to women; big and kind of scary ;-)


Very nice Elanorgold.  Thank you for the trip back down fantasy lane cool





All fantasy should have a solid base in reality.
      Max Beerbohm

Kimmio's picture



What, only one picture of Johnny Depp?!!! Kidding...very good video!

Elanorgold's picture



Thanks Ladies! Glad you enjoyed it. : )


It was much fun and took me well over a week to put together. Really hard to pick the one pic of some of them, others it was the first image that came up and I knew right away.


LOL, Yes, scary hair perhaps here and there, mostly David Vanian of the Damned!  ; )


I'm hoping that the slideshow does honour to men. They are pretty wonderful aren't they?

crazyheart's picture



And where  was the roofer ? I waited and waited.heart

Elanorgold's picture



LOL! I think I saw him in another thread... ; )  Perhaps he's playing hide and seek!

Elanorgold's picture



So I was just looking at some old pictures of my room day before yesterday, and there was definitely more than one pic of Johnny Depp Up! Lots of River Phoenix, the Chilli Peppers, Duran and INXS. Also Depeche Mode and the Cure. Posters of Madonna, Men Without Hats and The Grapes of Wrath. When I was 16.


How bout you? What did you have on your walls?

InannaWhimsey's picture



You've inspired me, Elanorgold, for an upcoming vid MUA HA HA! :3

(I'm glad you included the Lizard King hisself...my fav in the sequence is Gary Oldman YUMMY in that scary sense)

Mendalla's picture



Elanorgold wrote:

How bout you? What did you have on your walls?


The planet Saturn and four of its moons. Seriously. It was a wallpaper mural made from a mosaic of Voyager II images. Another wall had an oil painting by my grandfather on it (which is in the den in my current home).


Was never much into pinup girls (or guys), I'm afraid.




InannaWhimsey's picture



There we go, Elanorgold, inspired by you.  The music is by Anchor Mejans, who makes his music generally available under a Creative Commons License.  One of my favourites of his is his Emergence Hymn.


Elanorgold's picture



For all the others to hear, I am very honoured by this tribute Inanna! And immitation is the sincerest form of flattery as well! Also, pleased to be of inspiration! You made this one quick!! Yes, I like Gary Oldman too, here and there, but not always. Love that dapper, creepy, Victorian gentleman look! Yes, the Lizzard King, Kimmio reminded me of his importance in the early 90's. I very nearly included Val Kilmer done up as him for the movie... then decided to go with the real thing. He did have great hair. ALso another creepy one though. I had a poster of Morrison up over my bed when I was 18, creep me out!! Oh, also, Christopher Plumber, niiiice. : ) Really got a kick out of your show, and chuckled at the naked chest and tight jeans at the end!


Ahh Mendalla, that space mural sounds inspiring. I sometime play with the idea of paintning our present bedroom celing either spacey or blue sky with little fluffy clouds in it. I had taped a bunch of Hubble calendar pictures up, but they all but one fell off. Still haven't gotten the thumb tacks out! My hubby didn't have pin up girls up either. You both have class! I think it's often more of a teenage girl thing. Teenage girls are crazy. It goes from horses to pretty boys. I even wrote a poem called "All the Pretty Young Men". Though I did know a guy who's room was plastered with hair metal band posters, and busty women in bikinis holding beer bottles, including Farrah Faucet. It was yukky, yet at the same time, inspiring! I was 10 when I saw that. I plotted to have a room as cool as his one day... lol!


InannaWhimsey's picture



I hope our pin-ups inspire others to put up their pin ups -- there's a lot of fascinating and yummy people out there.

Elanorgold's picture



I notice you didn't have Richard Dawkins in your list Inanna. He might fit in with your handsome older gentlemen.


Elanorgold's picture



How 'bout Patrick Stewart Inanna?

trishcuit's picture





Brad Pitt. I could eat with a spoon.  Yummy.

I like John Corbett too. I really like his voice. Did you know  he is super tall? (6'5"?)


I don't recall seeing Heath Ledger.  I shall add him for you via link.


 and since Elanor have recently been discussing Ed Roland, here he is. You may have heard of the band Collective Soul. The guy gives this mid- fourties married mom of three impure thoughts.

To get the full impact of the hotness I posted a video. (Ed is the singer)


InannaWhimsey's picture





Dawkins doesn't do it for me -- he is a mere blip on my pop culture radar...


and I like Patrick Stewart's humour -- when he played the Nazi restaurant manager in LA Story and the gay interior decorator in Jeffrey

Elanorgold's picture



Hmm, I haven't seen Mr Stewart in those Inanna. My mom used to like him as Picard though.  But I think Richard Dawkins is fairly handsome.


Ah now, Heath Ledger I shall have to look up. If he didn't have any hit movies before 1994 then he doesn't make the cut. I was going 1990-94, my last two years of high school plus two drifting years after.


Lol, love the eat him with a spoon comment!


Yeah, looks like Heath came along later on.

InannaWhimsey's picture



in this scene from LA Story, Steve Martin has finally managed to get an interview with the head honcho of the very exclusive restaurant L'Idiot to determine if he can get a reservation. The movie is a delightfully absurd homage to LA and a really nice romance

Mendalla's picture



Elanorgold wrote:

Heath Ledger


Heath's recent. Late 90s through to his death in 2008 was his heyday. So not likely to have been on your wall. His best-known roles were in Brokeback Mountain and The Dark Knight, both of which earned him a bunch of acting awards and nominations (those for the latter were posthumous, alas).




gecko46's picture



That was fun.  Thanks Elanorgold.  Nice to see Patrick Swayze.


MistsOfSpring's picture



Elanorgold wrote:

So I was just looking at some old pictures of my room day before yesterday, and there was definitely more than one pic of Johnny Depp Up! Lots of River Phoenix, the Chilli Peppers, Duran and INXS. Also Depeche Mode and the Cure. Posters of Madonna, Men Without Hats and The Grapes of Wrath. When I was 16.


How bout you? What did you have on your walls?


I had lots of posters on my walls when I was about 9 or 10: John Stamos, Ricky Schroeder, Michael Jackson (just for the music!)...at 12 my room was repainted and my mom didn't want me putting up any new posters right away, and I don't think I ever put any more up.  I had three lovely, small paintings of trees, though...one was a cherry tree with blossoms and a small bird in it.  

Elanorgold's picture



Oh good Gecko. Thanks : )


Yes indeed Mendalla. He wouldn't have been on the radar. In fact I extended my limit to 1994, so that I could put Brad Pitt in, he was pretty green back in '92. It's amazing how little Johnny Depp has changed, others have changed a lot.


The idea was to show young girls today what our hot guys were like in my day, and also what actors they know now looked like when they were young, such as Ethan Hawke, who isn't nearly so hot now. Unfortunately I haven't had any comments from Youtubers on it yet (barring Inanna's amusing take). Perhaps if I change the subtitle...


Afterwards I did my female role models one as a balance on it, and the two inspired one girl I'm subscribed to, to do her own then and now slideshow of her pop idols, which was neet.


Mists, Aww, bummer on that. Reminds me of a friend of mine who wasn't allowed tape or thumb tacks on her walls, so she put up her posters inside her closet! She had a Kiefer Sutherland movie pster, from a bus stop in there she was really proud of. I was lucky, my parents let me go wild in that department. It was very creative. I liked John Stamos early on too. I think I put my first small picture up when I was 11 or 12... a mix then of unicorns, a cute boy (Michael J Fox) and Garfield, oh and lady Godiva, the very picture I used in my role models slideshow. I was pleased I still had it!



Pinga's picture



Seriously folks?


Is wondercafe the place to be objectifying any person?


If this was a slide show of hot woman, how would you respond?

gecko46's picture



A little eye candy never hurts wink...and it is some harmless fun.  Besides, Elanorgold should celebrate her creative talents. The slideshow is an interesting overview of time and change in the appearance of notable male actors, that's all. 

The topic is under Popular Culture, so people do have a choice to watch...or not.

ab penny's picture

ab penny


I dunno, Pinga...sure seems like a bit of harmless fun to me.  As far as objectifying...that's their game and they are rewarded handsomely.  I don't understand the comment about wondercafe not being the place?  Why not? 


I haven't know you to be easily offended in other issues...something going a bit sideways for you today?

trishcuit's picture



It's not like we're stalking or obsessing.

InannaWhimsey's picture



Pinga wrote:

Seriously folks?


Is wondercafe the place to be objectifying any person?


If this was a slide show of hot woman, how would you respond?


It depends on the hot woman ;3


Watch my slide show for my answer to Elanorgold's...


Canadians can be so tetchy sometimes :3

InannaWhimsey's picture



After all, it's gonna be great when little girls and boys grow up in the culture that is arising, where they'll look toward their elders and wish for their first wrinkle, sigh happily at having to use hair dye, and be turned on by sagging body parts...


(Elanorgold was born with a hot piccy in her hand and a CD of Enya...)


"old"* people are SEXXY and HOT to me


I really didn't get involved in the sexual side of things until I became an adult...I didn't find it interesting...aspects of the human body were there and everyday (it helped, I guess, to have such wonderful and open parents who never taught any of us to be ashamed of our parts and our minds...)


*  that is in scare quotes because I think the term old with regards to people isn't something like gravity but rather a relationship between the viewer and the person being categorized...it's an ism :3

waterfall's picture



I'm sensing your preference for long haired men elanorgold!

Pinga's picture



Penny, no....nothing going sideways. Pet peeve.


I just find the whole "let's put up pretty pictures of people" offensive.  Takes me back to my rant on the pictures of young men and those  regarding the hot roofer. 


Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress



You're gonna be annoyed with me, then..........


Now that I'm old and wrinkly -more than I can ever remember - I find it pleasurable to look at wonderful examples of the human body.


Fortunately for me I live in a country that has many fine beaches -some of those teens and twenty somethings are a feast for sore eyes.


Beauty wherever I find it is a joy to behold.

Whether it's a rose, a sunset, or a handsome young guy with nicely shaped biceps - I'll drink it all in.............smiley

gecko46's picture



I'll drink to that, Pilgrims.....cool

InannaWhimsey's picture



cute wrinkly


gecko46's picture



Personally, I'm more interested in looking at graceful bodies like these.....


ab penny's picture

ab penny


Pinga....fair enough.  I don't agree, but disagreement is also not offensive to me. :)


Pilgrim...exactly!  Beautiful people come in all shapes and sizes...pinup beauty type brings me pleasure as do the beautiful inside moments that are caught on camera.  People showing tenderness, courage, empathy, etc.  I don't compare and analyze which is most beautiful...I enjoy them all.

trishcuit's picture



For the most part I can look at a beautiful man and it 's like looking at a really nice powerful car (nice lines!  listen to that motor!  smiley) and beautiful horses are awe inspiring to me too. A fine specimen is a fine specimen. There are even some women I enjoy looking at because they are beautiful.


But every now and again a male  (HUMAN) will come along and get my blood up, Doesn't happen often but it lets me know I'm still alive. I am grateful when it happens because sometimes I feel almost asexual, being so busy with kids and no time to get my own sexy on.

Elanorgold's picture



Interesting convo folks ; ) 


Pinga, well my hot men slideshow is different from a hot women slideshow would be (I'm envisioning lots of boobs and bikinis. Mine is mostly faces. I'm just celebrating beauty and the culture I came from, not objectifying, or not intending to anyway. I would be interested to watch a slideshow of beautiful women too, and I have, I found one of beauties from the 40's and 50's to a Beatles song (And I love her I think it was) which I really enjoyed. I love that elegant retro look.


I was being nostalgic for my alternative culture that was so important to me in high school. Where the hot guys all had long hair! All because of the cool 60's at the time! Hence George and Morrison at the end.


But yes, Waterfall, I do still have that penchant! I'll note though that not all the guys in the show were my own heart throbs, or even my choices. I was trying to think of all the guys my girlfriends liked in high school too.

Elanorgold's picture



Also, the song is about how teenage girls fantasize about these pretty pin up boys:


"this feeling took me years to find

Each day you watch me with your static gaze

Planets spin around your head

Even when you're far away
I can hear you every day
For I know you really love no one but me
And I smile because they think it's fantasy
In our little secret world
I can be your little girl"
So I felt the best way to illustrate the song was with pin ups, in remembering that era of growing up.


Mendalla's picture



Elanorgold wrote:

I'm envisioning lots of boobs and bikinis.


Personally, I find nudity and near nudity of limited appeal. You kind of burn out on it if you see it too much. And a nice dress or gown actually shows off most women better than a bikini.


I'm also not all that into celebrity women. While there are celebs that I find attractive (Michelle Pfeiffer, Kate Winslet), I see plenty of attractive women around me in everyday life so I don't see the point of mooning over the celebs just because they are celebs and the others aren't. The women I see everyday likely would never make it as pinups or cover models because they aren't the "type" but who ways that one has to be a pinup or cover model "type" to be attractive? I, for one, like some diversity in the world.




Elanorgold's picture



A slideshow of such beautiful everyday women would be nice. I didn't mean to suggest all men would create the bikini slideshow, didn't mean to paint all men with that brush, that would be insulting, I think much more of men than that, so sorry if I offended, it just seemed that was what Pinga was making my slidesow out to be. Cheezemondo!


Oh, and we girlies in high school, had crushes just as strong on real boys too, but obviously I cuoldn't put their pictures in the slideshow!


trishcuit's picture



Elanorgold wrote:

A slideshow of such beautiful everyday women would be nice. I didn't mean to suggest all men would create the bikini slideshow, didn't mean to paint all men with that brush, that would be insulting, I think much more of men than that, so sorry if I offended, it just seemed that was what Pinga was making my slidesow out to be. Cheezemondo!


Oh, and we girlies in high school, had crushes just as strong on real boys too, but obviously I cuoldn't put their pictures in the slideshow!



or their pics inside our locker door.surprise

InannaWhimsey's picture



You had lockers?!  Lucky :3

Pinga's picture



Mendalla wrote:

Elanorgold wrote:

I'm envisioning lots of boobs and bikinis.

 I don't see the point of mooning over the celebs just because they are celebs and the others aren't.




InannaWhimsey's picture



Pinga wrote:

Mendalla wrote:

Elanorgold wrote:

I'm envisioning lots of boobs and bikinis.

 I don't see the point of mooning over the celebs just because they are celebs and the others aren't.







that's now -- how aboot when you were younger?  like, when you were a teen?  pre-teen?  child?


(I can just see you with a full-length poster of Diablo on you wall, with a Mai-Tai in it's claw, surrounded by hunky demons and devils)

Baylacey's picture



I enjoyed the handsome dude slide show as well, but was surprised by how few of the men I recognized.  The list of heart throbs turns over quite a bit in ten years.  That being said,  many of the faces were still nice to look at.  And of course, those photos were taken so that people would look at them.  

We are programmed to notice beautiful people.  It is in our nature.  When young babies are shown side by side pictures of beautiful and not so beautiful individuals they always spend more time looking at the beautiful ones.  I recall an article years ago that analyzed facial features of people who were considered to be attractive and it was found that the most beautiful faces were also the most symmetrical ones.  I always remember Denzel Washington's face with all the lines drawn on it.  I don't think we are objectifying people by recognizing attractiveness, however, it can cross over into that, if we let it. 

I also find it interesting that there is such a variety in what each of us considers good looking.  How many times have you asked a friend, "don't you think he/she is good looking?" and the friend replies, "really? do you think so? I don't."

trishcuit's picture



The time of the month also helps dictate our taste in men. When we are in our 'fertile' phase we like the stronger, manlier type, or more so than usual if one's taste runs that way anyway.   Definitley a sign that we are looking for strong genes or 'good breeding stock' to perpetuate the species.

When we are PMS ing or feeling vulnerable we like the more senstitive ones.  Actually that could be so the men don't get killed off so frequently during hormonal rages of temporary insanity.  devil

Pilgrims Progress's picture

Pilgrims Progress


My husband was an engineer, and gave careful consideration to everything......


I remember he once said that it was important to look at a woman's mother, because if you grew old together the woman would probably look like her mother.


The strange thing is that when I was a kid, I was said to be like my Dad. Now I'm old, folks tell me I look like my Mum.........

Elanorgold's picture



Thanks Lacey, the guys/men are mostly  "alternative" hunks, with many of them from alternative music groups I wouldn't expect most women to be familiar with unless they listened to that kind of music in the 90's, or their teenage kids did or do. Bands such as: the Damned, The Lemonheads, Neds Atomic Dustbin, Ride, Love n' Rockets, Soundgarden, Galaxy 500... Then there's a few little known Canadian actors, and actors from shows that have since finished, like Highlander and Doctor Quin Medicine Woman. Did you go to the link and view the list of names? Cause maybe you know the names of some without recognizing the faces. But yes, they do change, and can change alarmingly rapidly, causing quite a whirlwind in a star's mind and ego.


And I too have seen those documentaries on beauty, and it's symetry, and babies response. Thanks for bringing that up.


But yes, as we discovered in my hearthrobs thread way back when, our taste does vary quite a bit.


Oh yes, locker doors! I loved my locker door. Guess who was on mine...? Uh huh, Michael Hutchence. I remember one glorious day, I was 15, at my locker, with the pic of Michael with his newly short and bouncy hair length on the cover of Spin magazine on my locker door, and my major crush boy came over and said, "Hey, look I got a picture", and he opened his binder to show me an ink drawing of the very same picture!!! It was very well done and I was blown away, both by his skill and that he'd done the SAME PICTURE as me!! Well, I was totaly in a tizzy. I ran to my friends after and nearly fainted. Oh, and this boy, Aaron (why not use his name), looked quite a bit like Michael, or at least I thought he did, but in a slightly goth version, always wearing pointy black shoes, and that long black coat. ~~~ te he he! Memories~


Lol Trish, re your second post!


Pilgrim, Ah, yes interesting how it works. I think I look more like my dad as I age, but I'll probly look like my mum when I'm 68. At least I hope so!

Elanorgold's picture



This is the list of names in the slideshow:


Lou Diamond Phillips
Lenny Kravitz
Ethan Hawke
Billy Corgan
Christian Slater
Adam Beech
Dave Gahan
David Usher
Johnny Depp
Brandon Lee
Michael Hutchence
The Grapes of Wrath
Brad Pitt
River Phoenix
Evan Dando
Joe Lando
Antonio Banderas
Kevin Bacon
Ian Astbury
Keanu Reeves
John Penney
Eddie Vedder
Chris Cornell
Mark Gardner
John Corbett
Brian Molko
Kiefer Sutherland
Aden Young
Billy Wirth
Adrian Paul
Michael Stipe
Peter Murphy
Tom Cruise
Neil Osborne
Jason Patrick
Dean Wareham
Robert Downey Jr.
Val Kilmer
Daniel Ash
David Vanian
James Wilby
Charlie Sheen
Patrick Swayze
Judd Nelson
Eric Schweig
unknown model
Christian Slater & Winona Ryder
Gary Oldman
Hugh Grant
Julian Sands
George Harrison
Jim Morrison


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