Exe's picture



Prophetic Predictions for 2007?

Any Prophets out there?

What does your Crystal Ball, Chicken bones or "innered spirit" see for us in 2007?

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MadMonk's picture



I see the death of a famous movie star, musician, and theologian in 2007.

graeme's picture



I see it - yes, yes, it is fuzzy but I see it - unusual weather, a storm somewhere. I see a politicians doing well in the polls. and I see one doing badly.

There will be --- nah. i's mostly just reports from environmnet canada.


jw's picture



Sun Tszuh or Lao Tszuh said:

"people with knowledge make no predictions"

I like it as a warning to those of us who use statistics to make predictions: We can be wrong ...

By the odds, we should see more people becoming more unreasonable and more angry. Fewer and ever fewer people will be willing to listen to the "other." More people will start using violence to shut down the other's speeches and meetings.

That is my prediction.

klaatu's picture



Monk - "a famous movie star, musician, and theologian" - is that one person?

sighsnootles's picture



i predict that we'll see lots of effects from global warming.

and that we'll see more and more movie stars and musicians jump on the environmental bandwagon.

i even predict that we'll see a 'live-aid' style rock concert to raise environmental awareness, which will be so ironic considering the amount of environmental damage done by these affairs.

RevMatt's picture



I hope to see Harper and all who share his way of thinking kicked to the curb, but that's a hope, not a prediction.

Jamesadin's picture



I also share that hope, Revmatt.

I predict fantastic albums from Modest Mouse, Arcade Fire, The Postal Service, Massive Attack and Fall Out Boy.

MikePaterson's picture



I'm learning Mandarin so I will be able to participate in the new economy. And I am looking forward to celebrating 2 New Years... every year!!!

Beyond's picture



It will shock the world that this year it will be discovered
that the moon is made entirely of green cheese. The Nasa
officials will admit that the Apollo program was a coverup
to conceal the essential secrets this holds for the whole
universe and our idea of God, the observable objects in
space are, according to my sources, the objects of a pot-luck
supper and the grand structure of space-time is a tablecloth.
Mars is highly suspected to be a tomato, for example. The
dinosaurs were actually made extinct by a deviled egg that
someone dropped on the earth. Below the earth's crust is a
perfectly warmed roast beef and we are just living on the
glaze. There is not much time left.

klaatu's picture



... and we will discover that it's turtles all the way down.

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